Douluo's Way

Chapter 333 Invitation

Chapter 333 Invitation

But all this is the future.

"What? Is my majestic God of Angels afraid of you!" Qian Renxue looked at Qianxuan arrogantly and domineeringly, with a look of high fighting spirit.

"Okay, okay. You two brothers and sisters now bicker all day long. When I was young, Xiaoxue was very clingy to Xiaoxuan. Now it's good. If you don't say something back, your heart is not smooth."

"It's not because brother always likes to bully me!"

"Where did I bully you again? You have to pay attention to some evidence even if you open your eyes and tell lies?"

"Mother, look..."


In front of Bibi Dong, the strongest players from the two continents were like two children playing and playing.No, it should be said... In front of Bibi Dong, no matter how old Qian Xuan and Qian Renxue are, no matter how strong they are, they are still his children.Because Bibi Dong is the mother of the two of them.

The next day, the Wuhun Alliance issued an invitation post, inviting all soul emperors and above in the mainland to participate and witness something in Wuhun City after seven days!
What this is exactly is not explained in detail.

As soon as this post was posted, all the strong men on the road knew that the Wuhun Alliance was about to start.

The Hongmen Banquet was everyone's first reaction to this invitation, but these strong men had no choice but to go.

Because this time the invitations were posted by all soul masters above the soul emperor, even titled Douluo, and this was the first gathering invitation of the Spirit Alliance.

If you don't go, it will be tantamount to helping the Wuhun Alliance's face. With the current power of the Wuhun Alliance, who would dare to be an enemy of the Wuhun Alliance?

As soon as the invitation was posted, the two empires and Qiankun Academy responded one by one.

The two great empires and the two great emperors will also go with their own soul masters.

And Qiankun Academy even announced that all Title Douluo in the academy will also go there.

The response from the two empires and Qiankun Academy raised the nature of the Wuhun Alliance invitation to a new level!
At the same time as the invitation was sent out, Wuhun City also responded quickly. Except for the merchants and residents of Wuhun City itself, all outsiders who are not from Wuhun Palace need to re-register their information.

Soul masters whose strength is lower than that of the Soul Emperor will be temporarily expelled from the Wuhun City, and they can enter the Wuhun City again after the banquet with the Wuhun City is over.

In the originally lively Wuhun City, it suddenly became much quieter, and a large number of soul masters were expelled from Wuhun City.

These soul masters felt dissatisfied, but naturally they did not dare to resist in the face of the existence of the Wuhun Alliance.

And after these soul masters left Wuhun City, they did not leave. Most of them were stationed outside the city. They were also curious about what the Wuhun Alliance would witness!
On the first day when the invitation was sent out, there were only dozens of people entering the city, and some senior soul masters who were relatively close to Wuhun City had already begun to respond to the invitation and came to Wuhun City.

Compared with the people entering the city, the number of people gathering outside the city has not decreased but increased, and the rate of increase is far faster than that of the people entering the city.

On the one hand, these soul masters are curious about the purpose of the Martial Soul Alliance's invitation post this time, and on the other hand, they want to pay more attention to the figure of the powerful soul master.

On the second day, hundreds of people responded to the invitation and came to Wuhun City, and there were already thousands of soul masters gathered outside Wuhun City, and this number was still increasing.

On the third day, the number of people outside the city doubled, and the reason was very simple, because not only soul masters gathered outside, but also a large number of merchants!

A large number of soul masters gathered, and these soul masters could not enter the city, and there were still four days before the last time.

The strength of the soul masters gathered outside are all low-level soul masters, and their food requirements are different from those of the strong ones. It's fine if they don't eat a meal, but these people will still be hungry if they don't eat for a day!
Some interested merchants naturally saw the commercial value of it, quickly sorted out the goods, and came outside Wuhun City to start their commercial sales quickly.

As long as there are profitable places, they will naturally be there. As the news spread, a large number of businessmen quickly gathered towards Wuhun City. As the saying goes, soul masters earn the best money.

For a businessman, the soul masters outside of Wuhun City are his favorites, so if he arrives earlier, he will naturally grab more.

What tents, sleeping bags, tables, food... everything is there.

The gathering of a large number of soul masters outside a city is absolutely not allowed for ordinary forces. There are too many people, and it is the most likely to cause trouble in this situation.

But the Wuhun Alliance is different. If the Wuhun Alliance is worried about the rebellion of the spirit masters, how can they let all the senior spirit masters come to the Wuhun City to participate in the party?

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the most threatening ones are not the ever-increasing mid-level and low-level soul masters outside the city, but the high-level top-level soul masters in that part of the city!

Since the Martial Soul Alliance dared to invite all the high-level and top-level soul masters in the mainland, it would naturally not stop the gathering of mid-level and low-level soul masters in this part.

Not stopping it doesn't mean ignoring it, as more and more people gathered outside the city, the Wuhun Alliance also began to send people out of the city to rectify discipline, so as to avoid chaos.

On the fourth day, the affiliates of Qiankun Academy arrived at Wuhun City. Yan Yang, Yan Yue, Feng Lao, Ice Emperor, Snow Emperor, Seven Sons of Qiankun, and nearly ten Soul Douluo, nearly a hundred Soul Saints and Soul Emperors, were mighty When the team arrived, it immediately attracted all the attention outside the city.

To say that the most special thing about Qiankun Academy is the existence of evil soul masters. The emergence of the Wuhun Alliance has further compressed the living space of evil soul masters, and Qianxuan has wiped out a large number of top combat powers of evil soul masters before.

All the more and more evil soul masters have changed their ways and joined Qiankun College, but not all evil soul masters can join Qiankun College. Almost every evil soul master will go through a long period of inspection before joining Qiankun College. Join Qiankun Academy and get the asylum of Qiankun Academy.

However, if he wanted to truly gain the recognition of the academy, he had to go through follow-up inspections in various aspects. With the lessons learned from the past, the current Qiankun Academy's strictness towards evil soul masters can be called terrifying.Anyone who violates any regulations will be severely punished.

No matter how strict it is, it still can't stop evil soul masters from joining. After all, who doesn't want to live a stable and stable life after chasing and killing for a long time?

On the fifth day, people from the Star Luo Empire headed by Qiong Qi also came to Wuhun City, while the Heaven Dou Empire headed by Xue Qinghe arrived on the sixth day.

The slowness of the Tiandou Empire is not because Xue Qinghe is not active, but because the Tiandou Empire has a large land and resources, and the time it takes for the gathering of soul masters is naturally slower than that of the Star Luo Empire.

On the seventh day, very few people came. Those who wanted to come came to Wuhun City one to two days earlier, and those who didn't want to come, no matter how long you wait, he won't come.

And the number of mid-level and low-level soul masters gathered outside the city has reached nearly ten thousand. Under the management of the Wuhun Alliance, everything is orderly for these nearly ten thousand soul masters, and there is no turmoil.

The sun was rising in the east, and it was the morning of the eighth day, when the first ray of sunrise from the east illuminated Wuhun City.

Woo--a heavy and lengthy whistle resounded throughout Wuhun City!

The tranquility of the early morning was broken, and it was a long night with no desire to sleep. Almost everyone in the city was waiting for this moment.

Just as the long flute sounded, almost everyone's eyes were focused on Wuhun Mountain.

Because seven days ago, Wuhun Mountain was covered by a golden light curtain, and no one could see the scene in Wuhun Mountain through the light curtain.No one dared to rashly explore Wuhun Mountain in the light curtain.

At this time, the long flute sound came from Wuhun Mountain, and with the sound of the flute, the rising sun shone, and the golden light curtain shone brightly, turning into a golden sun, rising up, The golden sun shattered suddenly, illuminating the entire Wuhun City.Even the soul masters outside Wuhun City felt a warm and comfortable atmosphere.

When the light curtain dissipated, Wuhun Mountain reappeared in everyone's sight, and different Wuhun Mountains seemed to have undergone drastic changes.

On both sides of the Wuhun Hall, which represents the Pope's Hall, there is a huge semi-circular stand, which overlaps like an angel's six wings.

The Pope's Palace stands in the east, and at the beginning of the day, the first ray of sunlight from the east will first shine into the Pope's Palace.

The square of the Pope's Palace has also been remodeled, and a huge round platform appears in the middle. There are a lot of strange patterns carved on the round platform, and these patterns are formed based on the feathers of angel wings.

Because of the special position of the round platform, the Pope's Palace and the stands on both sides are like holding the moon, holding the round platform in their hands, as if they are welcoming something.

The changes on Wuhun Mountain attracted everyone's attention. The long flute sound fell, and two rows of knights guarding the temple lined up from the front of the Pope's Palace to the foot of the mountain. The bright silver armor and heavy knight sword made the whole Wuhun Mountain change. of extraordinary majesty.

Under the leadership of the staff of Wuhun Palace, the soul masters in Wuhun City also started to walk towards Wuhun Mountain one by one.

The stands on both sides of the Pope's Hall were soon full of people. On the left were soul masters mainly from the Heaven Dou Empire, on the right were soul masters mainly from the Star Luo Empire, and the location of Qiankun Academy belonged to Tiandou Empire, so it is on the left side like the Heaven Dou Empire.

The front row on both sides are filled with Titled Douluo or noble people like Xue Qinghe.

The difference that spreads backward is Soul Douluo, Soul Saint, and Soul Master at the level of Soul Emperor.

Soon, the invited soul masters all took their seats one by one.

Most of the people's eyes stayed on the round platform in the center of the square, waiting for the existence they were going to witness next!

The Pope's Palace in the middle of the stand was also slowly opened at this time, and there were only two figures walking towards them, Bibidong and Qianxuan.

But outside the Pope's Palace, there was only one seat. After Bibi Dong took her seat, Qian Xuan's figure did not stop, but came to the round platform in the center of the square under the gaze of everyone.

Seeing Qianxuan who came to the round platform, everyone's attention was immediately focused on Qianxuan. After the battle with Tang Hao, the name of Qianxuan, the holy son of Wuhun Temple, is a famous existence on the mainland.

"Thank you for coming, everyone here must be curious, what does the Wuhun Alliance want you to witness?"

Qianxuan's step-by-step words echoed throughout the square. When speaking, Qianxuan's calm and indifferent gaze slowly swept over everyone present.

"This answer, you will know soon, but before that, let me tell you a little bit, I want to ask everyone here a question? The content of the question is very simple. Do you think God exists?"

Hearing Qianxuan's inquiry, everyone present has different expressions. Soul emperors and soul masters at the level of soul saints still have a very vague concept of God, but after reaching the realm of Contra and Titled Douluo, they all have a sense of God. A certain level of understanding.

Especially for titled Douluo powerhouses above level 95, the improvement of strength is no longer limited to soul power. After understanding that the improvement of strength requires comprehension and improvement of certain rules, they have their own understanding of the understanding and existence of gods.

The answers at the scene were different, some believed in the existence of gods, while others believed that as long as they were strong enough, they would be gods.
Facing everyone's answers, Qianxuan smiled and said nothing. Most of the people who answered were Soul Emperors, Soul Sages, and Soul Masters at the level of Soul Douluo, but those titled Douluo who were really at the top of the continent rarely spoke.

"Your Majesty the Holy Son, I think you already have the answer, so why bother to ask me?" When everyone was discussing, a voice in the first row overwhelmed the voices of all the people present, and the place fell silent immediately.

Qian Xuan stared at the person who spoke. With long silver hair and sword intent, the person who spoke was Jian Daochen Xin.

When the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile School merged into the Martial Soul Alliance, Chen Xin and Gu Rong left the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile School immediately. Although Ning Fengzhi joined the Martial Soul Alliance, Chen Xin and Gu Rong did not Did not join the Martial Soul Alliance.

"Since Sword Douluo is so impatient, I will naturally not dampen your interest.

Then I tell you, God! .Real existence!Becoming a god at level [-] is not empty talk! "

Hearing Qianxuan's answer, almost everyone's eyes were fixed. Hearing Qianxuan's voice, the first reaction in everyone's mind was, what is the confidence behind Qianxuan's words?
"Presumably everyone here is also wondering, why do I say that, then today I will tell everyone here how to become a god"

Qianxuan's tone paused, and almost everyone present stared at Qianxuan on the round platform with wide eyes, expecting what Qianxuan would say next.

"There are two ways for a person to become a god!
The first is to look for the inheritance of the God's Mansion. If you are talented enough to be recognized by the God's Mansion, the God's Mansion will bestow the Nine Trials of the Gods. Those who complete the Nine Tests of the God's Mansion will be able to achieve the position of the God's Mansion!

The second type, self-proving God, compared to the first, the second is more difficult, there are many ways to self-prove God, and they cannot learn from each other, some become gods through faith, and some through comprehension of the law Become gods, some become gods through comprehension of emotions, and some even become gods through killing! "

When Qianxuan's words fell, everyone was in an uproar. Although they didn't know whether Qianxuan's words were true or not, there was a saying that they would rather believe what was said than believe what was not. The most important thing was that they believed that since Qianxuan dared to do so, If you say it, you will find a way to prove it.And what they were waiting for was Qianxuan's next so-called confirmation!and the existence to be witnessed
(End of this chapter)

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