Douluo's Way

Chapter 344

Chapter 344
Under Qian Renxue's thoughtful thought, her body suddenly vibrated violently, as if she was about to shake something out of her body, the weird golden light and dark light suddenly separated instantly, and the golden light once again shook Qian Renxue. Covered in snow, the golden angel costume also returned to normal.

On the right side, the fallen angel's costume turned into an endless dark light, which also condensed towards Qian Renxue's side like flowing water. After the dark light condensed, it turned back to the previous black figure. The holy sword of the fallen angel in Qian Renxue's right hand It also turned into a ghostly light and returned to the black figure.

However, compared with the previous black figure, the current black figure is obviously a little more agile. If the previous black figure is like a puppet who can be mobilized by others, now the black figure obviously has its own soul.

Except for the gap between the long sword and the armor, the black figure now became exactly the same as Qian Renxue, just like a clone of Qian Renxue.

Another difference is that no matter whether it is the current Qian Renxue or the back of the fallen angel figure, there are only six wings now, one is the golden angel six wings, and the other is the black fallen angel six wings.

Although the six wings are missing, Qian Renxue's powerful aura does not retreat but advances, the terrifying and depressing aura makes the surrounding space tremble.

"He just mentioned something, and she did it directly? How is this possible?." The goddess of life in the dark was obviously shocked again when she saw Qian Renxue's change.

Each divine power is a very special existence, and it takes a lot of time to perfectly control it, and Qian Renxue's two divine powers are obviously two opposing forces, which is beyond the perception of the goddess of life .

As the goddess of life, it is natural to be able to easily find out the exact age of Qian Renxue, but at Qian Renxue's age, she can perfectly control the two contradictory divine powers. I even feel embarrassed to compare with Qian Renxue.

"Not bad." Seeing Qian Renxue's changes in the distance, Qian Xuan also nodded in approval.

Qian Renxue's talent is naturally clear to Qian Xuan. As long as she is given enough time for the current Qian Renxue, her strength can definitely surpass the two great kings of goodness and evil in the God Realm with ease.

"Xiaoxue, Mo Xie, Qiu'er, take care of yourself, light and darkness are like water and fire that mutually generate and restrain each other."

As he said that, Qianxuan lifted his hands up, and the flowing water in his right hand made a crisp sound, but there was a crimson flame in Qianxuan's left hand, the flame whizzed, and the terrifying temperature made the surrounding people The space became distorted.

"When the fire is hot, the water will disperse."

Qianxuan crossed his hands, and under the terrifying temperature of the crimson flame, all the flowing water turned into steam and disappeared without a trace.

"When the water is strong, the fire goes out"

The running water in front of Qianxuan reappeared, and the rushing water emitted a fierce impact sound. The next moment, the blue flowing water covered the crimson flame like a tiger preying on it.

Zizizi, under the interlacing of water and fire, the crimson flame dissipated, leaving only the clear and crisp sound of running water.

"But mutual restraint and mutual generation, take Xiaoxue's light and darkness as an example, if there is no light, there will be darkness, you must know that everything is relative.

In the eyes of ordinary people, fire is generally hot, violent, and extinguishes all life, but what if it is like this? .”

The crimson flames in front of Qianxuan burned again, but this time the flames did not seem to be as hot as before.

Qianxuan pushed lightly with his right hand, and the flowing water on the right turned into a blue light, which slowly melted into the flames under the watchful eyes of Qian Renxue, Mo Xie and Qiu'er.

The speed of light integration is not fast, it seems to be teaching the three of them.

With the incorporation of the blue light, a trace of snow white gradually diffused from the depths of the crimson flame, and the snow white became more and more apparent.

The first feeling of flame in people's memory is scorching hot, but the first feeling of this snow-white flame is just the opposite, it is cold, and the gently shaking flame seems to be able to swallow people's souls.

". Or is it like this?"

Another crimson flame emerged, and the blue water merged into the crimson flame again, but this time the crimson flame was no longer snow white, but dark blue.

The dark blue flame looks extremely mysterious. The flame spreads slowly like clear sea water, and the faint ripples are like water waves. In a trance, you can even hear the sound of rough waves.

Seeing the two flames in front of Qianxuan, Qian Renxue was obviously lost in thought.

Compared to Qian Renxue's contemplation, Mo Xie and Qiu'er, who were in the distance, looked at the two flames, and their expressions were more amazed. Qian Xuan's method of blending water and fire was obviously good for them. One lesson, the understanding of water and fire is like being refreshed.

"...Fire can do this, so why not water?"

Speaking of Qianxuan, flowing water and flames appeared again in front of Qianxuan.Fire and water began to blend again.

The only difference is that this time, the crimson flame turned into fiery red light and merged into the blue flowing water.Moreover, the water and fire turned into two groups and began to merge at the same time.

The blue flowing water on the left, under the rendering of the flames, turned into a crimson color, like boiling spring water, with the same crisp sound of running water, but it feels like being in a sea of ​​flames, you want to burn everything Melted into this red flowing water.

The running water on the right has turned into a piece of dark blue ice. Unlike ice, this dark blue ice gives people the feeling of being violent besides being cold.

It's as if the dark blue ice has been compressed and polished by the extreme pressure and temperature, and it may burst out with terrifying power at any time.

In the dark, the Goddess of Life was surprised at the beginning, shocked later, and now she can only be dumbfounded, her dumbfounded appearance is as cute as a little girl who has never seen the world.

Qian Renxue watched the strange flames in front of Qian Xuan and the aura of the strange flowing water constantly changing, and amidst these strange changes, the two auras on Qian Renxue's body, which were obviously mutually exclusive, gradually began to converge.

On the one hand, Qian Renxue's strong understanding and talent are indispensable for such a change, especially the transformation of the Taoist body, which made Qian Renxue physically able to accommodate the power of light and darkness.

In addition, the power of fallen angels and the power of angels are born from the same source, and with the teaching and guidance of Shang Qianxuan, under the influence of this series of factors, it is as if the water will come naturally, so this leads to Qian Xuan Ren Xue was able to change and improve so quickly.

Of course, it's not so easy to reach the sky in one step. With Qian Renxue's aura constantly changing, when it was infinitely approaching the same, Qian Renxue's aura stopped, as if encountering a bottleneck.

Qian Renxue also woke up from her contemplation immediately, the aura of her whole body increased sharply again, and her spiritual sense also got a big boost.

Although it was not possible to directly bring the two divine powers closer to one another so that the two divine powers could live in peace, the understanding and transformation of the two divine powers also gave Qian Renxue a big boost.

Qian Renxue looked at Qian Xuan with bright golden eyes, "Brother, I want to feel these four different forces."

"Then you can feel it well."

While Qianxuan answered with a light smile, he flicked his finger lightly, separated a piece of dark blue ice the size of a fingernail from the last condensed dark blue ice, and flicked it, turning into a blue ray of light, which instantly moved towards Qianxuan. Ren Xue flew over.

A gleam of light flashed in Qian Renxue's golden eyes, her figure did not move, what moved was the fallen angel clone beside her, under the gloomy flash of the dark light, the strange holy sword of the fallen angel suddenly stabbed out , with no trace visible.

The Holy Sword of the Fallen Angel, covered in black mist, stabbed out like this, and the sharp tip of the sword directly pierced the flying dark blue ice.


There was a crisp shattering sound, and at the moment when the shattering sound sounded, the world froze, and time froze. Even if Qian Renxue was prepared, when the long sword hit the dark blue ice, the dark blue ice burst suddenly, terrifying. The chill erupted like a flame.Immediately, everything within a [-]-meter radius was frozen.

Including Qian Renxue and her fallen angel avatar among them, even as a god...she couldn't react to the terrifying outburst speed.

The dark light surged in the ice, and the next moment, darkness fell, the endless dark light swallowed the ice, the dark light dissipated, and the ice with a radius of [-] meters disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"Come again!" Qian Renxue's voice sounded again, but her current voice was obviously a little more excited.

Qian Xuan didn't hesitate, flicked his fingers again, and the crimson running water rushed towards Qian Renxue.

Looking at the flowing water, Qian Renxue was equally serious, this time it was herself who moved.

The holy angel sword in his hand drew a cross in the air, turning into a red golden cross star, and turning into a huge purification cross.The power of light and flames instantly increased the temperature of the cross cut. The influx of angel power and the introduction of the real fire of the sun made the temperature of the cross cut rise wildly again. The terrifying temperature seemed to be able to purify everything. .

However, after encountering Qianxuan's crimson flowing water at the terrifying temperature that purifies everything, fish enter the sea and birds climb into the sky. Not only are they not purified, but they seem to have taken off their shackles. Not to mention enjoying himself, he was even absorbing the power of Qian Renxue's Purifying Cross Slash.

Faced with such a development, Qian Renxue seemed to have expected it long ago, and did not panic at all. Instead, her eyes were fixed on the crimson water, thoughtful.

"The heat of fire also has the inclusiveness of water?" Qian Renxue showed a smile, and when the main body raised her arm, the fallen angel figure on the right also raised it.

The angel and the fallen angel slashed at the same time, the same cross slash, but this time it was a slash of red gold and a slash of darkness. Although Qian Renxue could not fuse the two divine powers, after Qian Xuan's guidance, Qian Renxue now It is obviously much easier to use the two divine powers at the same time.

Immediately after the heterochromatic cross cut, the scarlet gold cross cut disappeared and met Qianxuan's crimson flowing water. In an instant, the conflicting divine powers of light and darkness burst out like gunpowder, and the crimson running water was also shattered. It was defeated and turned into crimson rain that fell to the sky and the earth.

With a thought in Qian Xuan's mind, the crimson rain returned again. If the crimson flowing water fell into the sea, the nearby ocean would turn into a dead sea.

With the return of the crimson flowing water, Qian Xuan flicked his fingers again, and the dark blue flame with faint ripples continued to burn towards Qian Renxue.

This time Qian Renxue did not choose to attack, but chose to defend.The fallen angel on one side receded, and Qian Renxue took a step forward.

The golden little angel brand on Qian Renxue's forehead lit up, and a layer of faint light suddenly flowed out of it, as if a layer of porcelain was pasted on the outside of Qian Renxue's body, forming a strange cover; As for Qian Renxue herself, she clasped her hands together in the hood, and all the emotions in her eyes were completely restrained at this moment, like a devout believer.

The deep blue flame immediately enveloped Qian Renxue, and Qian Renxue's calm eyes looked at the deep blue flame that enveloped her.

The terrifying scorching heat has not diminished in the slightest, but has become even more terrifying. When the calm dark blue flames come into contact, the power of the scorching flames is like surging water, wave after wave, and each wave is stronger than the previous wave. .It's obviously just a ball of flames, but I have a continuous and boundless feeling, which makes people breathless.

Qian Renxue's divine skill can defend against any form of attack. It is a god-level defensive skill similar to absolute defense. Even a god needs to use a divine weapon to have a chance to break through this layer of defense, so this dark blue Although the flames were raging, they still couldn't break through Qian Renxue's angel shield.Unable to break through Qian Renxue's defense for a long time, the dark blue flame also dissipated.

With the disappearance of the dark blue flame, only the last snow-white flame remained.

With a push of Qian Xuan's hand, the last snow-white flame burned towards Qian Renxue.

This time Qian Renxue also chose to use the Angel Shield to defend, but this time it was not Qian Renxue who was defending, but a fallen angel. Angel Shield is a defensive skill comparable to absolute defense, even Qian Renxue needs it Certain time to recover.The fallen angel clone can now be said to be an independent individual, and the two will not affect each other.

The snow-white flame enveloped the Fallen Angel clone. If you feel hot about the flame, then the power erupted by the snow-white flame is just the opposite. It is a strange cold power. The extreme coldness seems to treat all heat and temperature as The fuel is burning crazily, crushing and burning everything about you into ice chips.

This flame is like an envoy from the Nine Nether Hells. The coldness that is opposite to the normal flame seems to be able to freeze your soul away
(End of this chapter)

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