Douluo's Way

Chapter 358 Escape

Chapter 358 Escape
And it is precisely because of the lack of this crucial link that the sword of goodness, the sword of evil, the sword of life and the last sword of destruction in the sky have also led to some confusion in the power of these four swords Conflict with.

Black, white, purple, green, the four-color rays of light condensed together in the air, and the four colors stood side by side. Although they did not merge into one, they still turned into a four-color giant sword, which was born out of nowhere!

Without the stability and adjustment of order, the actual power of this lore Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms is not even half of that of the full version of the Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms!
At this very moment, this was confirmed, the Golden Dragon King desperately flapped his wings and fled in front, but his body seemed to be being pulled by something, and he was still gradually being chased by the sword of judgment of the three realms, chasing with.

This is precisely because of the lack of Shura's power of order, otherwise, the Golden Dragon King would be directly beheaded by the sword of judgment of the three realms immediately if he was anywhere in the God Realm.


Regret permeated Golden Dragon King's heart, he hated himself why he didn't follow Gu Yuena's suggestion and escape immediately.

If he broke the seal and left immediately, how could he be in such a predicament again.

The golden dragon king's ruby-like eyes were fixed on the barrier of the God Realm in the sky. Because of the pulling and suppressing power of the Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms, it would take at least five breaths for him to fly out of the God Realm. .

But in the current situation, within two breaths at most, the sword of judgment of the three realms behind him will hit him, and once he is hit by the sword of judgment of the three realms, even if he does not die, he will face the seal again This is definitely something he doesn't want to face.

"I'm dead, you can't run!"

The Golden Dragon King looked down at Gu Yuena in his hand, a sharp flash of sternness flashed in his eyes, and the sound of panic sounded in Gu Yuena's mind amidst the madness.

The first time the Four God Kings used the Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms, relying on the selfish and crazy character of the Golden Dragon King, they didn't want to resist, but planned to throw Gu Yuena out of their hands and let her resist the sword.

But when he discovered that the power of this sword directly locked him, and the four great god kings controlled the sword behind him at the same time, if Gu Yuena wanted to resist, it could be said that there was no one in a hundred, and the possibility was almost negligible.

Although the possibility is extremely low, it is not impossible to do such a thing because of the character of the Golden Dragon King.

Although the Golden Dragon King had this thought in his mind, he changed his mind, if Gu Yuena resisted, with Gu Yuena's strength, as long as the sword fell on Gu Yuena, Gu Yuena would definitely die.

Once Gu Yuena dies, the other half of the Dragon God's power may be permanently lost in this God Realm, and his hope of revenge can be said to be shattered to some extent. This is not what he wants result.

So under such a balance, the Golden Dragon King finally decided that he would not throw Gu Yuena out of his hands unless it was absolutely necessary.

Gu Yuena did not speak, the silver dragon head stared at the sword of judgment of the three realms that was approaching behind her.

The whole body immediately exudes a dazzling silver light, which burns like a flame, and Gu Yuena's aura suddenly increases, directly reaching the realm of the god king.

At the same time, circles of silver halos scattered around Gu Yuena, and the rules of the major elements began to disperse in all directions like tides.

Water boils at this moment, fire is raging at this moment, earth is cracking at this moment, wind is howling at this moment, light is shining at this moment, darkness is dying at this moment, space is solidified at this moment, life dies at this moment, and all things are destroyed.

All these rules fell apart under Gu Yuena's control, and the riots began!
Gu Yuena did not directly obstruct and attack the sword of judgment of the three realms, she knew that with her strength, even if all the power of the burning blood burst out, it would not be able to shake the sword of judgment of the three realms at all.

Although Gu Yuena's power is not as powerful as the Golden Dragon King, but don't forget, what Gu Yuena inherited is the Dragon God!
Elemental Mastery!

With Gu Yuena's perception, how can she fail to see that the sword of judgment of the three realms of the four great kings is incomplete.And it was immediately judged that what was missing in the sword of judgment of the three realms belonged to Shura's power of order.

In the flash, Gu Yuena made a decision immediately, directly burning the power of the Silver Dragon King's bloodline, and with the sudden increase in strength, the control of elements became the control of rules!

On the positive side, she is indeed unable to stop and shake the sword of judgment of the Three Realms, but that is only positive.
If it doesn't work from the front, can it work from the side?

Since their Sword of Judgment in the Three Realms lacks order, what she has to do now is to make the rules of this lost order riot, not only elemental riots, but also rule riots!
Gu Yuena doesn't know whether her choice is right or not, but right now this is the only thing she can do, and it is also her only choice now, so Gu Yuena can only bet that the riots of the rules can affect the sword of the judgment of the three realms in front of her!

Gu Yuena spurted out a mouthful of silver dragon's blood, and the breath in her whole body suddenly weakened.

The control of the rules is beyond her power, let alone rioting all the rules at the same time, and these rules are still under the control of the four kings.

Gu Yuena was seriously injured by the backlash of the terrifying law.

Feeling the riot of the law, the expressions of the four gods suddenly changed.

Seeing the changes in the expressions of the three evil gods, Gu Yuena knew that her efforts were not without rewards, and she knew that she had made the right bet!The facts also told her the result.

You must know that the sword of judgment of the three realms transformed by the four gods has a certain degree of chaos and conflict.

And Gu Yuena's reckless outburst caused the rules that had already lost order to directly riot, and the rule riot also caused a slight fluctuation in their control over the rules.

And the fluctuation of control also directly and positively affected the maintenance of the Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms, and even almost caused the four-color giant sword to fall apart directly.

"Quiet the riot, behead!"

Shan Shan's calm voice sounded, the two great god kings are the most powerful, naturally they are the masters of this sword, facing the riot of rules, Shan Shan made a decision immediately, without the slightest hesitation, and there is no time for them to have the slightest delay hesitate.

The four strands of divine thoughts scattered in an instant, and the riots in the surrounding area were quickly calmed down by the law. The sword of judgment of the three realms also quickly recovered its stability, and continued to cut towards the Golden Dragon King.

All of this is in the blink of an eye.

"The rest is up to you." Gu Yuena's languid voice sounded.

Under the full force of Gu Yuena's burning blood, it was forced to delay for a full two breaths, which obviously exceeded the Golden Dragon King's expectation.

Feeling the sluggish breath of Gu Yuena in this hand, the Golden Dragon King also knew that Gu Yuena must have paid a huge price for the law riot just now.

As Gu Yuena said, the rest can only be relied on by himself.

Looking at the barriers of the God Realm close in front of him, he felt the sword of judgment of the Three Realms that continued to cut towards him from behind.

Golden Dragon King didn't hesitate at all, a bright golden flame rose from his whole body, just like Gu Yuena, it directly burned the power of blood in his body.

Three breaths!

As long as he flies out of the God Realm, the sky will let the birds fly. As long as he leaves the God Realm, the power of the Sword of Judgment in the Three Realms will definitely be greatly reduced.

The huge golden figure of the Golden Dragon King shrank rapidly in the air, and with the shrinking of its body, its speed became faster and faster, so that the sword of judgment of the three realms urged by the four gods behind it couldn't move in the first place. Time to catch up with him.

Two breaths! !
Three breaths! ! !

"Ang!" The Golden Dragon King looked at the barriers of the God Realm that were close in front of him. The Dragon King's high-pitched dragon chant resounded throughout the God Realm, as if he was cheering and jumping for the upcoming freedom, and also seemed to be announcing the entire God Realm, him!The Golden Dragon King will be back!

However, at this moment, the hilt of the Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms suddenly spewed out black, white, purple, and green rays of light backwards, pushing the Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms to explode suddenly, and its speed increased instantly.Almost in a blink of an eye, it was behind the Golden Dragon King.


Although the Golden Dragon King shrunk, his still huge body suddenly paused in the air, as if frozen.

In the next instant, black, white, purple, and green rays of light burst out from the wound on its back, and its huge body began to disintegrate while trembling violently.


Just a moment ago, the high-pitched dragon chant turned into a painful low chant at this moment.Looking at the barriers of the God Realm close in front of him, the Golden Dragon King let out a painful roar, and while trembling violently, he kept trying to fly forward, he wanted to get out, but now his huge body was trembling violently. , unable to move at all, it is not reconciled!I'm really not reconciled!

At this time, Gu Yuena, who was apathetic, played her role again, and once again spurted out a mouthful of silver dragon blood. The silver light turned into a sharp sword and forcibly broke through the barriers of the God Realm. At the same time, she directly pulled the golden dragon Wang's left the God Realm.

The silver light didn't pause at all, after breaking through the barrier of the God Realm, it slashed towards Jinlong Station who had just left the God Realm.

Is Gu Yuena going to kill the Golden Dragon King?

Of course not, the silver light was like a great tonic to the Golden Dragon King. After pouring into the Golden Dragon King's body, the Golden Dragon King's sluggish aura immediately recovered a lot.

The flames of the golden flame rose again, and the remaining black, white, purple, and green rays of light in the body were instantly expelled from the body by the Golden Dragon King.

Since the Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms is based on the rules and power of the God Realm, the power of the Sword of Judgment of the Three Realms was already weaker when Gu Yuena left the God Realm with the Golden Dragon King. The original help of the Golden Dragon King.

After being weakened again and again, the imperfect Sword of Trial of the Three Realms was finally resisted by the Golden Dragon King.

However, even though the Golden Dragon King resisted, the price he paid was also terrifying. The dragon's tail was completely cut off, one of its wings was left alone, and its hind limbs were all broken. Not to mention half of the huge dragon's body disappeared without a single piece of golden scales. That's right, the shining brilliance has long since dissipated, and the ruby-like eyes have also become very dim.

If it weren't for his powerful Qi and blood, he might have died already.

Gu Yuena's situation was not much better. Although she didn't look as miserable as the Golden Dragon King, the aura in her whole body was exhausted to the extreme, and the two times of depleting her original source made her almost faint.


Without the slightest hesitation, the two dragons turned into two rays of light and fled frantically towards the distance with mutual support.

The four-colored sword of judgment in the three realms turned into three figures and a white light and returned to the center of the God Realm.

"It's not dead!" Life looked at the Golden Dragon King and Gu Yuena who were fleeing outside the barrier of the God Realm and exclaimed, while looking at the evil.

The Destroyer also looks toward evil.The evil fists are clenched tightly, and the cold eyes are looking at the kindness at the center of the God Realm.

"Chase, weeds must be eradicated, we must not let them go, I have everything in the God Realm!"

In the God Realm, the voice of kindness resounded in the ears of the three gods of evil, destruction, and life.

Evil nodded, "Chase!"

The figures of the three gods flew out of the God Realm in an instant, and chased straight towards Gu Yuena and the Golden Dragon King.

The Golden Dragon King asked Gu Yuena weakly: "Where are we going!"

There was a hint of hesitation in Gu Yuena's dim eyes, and after a short thought, she still said, "Go back to Douluo Xing!"

Feeling the evil, destruction, and life that were chasing after her, Gu Yuena couldn't help but think in her mind, "Qianxuan, can you help me?"

Douluo Continent, Wuhun City, in a courtyard, this courtyard is huge, directly covering an area of ​​nearly a thousand square meters, the interior decoration of the courtyard is not luxurious, but it is very stylish, for the current Wuhun City where every inch of land is expensive However, such a courtyard can only be imagined even if it is a titled Douluo.

And just in the courtyard, a young man in blue with a strange mark on his forehead is gently combing the hair of the girl in green in front of him. , and suddenly pecked lightly on the face of the girl in green. The girl in green was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but glance at the boy in blue. She didn't say anything, but her cheeks were still rosy.

These two people are obviously a pair of boys and girls who are in love, and on the other side of the two people, there are a few people sitting, these people are definitely handsome men and beautiful women outside, and the boy in blue Similarly, each of them also has a strange imprint on their foreheads. Although the imprints are different, they also add a bit of color to them.

Several people watched the actions of these two people and rolled their eyes together.Facing the white-eyed young man in blue, he was completely indifferent, and where was he with the girl in green.

One of the young men in blue clothes finally couldn't help but speak out.

"Boss, you are enough, can you stop giving us dog food with Teacher Bing? Can you learn from Lan Yin and Han Sheng? At least they will take care of us. They are all in private, or Teachers like Qiongqi and Zhu Qing are also fine.

Please don't show off in front of us, okay? .”

(End of this chapter)

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