Douluo's Way

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

Mo Xie walked towards the three-eyed golden dragon step by step, every step Mo Xie stepped out produced drastic changes!
first step!Mo Xie's figure had grown to about one meter, and the mark on his forehead began to emit black light.

In the second step, Mo Xie's figure grew to two meters again!The black light on his forehead began to surround Mo Xie!Black flames began to appear from Mo Xie's tail and swept towards the middle!Faint black ice appeared under the four claws!

In the third step, Mo Xie's figure had changed to three meters!The black light surrounding it has formed various mysterious runes floating around!Mo Xie's tail turned into two and at the same time the black flame appeared again, it seemed that there was a third tail!The black ice under the four claws condensed even more, and began to emit a slight chill!
In the fourth step, Mo Xie's figure has reached four meters, and the mysterious runes around him have also directly integrated into Mo Xie's body. Unlike in the mountain and sea world, the runes this time have a huge difference in both quantity and color. The change, gray-black runes, intermittently surrounded Mo Xie's body.The three tails were also successfully formed, and the raging black flames did not stop, and it seemed that the fourth tail was about to form!The black ice under the claws is even more chilly!
The fifth step was also Mo Xie's last step. At this time, Mo Xie was only about ten meters away from the three-eyed golden lion!
At this time, Mo Xie's figure was already close to five meters, and the gray-black runes all over his body began to emit black light, as if they were about to suppress Mo Xie again, so Mo Xie stopped changing.

Looking at Mo Xie at this time, his five-meter-long figure was elegant and smooth, as soft as lines, but there was a bit of vigor and vigor hidden in this soft figure!The snow-white hair is like ice and snow, the whole body is covered with gray-black strange runes, the eyes are shining with strange black light, and the black ice under the four claws exudes a terrifying coldness!

Different from the pure and extreme beauty of the three-eyed jinni, Mo Xie's beauty is bewitching and at the same time domineering and awe-inspiring!
Qian Xuan looked at Mo Xie who was not far away, and his heart was full of shock!I finally knew that the Classic of Mountains and Seas had never been able to fully describe Mo Xie!Why is there always that special feeling that it's obviously the same, but it doesn't feel like Mo Xie anymore!

"So it's because of the seal in the mouth of the three-eyed golden lion!"

Qianxuan also recalled the self-sealing that the three-eyed Jinyi said!The curiosity and worry in my heart are more powerful!The Classic of Mountains and Seas also directly appeared in Qianxuan's hands, and what Qianxuan planned to do now was to completely describe Mo Xie in the Classic of Mountains and Seas!Only in this way can we know Mo Xie's identity!
Mo Xie's portrait on the Shan Hai Jing is constantly changing with Qian Xuan's portrayal. Originally, Mo Xie's portrayal is only the last one percent, and the change of depiction does not consume much mana, but even the last hundred One-tenth of it, and after almost exhausting the mana in Qianxuan's body, the characterization was finally completed!

Looking at the portrait of Mo Xie in the Book of Mountains and Seas, Qianxuan was overjoyed!He hurriedly looked at Mo Xie who was not far away. At the same time as the painting of Shan Hai Jing was completed, Mo Xie also seemed to have a feeling in his heart and turned his head to look at Qian Xuan behind him.There is a slight change in the eyes!

While Qianxuan was looking at Mo Xie, everything about Mo Xie also appeared in his mind!
Dark Ice Seal Demon Fox!
From ancient times to the present, all beasts know it!Occasionally, auspicious beasts will appear, and they will be revered as emperors!It is the Emperor Auspicious Beast!In fact, when the Emperor Auspicious Beast was born, a Calamity Beast would also be born!

And Mo Xie is a calamity beast that was born at the same time as the emperor auspicious beast three-eyed golden beast!
If it is said that the Emperor Auspicious Beast is a bloodline favored by the heavens!That calamity beast is the bloodline cursed by the heavens!Different from the auspicious power of the three-eyed golden lion!What Mo Xie brought was the power of disaster!

When the Calamity Beast is born, its parents will die under its influence!And the evil beast will only bring disasters and bad luck around it!Even the speed of cultivation will be affected, and severe ones will even go crazy!It can be said that the calamity beast was born as an enemy of the whole world!No matter in human society or in the society of soul beasts, there is no place for disaster beasts!

No matter how strong the soul beast is in front of the Emperor Auspicious Beast, it can only worship submissively in front of it!And absolutely no harm to it!

In Calamity Beast, it is the opposite!No matter what kind of soul beast encounters a disaster beast, it will choose to avoid it from a distance!Once the disaster beast gets too close, it will actively attack and drive it away!But no soul beast dared to kill the disaster beast, because once the soul beast that killed the disaster beast would be cursed by the disaster beast!In the end, there will only be a bad result!Except for one soul beast of course!That is the Emperor Auspicious Beast's three-eyed golden beast!
Emperor Auspicious Beast will only have one catastrophe in its life!After successfully crossing the catastrophe, it will be smooth sailing, no disasters and difficulties, and hope to become a god!
Calamity beasts are different because of the particularity of Mo Xie's species!It has a kalpa every 1000 years, and one kalpa corresponds to one tail! 9000 years correspond to the Nine Tribulations, which can become Nine Tails!Ten Thousand Years of Calamity is the three-eyed golden beast in front of you!

Although the previous nine calamities are difficult to survive, there will be no difficulties of life and death!But the calamity of ten thousand years is the calamity of Mo Xie's life and death!In life, the auspicious power of the emperor's auspicious beast can be taken to achieve the power of fate based on disaster, and in death, the power of disaster and disaster can be taken away by the emperor's auspicious beast to achieve the power of fate based on auspiciousness!This is the ten-thousand-year agreement between the three-eyed Jinyi and Mo Xie!The battle of fate!

Many soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest also know the reason for this!Not long after the birth of the emperor auspicious beast three-eyed golden lion, the three-eyed golden lion was carefully cultivated!As for the calamity beast, Mo Xie was expelled from the Star Dou Forest early!

After Mo Xie was expelled, after tossing and turning several times, he went to the Hunting Soul Forest where Qian Xuan went!

The time when Qianxuan entered the Hunting Soul Forest happened to be the time when Mo Xie crossed the fifth catastrophe!Mo Xie's fifth catastrophe was not only attacked by the heavenly catastrophe!It was also attacked by many soul beasts!The attack of Heavenly Tribulation was already unbearable for Mo Xie, and the attack of all the beasts in the Hunting Soul Forest made Mo Xie even worse!This also directly led to Mo Xie's failure to cross the tribulation and finally had to seal himself!

The so-called self-seal is just a self-protection measure for Mo Xie's failure in crossing the catastrophe, which is also the reason why Mo Xie's life will not be in danger during the Nine Calamities!
After self-sealing, the Heavenly Tribulation will automatically dissipate, and the soul beast will also automatically dissipate.After each catastrophe, Mo Xie grows a new tail, and at the same time, his strength will increase to a higher level.After the failure of crossing the catastrophe, although the power will increase, the tail will also be born!But the meaning of self-sealing is to seal everything about oneself!Including strength, age, injuries...

That's why Qianxuan only had 500 years of strength when he first met Mo Xie!


When the time of ten thousand years is approaching!What Mo Xie was facing was a three-eyed golden beast that was comparable to an ordinary 10-year-old soul beast, and Mo Xie himself might be comparable to an ordinary 8-year-old soul beast!This gap of 2 years is also the gap between heaven and earth!

Now think back to that extremely miserable and desperate cry in the Hunting Soul Forest!It was under such a last resort that Mo Xie chose to seal himself!
 Mo Xie's identity revealed~
  Don't worry, neither Mo Xie nor the three-eyed Jin Ni will die!

(End of this chapter)

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