Douluo's Way

Chapter 59 Double Ring Absorption Successful!

Chapter 59 Double Ring Absorption Successful!

The black-gray energy ice that originally represented the power of disaster did not cause any pressure, burden or damage to Qianxuan's body, but instead continued to help Qianxuan recover!On the contrary, the golden energy representing the power of auspiciousness wreaked havoc in Qianxuan's body!

While the two energies are intertwined, the black and gray energy is still helping Qianxuan relieve the pressure in his body!So the consumption rate is much faster than this golden energy!But because the golden energy had been consumed a lot when resisting the purple mana in Qianxuan's body!So the consumption between the two is almost in a state of balance!
But now Qianxuan is not feeling well, the power of disaster and auspiciousness in his body makes Qianxuan feel like he is in a world with two heavens of ice and fire!From extreme cold to extreme heat, and from extreme heat to extreme cold!This drastic change constantly polished Qianxuan's will!If it weren't for Qianxuan's two lifetimes as a human being, the transformation of the body by the gold of life, coupled with the blessing of the soul cultivation method of the Tao Te Ching, it would have already collapsed!
With the passage of time, the black-gray energy in Qianxuan's body gradually merged with the golden auspicious power!A strange energy of interlaced gold and silver continuously wandered in Qianxuan's body!Qianxuan's body also quickly recovered, and Qianxuan was gradually immersed in this strange energy!

By the small lake in the deepest part of the Star Dou Great Forest, while the four figures were playing happily, they looked at a giant silver-gold cocoon in the center of the lake from time to time!On the other side of the giant cocoon, an old man kept his eyes on the giant cocoon, as if he was waiting for something!
"Mother, it's been a month. What do you think is inside? Why does that human being stare at the giant cocoon all day and never leave?"

The smallest figure among the four figures asked one of the kind figures.

The figure said kindly: "I don't know, but I guess there should be a person inside, and that person is waiting for the person in the giant cocoon to wake up!"

Time back to a month ago!
Qianxuan was trying hard to absorb the three-eyed golden beast and Mo Xie's soul ring. Ditian saw that although Qianxuan was in pain, he still resisted the impact of the three-eyed golden beast and Moxie's energy!There was also a hint of surprise in his eyes.

And with the passage of time, Ditian could clearly feel that the energy in Qianxuan's body was approaching a balanced state, looking at Qianxuan who was gradually wrapped in gold and silver energy.Ditian knew that if there were no accidents, Qian Xuan would have successfully absorbed the spirit ring!
There was also a hint of killing intent in Ditian's eyes!Di Tian knew the extraordinaryness of the soul rings of Mo Xie and the three-eyed Jin Ni!Ordinary Title Douluo's absorption has already exploded and died, but this Qianxuan was able to absorb it safely, which shows Qianxuan's talent!If Qian Xuan is allowed to grow up, then he will definitely be a difficult enemy to deal with in the future!

Various thoughts kept flickering in Ditian's golden eyes, and he didn't know what he thought of!Slowly the corners of the mouth rose slightly.Di Tian's voice sounded again.

"Since the Calamity Beast trusts you unconditionally, I want to see what's special about you! So what if I spare your life!"

The words are full of domineering and unparalleled confidence!

Ditian held his right hand empty, and a black crack directly swallowed Qian Xuan who was already covered in gold and silver energy in front of him!

Feng Lao sees it!Seeing that Qianxuan disappeared, I thought that Qianxuan had already been killed!He rushed towards Di Tian frantically!

"It can be considered a loyal servant! It's a pity that the strength is not very good!"

Di Tian swung his fist away, relying solely on physical strength!A terrifying punching wind flew directly towards Feng Lao, Feng Lao was like a bellows with broken strings, he was blown away without the slightest resistance!Fell to the ground unconscious!

Perhaps it was because of Qianxuan that Di Tian, ​​who had never liked humans very much, spared Feng Lao's life, and brought the unconscious Feng Lao to the deepest part of the Star Dou Forest, and casually threw Feng by the lake and ignored him. up!

As for Qianxuan who was swallowed by the black crack, he was already floating in the middle of the small lake!
Time to go back to the present!

A whole month has passed, and Qian Xuan is still absorbing the energy of the soul ring!
After waking up and discovering Qian Xuan, Feng Lao felt a lot more at ease, after looking around for a while.Only four 10-year-old soul beasts not far away were found!But after seeing the surrounding environment, he roughly guessed that this place should be the deepest part of the Star Dou Forest!

Feng Lao didn't move, just quietly waiting for Qian Xuan to wake up!He knew that if he wanted to leave the Star Dou Forest alive, he could only rely on Qianxuan in the giant cocoon!It's been a month of waiting!

"Crack! Crack!"

There was finally a trace of movement on the calm surface of the lake!

Feng Lao looked excitedly at the giant silver-gold cocoon on the lake. After a month of waiting, there was finally some movement!
The four figures on the other side also noticed the abnormal noise in the lake!All eyes moved to the center of the small lake!

Lake!Accompanied by the sound of shattering, cracks appeared one after another on the originally round cocoon!

"Crack! Kick! Kick!"

As the sound keeps ringing!There are more and more cracks on the giant cocoon!


A piece of the giant cocoon fell quietly, and the moment it fell, it scattered into dots of gold and silver light floating around!A gap also appeared on the giant cocoon!With the gap appeared!

The energy within a radius of tens of meters surged towards the gap crazily!The calm lake was also stirred up by these turbulent energies!
"Crack! Crack! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With the influx of energy, all the giant cocoons around it shattered, and all of them turned into gold and silver spots floating around!
The dense energy gradually condensed into a white mist, and the scattered gold and silver light spots looked like stars in the daytime, which looked extraordinarily beautiful in the white mist.

The waves in the lake were churning, and two figures, one black and one green, jumped out from the bottom of the lake and were located high in the sky. The black figure was Di Tian, ​​and the green figure was Brigitte. The two looked down at the lake quietly. Changes in the center.

The white mist in the lake was churning, with dots of gold and silver light constantly surging towards the center.As the fog gradually dissipates.A handsome young man appeared in the middle of the lake, and two strange soul rings appeared around him!One is rose black and the other is gray black.The young man sat cross-legged on the surface of the lake but did not sink in the lake water. A head of dark hair hung behind him, one-third of which was submerged in the water.The boy's eyes were closed, his eyebrows were long like willows, his nose bridge was straight, and his face was as handsome as a ghost's work. With his hands on his chest, he was holding a strange object emitting a strange light.Every breath exudes a unique temperament. From a distance, it looks like a fairy descending, without any trace of human fireworks!And this person is Qian Xuan.

Finally, after the last trace of white mist had completely merged into Qianxuan's body, Qianxuan's tightly closed eyes slowly opened.Originally dark eyes, now one eye is pure gold and the other is pure silver, exuding a strange light!There is no emotion in the pair of eyes, and at the same time, it is strange, but at the same time, I have a feeling of palpitation, as if everything under these eyes will be controlled by them.

Qianxuan's strange eyes didn't last for too long before quietly dissipating, turning back to the previous black eyes!The soul rings around him also merged into his body, at this moment Qian Xuan seemed to have come to his senses, his eyes were full of confusion!Looking down at the strange thing in his hand, it seems to have a sense of familiarity!
After a while, Qian Xuan fully woke up!Looking at the object in his hands with clear eyes, he realized that it was a soul bone from the head, and the familiar aura emanating from it was Mo Xie's aura!

Qianxuan's uncontrollable eyes left two tears, which happened to fall on this soul bone!

(End of this chapter)

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