Douluo's Way

Chapter 75 Resurrection Begins

Chapter 75 Resurrection Begins

Qianxuan told Mo Xie, the three-eyed Jin Ni and Di Tian all his thoughts about the contract.

Mo Xie agreed without any thought. First of all, Mo Xie didn't want to leave Qian Xuan. If he didn't have the strength, he would only become Qian Xuan's burden. Mo Xie also wanted to follow in Qian Xuan's footsteps, and was even strong enough to protect The level of Qianxuan!In Mo Xie's heart, Qian Xuan was the only one.

After thinking about it for a while, the three-eyed Jinyi seemed to have made up her mind, but she finally looked up at Ditian, as if hoping that Ditian would offer some advice.

Ditian didn't hide it either, and asked directly: "Qianxuan, what are the disadvantages of the contract!"

After thinking about it for a while, Qianxuan said, "Now I don't know if I can make a contract, but what I can guarantee is that after the contract, there will be no harm!"


Di Tian looked down at the three-eyed Jin Ni, and nodded his head slightly, expressing his agreement!Because Ditian had already approved of Qianxuan, he didn't continue to ask, and directly believed Qianxuan's answer.

Seeing this, the three-eyed Jin Yi nodded in agreement, "I am also willing to make a contract."

At this time, Qianxuan's not-so-tall figure also left a big mark in the heart of the three-eyed Jin Ni.

First of all, among the people present, the one who knew Mo Xie the best was the three-eyed Jin Ni. Due to the power of fate, there was still a trace of connection between the three-eyed Jin Ni and Mo Xie even though they were far away, and he could feel the situation between the two.As Mo Xie, a calamity beast, since he chose to die and sacrifice with himself for Qianxuan, this has already made the three-eyed Jin Yi unbelievable.

Moreover, Qianxuan was actually approved by Ditian. After thousands of years of getting along with Ditian, the three-eyed Jinyi knew that Ditian was extremely disliked by human beings, and he didn't know how this human being could do this. Yes, this also made the three-eyed golden lion even more unbelievable.

There are also Qianxuan's endless tricks and strange ideas.

The three-eyed Jinyi's curiosity towards Qianxuan grew deeper and deeper.

"There is one last thing to be determined!"

Qian Xuan's voice continued to ring!
"That is, since the choice about the physical body is recasting, you can also choose to use this opportunity to directly choose to become a human!"

"If you turn into a human."

"I choose to turn into a human!"

Before Qianxuan finished speaking, Mo Xie's voice immediately interrupted Qianxuan's words, and his tone was full of affirmation and no doubt!


Qianxuan looked at the determination in Mo Xie's black eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a smile, and called softly.

Seeing Mo Xie's firm eyes, the three-eyed Jin Yan's curiosity about Qian Xuan increased again.

Qianxuan continued: "If you are a human being, because it is recast, you are no different from ordinary people. Even Title Douluo will not be able to detect that you are a soul beast, and you will even be better than some geniuses! God hopes."

"Coupled with the existence of the contract, as long as there are no accidents, I can guarantee that you will become a god, even stronger than a god!"

With the inheritance of Tao Te Ching, Qianxuan still has this confidence!

"Become a god."

Ditian looked at Qianxuan in front of him, and sighed in his heart, maybe only Qianxuan could say such words so easily, there has not been a god in this Douluo Continent for tens of thousands of years, Qianxuan is so talented, so Mind, such a background.Ditian even suspected that becoming a god might not be the goal of the young man in front of him!
"Little guy, maybe this death is not your doom, but it may be an opportunity for you little guy!"

Ditian couldn't help thinking about it.Ever since the dragon god was defeated, there have been soul beasts that cannot become gods.Ditian knows this better than anyone else, but how difficult it is to cultivate a soul beast to become a god, do you still rely on the one sleeping at the bottom of the lake!

Ditian couldn't help sighing, it wasn't that Ditian wanted other people's aspirations to destroy his prestige, but those high-ranking gods were the sharp knives that oppressed the soul beast group from beginning to end. Will let the soul beast unify Douluo.Only when soul beasts have their own gods can they have a chance to set things right and take the initiative.

Ditian thought that Qianxuan in front of him might be an opportunity. In his long life, Ditian had seen too many things, but he had never impressed Ditian as deeply as Qianxuan, so Ditian wanted to make a gamble , a gamble centered on Qianxuan.


The three-eyed Jin Ni was still thinking, when Di Tian's deep voice rang out, helping the three-eyed Jin Ni make a decision!
The soul of the three-eyed Jin Yan was also taken aback.What Qianxuan said was indeed touching, and the three-eyed Jinyi was also very curious about Qianxuan in his heart, and also had a little yearning for the human world outside, but he was always hesitating, never expecting that Ditian would stand up and help her take this step at this time !
"Well, turn into a human!"

Although the three-eyed Jinyi didn't know why Ditian made such a choice for her, she believed that Ditian would not harm her, so she nodded her head in agreement!

Qian Xuan also roughly guessed some of Ditian's thoughts, although there were some discrepancies, but the gap was not that big.

Qian Xuan said seriously: "Since it is your own choice, then get ready to start!"


The soul bones of Mo Xie and the three-eyed golden dragon, the accompanying fairy grass, the gold of life, and the crystal blood dragon ginseng all appeared in front of Qianxuan.

Qian Xuan looked at Mo Xie and the three-eyed Jin Ni, and after thinking for a while, said: "Mo Xie, come first!"


Mo Xie nodded and came to Qian Xuan, waiting for Qian Xuan to start.

Qian Xuan exhorted very seriously: "Mo Xie, don't resist, if you have any questions, just tell me, and I will stop immediately!"

Mo Xie replied: "Let's start!"

"get ready!"

Qianxuan cleared the thoughts in his mind, and the magic power in his body began to surge, and the power in the mountain and sea world began to gather towards Qianxuan's hands.

With a light wave of Qianxuan's right hand, the crystal blood dragon ginseng in front of him was split into two. Qianxuan only had Mo Xie's soul bone, Youyue Yaoxing flower, life gold and half of the crystal blood dragon ginseng in Qianxuan's hands. Qian Xuan put it aside temporarily.


Qianxuan pointed at Mo Xie's soul bone, and Mo Xie's soul bone instantly turned into dots of silver light, blending into Mo Xie's soul.

With the last bit of silver light blending in, Mo Xie's illusory soul seemed to become more substantial.


Youyue Yaoxinghua was disintegrated in an instant and floated towards Mo Xie.

The straight flower stem seemed to turn into Mo Xie's strong spine.

The delicate flower branches seemed to have turned into Mo Xie's flexible limbs.

The black petals turned into starlight and seemed to change into flesh and blood.

The flowers of Silver Moon seemed to turn into hearts, shining with light.


The crystal blood dragon ginseng instantly turned into a beam of blood and melted into Mo Xie's body, and the instant the blood melted, it scattered in all directions.

The flickering red light is like the meridians of the human body, intertwined and complicated, gradually connecting the silver soul bone light spots with the limbs and spines transformed into Youyue Yaoxinghua!


It also gradually formed the appearance of a person...

(End of this chapter)

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