promise with you

Chapter 541 She Wants to Attend the Ceremony

Chapter 541 She Wants to Attend the Ceremony
"Go with them, let them stay at home, and come back together when it's over." Tao Wanxin answered with ease.

"Oh! That's great, I don't need to go to kindergarten!" Little Mango applauded first to celebrate.

Little Pudding also smiled, "That's great!"

"If you don't go to kindergarten, you have to study. Mommy will give you homework!" Tao Wanxin patted Little Mango on the head.

Little Mango pouted and continued to eat.

Joan sighed, "Just go, it's rare for our family to have such an opportunity to be together. You and your brother go back separately every time. This time is also good, and we will stay together for a few days."

Tao Wanxin nodded, "Yes."

While Tao Wanxin was cleaning up the dishes, Little Mango and Little Pudding were playing with building blocks on the carpet, while Qiao Enyi and Qiao An were sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Xiao Ou, did Xin'er lie? Why do I always feel that something is wrong?" Joan frowned.

"No, can she get away with lying to me?" Jon glanced at the kitchen.

"That's good." Joan was relieved now.

In the evening, Tao Wanxin coaxed the two cubs to sleep in the children's room, and saw Jon standing at the door as soon as she went out.

"What are you doing? Shock me!"

Tao Wanxin gave him a sideways glance, and walked towards her bedroom, with Jon following behind her.

"You haven't done anything wrong, what are you afraid of?"

"You've done something wrong!" Tao Wanxin went straight back to her bedroom, and Jon followed him in.

"Tell me, what kind of moth do you want to fix?"

Jon patted Tao Wanxin on the forehead, "Do you think you can hide it from me? Mom has already asked me, and I will cover it for you. If you don't tell me, I will tell mom right away and let mom interrogate her." you!"

Tao Wanxin immediately smiled at Jon, and reached out to hold his arm, "Brother, you are my own brother!"


Tao Wanxin moved closer to Jon Yi's ear and whispered for a while.

"What did you say?!"

"Hush!" Tao Wanxin immediately covered Jon Yi's mouth.

Jon took Tao Wanxin's hand away, "Are you crazy?"

"I'm not crazy, I'm normal."

As soon as Jon crossed his arms and stared at Tao Wanxin, he suddenly put his hand on Tao Wanxin's shoulder, "Xin'er, your hypnosis has not been lifted yet, do you know how dangerous you are now?"

"Don't worry, I won't commit suicide, I still have mango and pudding!"

Jon Yi was really speechless, answering irrelevant questions.

"I really don't know what to say about you."

"Then stop talking, can you help me? Give me a sweet word."

Jon looked at Tao Wanxin in embarrassment, "Why do I have a sister like you?"

"Without me, who will give you a pair of twins for you to play with? Do you think that a woman can give birth to such fun twins?"

"Okay, I lost to you, but I have to warn you, you have to think about the consequences."

Tao Wanxin nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, I've already thought about it."

Jon glanced at Tao Wanxin with disgust, and walked out of the bedroom.

Tao Wanxin let out a long breath.

As long as Jon keeps it a secret, Joan won't know, and Joan won't know, there will be drama in this matter.

The next day, the family boarded the plane back to the UK together.

With a flight of more than ten hours, plus jet lag, when Tao Wanxin's work and rest returned to normal, there was only one day left before Nangong Che's ceremony.

(End of this chapter)

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