promise with you

Chapter 955: July 9, 7 years ago

Chapter 955: July [-], Nine Years Ago
"Of course, since you don't have that blessing, don't keep thinking about it. It's useless to think about it. It's better to think about it."

Nangong Che was very angry.

Lu Zhiheng just smiled and didn't speak.

He naturally understood what Nangong Che meant.

Seeing that Lu Zhiheng didn't speak, Nangong Che also felt that it was meaningless, so he stopped talking.

The car arrived at the entrance of the hotel.

Lu Zhiheng handed the bouquet to Nangong Che, and the two got out of the car together.

As soon as they reached the elevator, someone stopped them.

"Groom officer! You can't sit in this elevator for nothing! If you want to get in the elevator, you have to first..."

Lu Zhiheng immediately took out two red envelopes from his pocket, one for each.

It was the first time for the two of them to see such a well-mannered person, "If there is less money in this red envelope, we won't do it!"

Saying that, the two of them opened the red envelope, and were dumbfounded when they saw the contents inside!
"Bank card?!"

"How do we know if there is any money in it!"

"Each card is ten thousand." Nangong Che said dismissively, "Hurry up and get out of the way."

"What if there is nothing in it? What if you lied to us?" The two refused to let go.

"Then you go to the EM Group to find me!" Nangong Che became a little impatient.

The two of them thought that a CEO as big as Nangong Che would not lie and just let the door open.

When I got out of the elevator, I saw another group of people who also wanted red envelopes.

Lu Zhiheng still got a red envelope for each person as usual, and everyone was shocked by the fact that the bank card was stuffed in the red envelope.

At last the door was reached.

"Xin'er, open the door! It's me!" Nangong Che shouted.

This journey has not been too smooth.

"Red envelopes! Without red envelopes, the door will not be opened!"

Lu Zhiheng touched his pocket, there were only three red envelopes left, and he stuffed them directly through the crack of the door below.

The door also opened smoothly, but they didn't expect that there was another door inside!

Lu Zhiheng no longer had any red envelopes.

"The red envelopes you gave me are all used up." Lu Zhiheng looked at Nangong Che with a helpless expression.

I prepared so much, and I used up all of them!
Nangong Che took out two from his pocket and stuffed them under the crack of the door, "Can you open the door?"

"You want to enter the door just by taking the red envelope? That's not acceptable, Nangong Che, you have to answer a few questions for me, and only if you answer correctly can you enter the door!" This was Yan Yan's voice.

"Ask!" Nangong Che was already very impatient.

"First question, when did you first meet Xin'er?" Everyone fell silent, waiting for Nangong Che's answer.

"Nine years ago in the summer, July [-]th." Nangong Che replied without hesitation.

Yan Yan in the room looked at Tao Wanxin, "Is that right?"

Tao Wan was stunned, no!

The two of their children are now more than four years old, plus she was pregnant in October, plus she was slept by Nangong Che for a year before, that would be seven years at most.

How could there be nine years?

Moreover, Tao Wanxin remembered that it should be spring at that time, and when summer is approaching, what the hell is July [-]th?

"Nangong Che, are you making it up?" Yan Yan shouted outside.

"You asked when I saw her, and you didn't ask me. It was the first time she saw me. My answer is absolutely right!"

Tao Wan was at a loss, could it be that Nangong Che had seen her before?
Tao Wan thought of the note that Nangong Che had written.

(End of this chapter)

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