Bigan was imprisoned by King Zhou, and Wen Zhong went on an expedition to Beihai. Now the court really has nothing to say, but Fei Zhong, Youhun and the others were able to turn themselves into masters.King Zhou was already bored, but the two of them did what they liked and kept attracting beauties to relieve King Zhou's boredom. Although King Zhou knew that the two were mediocre officials, it happened that they could please him at this time. He would rather kiss the villain and be far away from the virtuous officials.So King Zhou had fun with the two mediocre officials all day long, and the two took advantage of King Zhou's favor to domineering everywhere and aroused pity everywhere.

The annual pilgrimage started again. All civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty came to worship King Zhou, and the countless princes, that is, the eight hundred small princes led by the four major princes. Everywhere dignitaries and nobles come and go, if you go to the street, one out of ten people must be a person of prominent status.

So those small peasants didn't dare to go to the streets for a while, for fear of accidentally offending the official.Among these people was Su Hu from Jizhou who led his only son Su Quanzhong to pay homage to King Zhou. Su Hu was upright and upright, and the officials who came to worship all gave gifts to Fei Zhong and You Hun, because they were the most popular in front of King Zhou. People, no one dares to provoke the two of them.

But Su Hu was disdainful, Su Hu looked down on these two villains, so naturally he would not give gifts.After Fei Zhong and You Hun knew about this, they came up with an idea. They heard that Suhu had a daughter named Daji.She is as beautiful as a flower, with upright appearance, and she has the same skills and talents, so the two quietly told King Zhou that King Zhou has not yet woken up from Nuwa's appearance, and they thought it was just a normal appearance after hearing what they said. However, the two of them tried their best to find a painter who was very good at painting, and found someone who had met Daji to paint a picture of a lady according to the description. The woman in the painting is like a fairy, and the resentful eyes seem to have some Magically addictive.King Zhou really fell in love with them at first sight, and after rewarding the two, Su Hu came to pay their respects.

On the vertical day, all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty went to worship King Zhou. After King Zhou said something, all the officials flattered him, but Su Hu did not move. King Zhou had noticed Su Hu, and saw that Su Hu had not moved. , So he said: "Su Aiqing, is it okay to be tired and sing at Chaoge from afar?" King Zhou cared about Su Hu and said respectfully: "Thank you for your concern. will stop."

King Zhou laughed out loud after hearing this.Some people say good things about him, of course it is very useful, especially for an upright person like Su Hu.Fei Zhong and You Hun also praised Su Hu loudly, but Su Hu ignored them, but they secretly laughed in their hearts, telling you to look good later.

Seeing that the pilgrimage was over, everyone who should leave left, but King Zhou left Su Hu behind. Su Hu didn't know what King Zhou was going to do, but even if he stayed, he asked his mind and waited for King Zhou to speak. Only Fei Zhongyouhun, Su Hu and his son were left, and he laughed and said: "Su Aiqing, the lonely king once heard that Aiqing had a daughter named Daji, who stood very beautifully, and was well-educated, and had the virtue of being a mother in the world." , the lonely king wants to invite her to the palace to be the lonely king's concubine, I don't know if Su Aiqing can allow it?" King Zhou didn't really ask for other people's opinions, he acted like an order.

Su Hu was shocked in his heart, secretly thinking that going out would not be good, he looked at Fei Zhong and You Hun, and knew that they were making trouble, so he was angry, but he suppressed it in front of King Zhou and said: "The little girl is called Daji, but the little girl has already betrothed." I gave it to Bo Yikao, the eldest son of Xibohou, and thank you for your mercy." King Zhou was stunned for a moment, and Xibohou Jichang led two hundred small princes, and his strength was already strong. It would be bad if he offended him because of this. When it came to what to do, Fei Zhong said, "Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven. How can ordinary people in Bo Yikao's world compare with His Majesty? If Master Su is afraid of offending Ji Chang because of this, you can ask His Majesty to make a decree to let you go." It’s fine if Daji enters the palace.”

Su Hu was furious, looked at Fei Zhong and You Hun, and said loudly: "I'm talking to the king, and it's your turn to wait for the stupid officials to tell me what to do." After speaking, he looked at the two with anger on their faces, and they were also a little scared. Looking at King Zhou for help, King Zhou was angry. What high-ranking people hate most is someone who defies their wishes in person. According to Su Hu, Fei Zhongyouhun is a stupid official, so he is not scolding King Zhou. Are your eyes dim?But after all, he wanted someone else's daughter, and King Zhou did not get angry immediately, so he said: "Su Aiqing, don't get angry. Since you have already betrothed, then let it go." Su Hu thanked Queen Zhou and his son and left King Zhou and the two The treacherous officials went to rest at the posthouse.

Su Hu left, but Fei Zhong and You Hun were full of anger, Fei Zhong stepped forward and bowed, "Your Majesty, this Su Hu is really ignorant, and he actually betrayed the king's intentions." After finishing speaking Na Youhun also said: "Your Majesty, if this matter ends like this, won't Su Hu be even more lawless in the future?" After finishing speaking, the two looked at King Zhou respectfully, and King Zhou also felt that they had said this. It's reasonable, he is the Son of Heaven, and Su Hu is so evasive when he wants a little girl from him, but he doesn't know what to do?
Fei Zhong rolled his eyes and said: "Your Majesty, why don't you draw up an imperial decree, saying that Su Hu should choose a day to send Daji to the palace. If the demon master Su Hu dares to resist the imperial decree, he can send troops to conquer it at that time. Now the princes everywhere are very angry." The turmoil can suppress the princes of all walks of life in the first place, and in the second place, it can also use the name of the second time to embrace the beautiful woman." King Zhou couldn't help but lament that Fei Zhong and You Hun still had their abilities, laughed and drafted an order, and sent people Send it to the post house where Su Hu lives.

When Su Hu heard this, he was furious. He didn't even accept the imperial decree, and left with his son Su Zhongquan in a huff. When the Meridian Gate of the Chaoge came, he wrote a sentence: "The king is bad for the ministers, and there are five constants. Su Hu of Jizhou Never go to Shang!" King Zhou was furious when he heard about this, and threatened to put Suhu in prison and change Jizhou's surname.

The whole of Jizhou was in chaos, but Su Hu's years of strict rectification subsided quickly, and the whole city was on alert to prevent King Zhou from attacking, but most of King Zhou's army was taken to the North Sea by Wen Zhong to fight For a while, there were no troops to allocate.

Also tense was Ji Chang, Marquis of Xibo. Daji was betrothed to Boyi Kao, and it would be difficult to deal with the demon king Zhou who was angry and went on a conquest with Xiqi.Nabo Yikao was also sad and depressed all day long.Ji Chang had two sons, the eldest son was Bo Yikao, but Bo Yikao was not keen on the official power, he only wanted to be with Daji for the rest of his life, and his piano skills were very high, he was a famous luthier at that time.The second son is Ji Fa, who is skilled in kung fu and has been smart since he was a child. He likes fighting enemies and dealing with officialdom the most. Ji Chang is helpless, but at the same time slowly considers handing over the position to Ji Fa in the future.

When several people didn't know what was going to happen, King Zhou's imperial decree came again, but this time he came to Xiqi to order Ji Chang to lead his troops to encircle and suppress Jizhou. Does Chang have the same rebellion as Su Hu?King Zhou's move was made by the treacherous minister Nayouhun. King Zhou liked these two people more and more, and he could always give him good ideas at critical moments.Although Jizhou's troops are strong, they are not as strong as Xibohou Jichang of Xiqi, and the two families have a very good relationship. It violated the imperial decree of King Zhou, and if King Zhou ordered other princes to encircle and suppress them one after another, they would not be able to resist.

When Suhu in Jizhou was in a hurry and didn't know what to do, a person came to Suhu's mansion. To be precise, she was a beautiful woman, the nine-tailed white fox sent by Nuwa to confuse King Zhou.The nine-tailed white fox has been looking for an opportunity to enter Chaoge after being sent by Nuwa, but there is no excuse. Now that she heard about this, she has made up her mind that she can enter Chaoge instead of Daji. It's not good to help Su Hu and others solve the urgent task.After the nine-tailed white fox explained his intentions, the Suhu family knelt down to Mount Pangu, knowing that it was sent by Empress Nuwa.

However, the nine-tailed white fox entered the palace in the form of Daji. King Zhou couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw that it was everyone who had overwhelmed the country and city. Treasures, as a dowry.After all, Su Hu is now the uncle of the country in name.But King Zhou didn't know that Daji was really Daji.When he realized it, he was already dead on the spot.

Ji Chang's family in Xiqi also breathed a sigh of relief, but Bo Yikao was sad. Daji was sent to the palace, and the relationship between him and Daji for more than ten years was gone.But they still don't know that Daji really didn't enter the palace. In order to prevent being found out, Su Hu disguised Daji and quietly sent her to Xiqi. When Ji Chang and his party knew the truth, it was a secret chance. Bo Yikao couldn't understand the rectification matter, so Ji Chang fulfilled Boyi Kao, so Boyi Kao and Daji dressed up as folk husbands and wives and mixed in with the folks. Occasionally, I go home quietly to catch up with my family members, which is really enviable.Ji Fa is also envious of Bo Yi Kao's life, but he has great ambitions and cannot let go of power, so he continues to follow Ji Chang as an official.

In Pangu Mountain, Ye Feng and Nuwa looked at each other and smiled, Ye Feng said: "Is it finally about to start?" When the nine-tailed white fox left Pangu Mountain, Ye Feng injected a unique aura from the Good Fortune Cult. If she couldn't enter the imperial palace, the imperial palace had inherited the luck of the Shang Dynasty for thousands of years and was protected by the aura of the royal dragon, but Ye Feng's breath allowed her to enter the imperial palace freely.

Although the current difficulties have been overcome, the catastrophe of that day has already started, and conflicts have begun to arise that did not exist before.

Chapter 104: Fengming, Qishan, Jichang, and Nuwa's Ordination Spirit Beads
(End of this chapter)

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