Chapter 108 Game

Fu An followed Migo to the root organization. After arriving there, Shimura Danzo carefully checked the curse seal on his body. Seeing the pattern of the spell seal clearly displayed there, he couldn't help frowning and said: "Listen to Hirizhan, Do you want to transfer away from Anbu?"



"..." Fu An paused for a moment before replying, "Because of the mission."

Speaking of this, he looked at Shimura Danzo calmly and said, "You asked me to investigate the Avengers, but I tried, but found nothing. I think that maybe the Avengers already knew that I was a member of the root organization, so they didn't want to show up Near me... Because of this, I want to transfer to Kakashi's class, and then pay close attention to everyone who comes into contact with Kakashi. Perhaps, among those people, there will be the Avenger I'm looking for!"

The reason for this post transfer seems high-sounding.

In fact, it is full of loopholes.

If Fu An was an adult, Danzo Shimura would definitely expose him to his face and call him a liar.

However, Fu An is just a child after all.

Because he was a child, this reason, which was full of loopholes, seemed extremely reasonable.

Because it was reasonable, Shimura Danzo couldn't question it aloud.Just asked along the way: "If you go to the class where Kakashi is, and the Avenger still hasn't approached Kakashi?"

"If Hatake Sakumo is really kind to him, he will definitely contact Kakashi. Because Kakashi is in a bad state now, as Hatake Sakumo's old department, he must not be willing to see Kakashi. Cassie suffers..."


Talk on paper.

Shimura Danzo looked at Fu An standing there, and said: "Your experience is too shallow after all, maybe it was wrong to entrust you with this task...Forget it, this task will be handled by the Ministry of Intelligence from this moment on." Take full responsibility, you can continue to stay in Anbu safely."


Fu An responded blankly.

Shimura Danzo said again: "In addition, in Anbe, don't neglect your training. Hatake Sakumo is dead, I hope you can train hard, and try to master the light escape ninjutsu he mastered as soon as possible!"



After some verbal confrontation, Fu An walked out of the root organization.

When he was hiding outside the window of Hokage's office to eavesdrop, based on Shimura Danzo's reaction, he knew that Shimura Danzo would ask him to check whether the curse seal of obliteration had expired.

Because he was well prepared, after being called to the root organization, he calmly dealt with these temptations and difficulties from Shimura Danzo with the flawed reasons for his job transfer.

Sometimes, the answer to others does not need to be too perfect.

As long as the answer fits one's identity and age, no matter how bad the answer is, it will still be accepted by some guys who like to think too much.


I didn't know when to follow him out, walked up to him and said to him: "You coped perfectly."

"I only told the truth...Danzo-sama is wise and wise, and will definitely understand that I am not lying."

Even if it is Wei, you have to be vigilant, and you can't tell her everything, especially things related to the lives of family members.

This is the lesson of blood and tears he summed up when he first entered the root organization.

Seeing that he was very alienated from her for a while, Wei Wei said dumbfoundedly: "Chen, you are too don't have to be like this to me."

"..." Fu An didn't respond.

If you want to protect yourself and Kakashi well, you must learn to be silent when you should be silent, and restraint when you should be restrained.

Seeing his reaction like this, I didn't know that this matter was of great importance, so Fu An didn't want to talk to himself.

So, she changed the subject and said, "I may soon escape from the root organization. I'm afraid that you and I will have an indefinite future..."

Fu An was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "How are you going to escape?"

"Avenger." Wei smiled at him and clicked.

Fu An immediately understood what she meant, and didn't want to take advantage of Dongfeng, the avenger's revenge against the person who killed Hatake Sakumo, to leave the root organization as a missing person.

Have to say, this is a great idea.

But Fu An didn't say much, just said: "Then you have to be careful...don't turn around and risk your own life!"

"I'll be careful... You will help me."

Fu An: "..."

Wei Ze continued: "I treat you as a friend, that's why I tell you this..."

"Wei, don't treat me as a friend, and don't believe anything you see or hear," Fu An said, remembering the unfinished ending: "Please remember this sentence—the person on the photo you saw , may be false."

"Nani?" Wei didn't understand.

Fu An smiled at her: "Just remember this sentence, I wish you good luck... And, if there is no accident, we may meet again!"

After speaking, he teleported to the big tree and prepared to speed up to leave.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he ran to the edge of the forest, he saw a member of the prison temple class nervously calling a name, "Kakashi, hold on, teacher prison temple will be here soon..."

Kaka... West?

Fu An was stunned, and stopped involuntarily.

Not far from under the tree, Kakashi fell in a pool of blood, with a hole in his heart, and the blood flowed out, quickly staining the ground under him red.

(End of this chapter)

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