Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 110 Letter to Tsunade

Chapter 110 Letter to Tsunade

Among the scattered tiles all over the floor, Fu An looked at the crowd poking at the local people with sullen brows and drooping eyes, and suppressed the resentment in his heart: "One by one—"

Having said that, he pointed to Zilai and said, "What are you doing at my house?"

"Guide my students."

Jiraiya stared confidently at Orochimaru, who was bruised by the tiles on his forehead, and then turned his head to the side angrily.Seeing this, Orochimaru was furious, and his teeth were about to be crushed.

"What about you!" When Orochimaru secretly gritted his teeth, Fu An suddenly pointed at Orochimaru.

Only then did Dashewan remember his reason for coming, and hurriedly said: "I need your help with something..."

"what's up?"

"Recently, I have received a new mission. If you want to successfully complete the mission, you need the cooperation of Guangdun Xueji. So, after obtaining the consent of Sarutobi-sensei, I will come to you!"

Facing Fu An, whose face was turning green with anger, Orochimaru looked very innocent.He never thought that things would come to this point. If he had known that the letter would drive Jiraiya crazy, he would never have picked up the letter...

"What mission?"

Surrounded by a large piece of ruined walls, Fu An was still not in a good mood.

"This matter, we need to talk about it separately..." Dashewan, who knew that he had done something wrong, laughed dryly.

In the middle of laughing, I suddenly remembered something, and immediately changed my face and said: "However, there is one thing, I think we should discuss it now - Fu An, why do you dislike me so much, not only do you not want me to be your teacher?" , you don't even want me to be Kakashi's teacher!"

"Because your character is not good, read other people's love letters!"

Ji Lai also interrupted angrily.

"It's so noisy," Orochimaru waved his fist and roared, "Is that a love letter? It's clearly a running account!"

"That's the running account of you, you still want to continue fighting, bastard!" Seeing that Dashemaru had no remorse, Zilai immediately rolled up his sleeves.

"You two go out to quarrel, and find someone to repair my house by the way!"

Seeing that they didn't stop, Fu An issued an expulsion order without saying a word.

After Jiraiya and Orochimaru, who knew they were wrong, walked out in despair, Fu An looked at Orikasa and Parker and said, "There are you two? For no reason, why don't you go through the main entrance instead of climbing the courtyard wall?"

"Climb high to see clearly..."

The Orikasa thief smiled and raised his eyebrows to answer.

"What do you want to see clearly?"

"Of course I want to see if you and Kakashi are having a good day today, and if you have enough dinner..."

Seeing him being so righteous, Fu An said helplessly: "It's none of your business!"

"Because you are the children of the only woman I love, if you don't eat well, you will grow crooked..."

Orikasa is ready to talk clichéd.

Fu An was so mad at him that he pushed him to the door without saying a word, and told him to go back to his home to cool off.

Unexpectedly, Parker's bastard turned his ass consciously to follow Orikasa.

Seeing this, Fu An followed him a few steps and brought it back, nodded his head and said, "Hey, as my family's contracted ninja dog, what do you always do with other people?"

"He is not an outsider."

Parker covered his face and defended aggrievedly.

"Is he not an outsider? Kakashi and I are outsiders? What do you mean by being in his house all day long?"

"You and Kakashi are not outsiders." Parker's small eyes were full of seriousness and sincerity, "For me, the three of you are not outsiders..."

"Don't compare me with that perverted uncle Kakashigan," Fu An slapped Parker on the head, and said viciously, "Go back to your place and reflect on it. If you haven't reflected on it the next time I call you out If you are clear, then continue to reflect. If you do not understand after reflection, then you are not needed..."

Parker: "..."

After Parker was aggrieved and disappeared into a puff of white smoke, Fu An's sight finally fell on Kakashi.

"I'll go wash first..."

Seeing that Fu An's face was turned purple by this group of treasures, Kakashi took a step back and waved his hands knowingly: "After taking a shower and changing clothes, I will give you a reasonable explanation..."

"Are you injured?" Fu An asked him.

"No," Kakashi explained, turning his head away from Fu An's gaze, "it's not my blood..."

After speaking, he ran back to the house stepping on the broken tiles.

In the sound of the shower spraying downwards in the bathroom, facing the pile of broken tiles on the ground, Fu An squatted helplessly on the ground, seriously reflecting on whether he had done too many crimes recently, so that the family flooded for a while. Come so many evil stars.

Just as he was desperately reflecting on his confession, out of the corner of his eye he saw a piece of paper in the rubble.

"That is……"

In order to verify his conjecture, he walked over and picked up the piece of paper.

Sure enough, it was a love letter from Jiraiya to Tsunade.

"Dear Xiao Ganggang, although I don't know if I have the courage to write this letter to you, I still want to write down my longing for you...

We have been together since we were very young.

Ever since I was a child, although I always laughed at and bullied you to make you angry from time to time, those were not my real thoughts.

The real thought in my heart is, I like you and want to be with you.If you are willing, I would like to take you to experience the customs and customs around the world together, and to see the famous mountains and rivers of the ninja world together...

Such a delicate mood, I wonder if you can understand it...

I know that you are at a low point in your life right now.

These days, I have been trying to share some things, some pains for you.

However, you are like a silkworm chrysalis, desperately wrapping yourself in a thick and complicated cocoon, making it impossible for me to help.

I don't know when you will be able to come out from the shadow of the past..."

(End of this chapter)

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