Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 115 The Undead of the Uchiha Clan 1

Chapter 115 The Undead of the Uchiha Clan
Followed home?

After realizing that he couldn't move, the bloody ghost that he saw when he was practicing the secret technique of light escape suddenly appeared in Fu An's mind.At that time, he naively thought that as long as he lifted the light barrier and left, he would be fine. He never thought that the other party would not let him go.

Indiscriminate entanglement?
It's really unlucky to encounter this kind of thing while practicing ninjutsu... It seems that I have to drink water more slowly in the future. According to this luck, it is not impossible to choke to death while drinking a cup of water.

It's just that the current crisis must be solved first, otherwise there is no future! ——
When he was thinking about how to get rid of this entanglement, it seemed as if a pair of hands were strangling his throat. He only felt that his breathing was unbearable, and his oxygen-deprived brain also let out a huge roar.

He wanted to struggle out of instinct, but because his body was imprisoned, he could only be slaughtered by it.

With the passive tightening of the larynx, his brain and eyes began to congest...

Gradually, the bloodshot eyes were covered with blood.

When Fu An was no longer aware of the existence of hands and feet, and even suspected that he was dead, the dark air around him began to rippling with the cries of women and children.

The cries became more and more sad as they approached from a distance.

In the end, the cry seemed to stick to his ears, Fu An only felt that all negative emotions were aroused.

Who is crying?

He struggled to ask himself in his heart.

When he was so sad and sad that he wanted to hit the wall, a pair of red eyes appeared in the boundless darkness—he concentrated his energy to distinguish them, and only then did he recognize that they were the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha's... undead?

Damn, even if it's Uchiha's undead, it's none of my business, it's really a fucking dog!

Because the death of his father Sakumo Hatake had something to do with the Uchiha clan, he didn't have much affection for the Uchiha clan.

Even if there are people in the Uchiha clan that he values ​​​​and has high hopes for, he still doesn't have much affection for Uchiha, a race that is aggressive by nature.

"go away!"

He tried to drive away the undead of the Uchiha clan through his own will.

Although he thought it was impossible, he still roared in his heart, "No matter what the cause of your death is, it is your business and has nothing to do with me! There is no point in pestering me, and I will never avenge you... "

But it didn't work.

The pair of Sharingan that revealed its shape in the dark approached him little by little, and he felt restless as he was stared at by the Sharingan.

What disturbed him the most was that as the pair of sharing eyes approached, his own eyes hurt as if they were gouged out by knives, as if they were about to burst out of their sockets...

Damn it, is the evil power sealed in the eyes about to be drawn out?
He instinctively resisted this, because he knew very well that once the power sealed by his father in his eyes broke the seal, no one in today's ninja world could seal that evil power.

And I, like that day, will become a puppet of that evil force.Then, around oneself, a massacre without distinction between the enemy and the enemy began!

"Absolutely not like that..."

Amidst the mournful cries of women and children rippling in his ears, he gathered all his will to resist the seal that was about to break out.

But it doesn't seem to work...

As the pair of sharing eyes approached, the pain in the eyeballs of both eyes became more severe.

He clearly felt that the seal in his eyes was about to be destroyed...

How to do……

If this continues, Kakashi will be the first to be killed by himself!
How can I kill Kakashi, that is my only relative in this world...


As he was maddened by his powerlessness, a voice broke all the confusion, "Are you all right?"

At the same time, a pair of trembling hands shook him desperately.

After being shaken by those hands for a long time, Fu An finally realized the existence of his body.

Still in shock, he opened his eyes, and it was Kakashi.

With trembling hands dripping with sweat, he caressed his hot and swollen eye sockets. After making sure that the seal had not been broken, he collapsed there like a collapse.

"what happened to you?"

Kakashi's voice sounded from beside the bed.

Fu Anqiang suppressed the uneasiness and fear in his heart, and tried his best to keep his voice steady: "It's nothing, I just had a nightmare..."

"The face has turned black and purple... What kind of nightmare is that?"

Seeing that this guy wanted to keep asking, Fu An, who knew he couldn't explain clearly, changed the topic, "Kakashi, I'm so thirsty, could you please pour me a glass of water?"

(End of this chapter)

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