Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 118 Uncle Snake is not good at cheating

Chapter 118 Uncle Snake is not good at cheating

When leaving the experimental base, Orochimaru looked at Fu An's back and said: "One day you will leave Konoha, right? There is darkness lurking in your eyes. It is impossible for you to like Konoha..."

"This kind of thing, who knows..."

After speaking, Fu An was ready to leave.

Unexpectedly, just two steps away, a handle of kunai pressed against the back of his head.

At the same time, Orochimaru's dark voice sounded behind him, "By the way, did you bring those tails on purpose?"


Fu An knew that Orochimaru was referring to Anbe who was sent by Sarutobi Hiruzane to monitor him these days.

Fu An, who didn't expect him to notice the existence of Anbu, didn't know how to answer for a while.

Because, Orochimaru guessed right, Anbu was indeed brought here intentionally or unintentionally.

He wanted to expose these shady secrets of Orochimaru in advance, so that Orochimaru would rebel against the village a few years earlier than the original book.

If he defected from the village a few years in advance, he would find a way to raise funds to build his own experimental base a few years in advance.

By that time, he, who no longer needed Shimura Danzo's help, might break away from the cooperative relationship with Shimura Danzo earlier.

In this way, without the help of Orochimaru, Shimura Danzo's strength in the later stage might not be so abnormal.

And if the strength is not so perverted, Shimura Danzo might be easier to kill.

Perhaps, without waiting for Erzhuzi to become stronger and make a move, Danzo Shimura would have already died under the attack of others!

Although his impromptu plan is not impeccable, it is not impossible to succeed.

Unexpectedly, Orochimaru would be the first to notice the existence of Anbu.

Orochimaru worthy of being one of the Sannin...

It's really not easy to cheat him!


The kunai in Dashewan's hand was tightly pressed against the back of Fu An's head, which meant to end his life.

Fu An, who knew that his actions had angered Orochimaru, sighed helplessly, and explained cheekily: "I said I forgot that Anbu was watching me, do you believe it?"

"what you think……"

Kunai pierced the back of Fu An's head, blood flowed out, and Dashewan's eyes were bloodthirsty.

He stretched out his long dark red tongue and licked the bloody place lightly. Then, he leaned down to Fu An's ear and said with a sinister smile, "I'm not as easy to deal with as you imagined. Don't stand in front of me." playing tricks..."

Fu An, who was licked by Orochimaru with his tongue, had goosebumps all over his body, and replied mechanically: "What I said is true... I am immersed in my personal likes and dislikes, and I really ignored the fact that Anbu is watching me—— "

Seeing that Kunai didn't stab into the back of his head any further, Fu Ana's heart gradually calmed down when he raised his throat.

Controlled by Orochimaru, he stared at the place where Anbu was hiding, and said with a wry smile, "This is my explanation. If you don't believe me, then I can't help it..."

"It's pretty clean."

Orochimaru, who was almost cheated by the brat, was still angry.

At this moment, Fu An suddenly said: "Uncle Snake, instead of worrying about 'I'm going to cheat you', do you want to find a way to stop the mouths of these Anbu? Anbu has already left up...

If you don't care anymore, the third generation will soon send someone to check your experimental base.Maybe, the old man will go out in person! "

"Of course I will take care of it." As the words came out, a hint of cunning flashed in Orochimaru's golden pupils.

An ominous premonition rose in Fu An's heart, "What do you want to do?"

"Of course they were killed."

While speaking, Orochimaru took away Kunai who was pressing against the back of Fu An's head.

Then, two or three shadow clones were created and rushed towards Anbu's hiding place.

Two of them deal with Anbu who continues to lurk nearby to observe the situation, and the other has already chased Anbu who rushed back to the office to report.

"Just kill in this area?"

Amid the sound of fighting, Fu Anku, who had a drop of cold sweat oozing from his forehead, reminded Dashewan: "Uncle Snake, if they die here, your experimental base will be exposed..."

"It's okay, I'll move out of here..."

Seeing Fu An's expression of swallowing a dead fly, Orochimaru was in a good mood.

Amid Anbu's screams, Orochimaru turned his head slightly, looked at Fu An who was pretending to be calm, and said, "You should worry about yourself now, Anbe was sent by Sarutobi-sensei to monitor you... If they die, You can't get away with it!"

Fu An: "..."

Damn, stealing chickens won't cost you money, what's the matter!
But if you eat a pit, you will learn a lot of wisdom. If you cheat Uncle Snake in the future, you should die more brain cells!
(End of this chapter)

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