Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 121 Pervert!Hatake Fuan?

Chapter 121 Pervert!Hatake Fuan?
Before dawn the next day, Kakashi had already got up, washed his face and brushed his teeth, ready to go to the Matsui class to report.

Hearing the movement, Fu An kicked his slippers and walked to the door. With drooping heavy eyelids, he told Kakashi weakly: "This time, you must get along with everyone! If you are self-willed, I will beat you... "


Kakashi squatted down and began to change his shoes.

As for Fu An, he also turned back to the bedroom and began to change his Anbu's clothes.

In the middle of the change, I heard Kakashi say 'I'm out' outside!
The clothed hand paused, and Fu An raised his voice: "Kakashi, don't think I'm annoying, don't mess around this time..."

"You're really annoying, why are you talking useless things—"

Kakashi's dissatisfied voice was carried to Fu An's ears by the morning wind.

Immediately afterwards, there was a slightly loud slam of the door.

Hearing the sound of closing the door, Fu An scratched the silver hair on his head, and said helplessly, "...Really, I know this guy won't listen to me, but I still talk about it habitually! This brother is really It's useless!"

Amid self-deprecating mutterings, he washed his face and brushed his teeth, put on the long knife and left the house.

After leaving the house, he slightly discerned the direction of Dashemaru's house, and he jumped on the roof and started to rush there.

When I arrived at Oshemaru's house, Oshemaru's shadow clone was pointing to the specimens in the sealed glass container and explaining something to Mitarai Red Bean.

"Hello..." Fu An, who was hanging upside down on the roof, reached out and knocked on the window.

When Orochimaru turned around and saw that it was him, he couldn't help but asked with a smile: "You already have a clue about helping the Ibrai group to control the atomization, don't you?"

"Well, we can leave today."

When Fu An was about to turn over and enter Orochimaru's house, Hongdou, who was standing in front of the glass container, turned his head and saw him, immediately changed his face, and threw his fist at Fu An's head without saying a word.

"I go!"

Fu An hurriedly straightened his body and stretched out his hand to catch the pink fist that hit his face, "Miss Hongdou, I didn't provoke you, did I? Why do you always look like you want to eat me every time I see you?"

"Pervert!" Hong Dou, whose fist was restrained, immediately switched to kicking.

Seeing this, Fu An jumped back, and helplessly defended himself: "What pervert? Where am I?"

"You still quibble, the person who peeked outside the hot spring pool yesterday was obviously you, I saw it with my own eyes..."

Spa pool?
Fu An instinctively wanted to tell Hongdou that he didn't go to any hot spring pool at all.

But he was stunned when the words came out. He suddenly remembered a person—yesterday, that person urged himself to follow him to the hot spring pool for 'peeping', ah bah, it's 'art collection'!

Fu An's face darkened.

Orochimaru, who had been watching the excitement with his chest folded, saw him pronounce Jiraiya's name, and he immediately understood the truth of the matter after being tortured by Jiraiya.

"It seems that he used the transformation technique to change into your appearance before going to peep..." Orochimaru looked at Fu An with sympathy, and reminded Fu An as someone who had been there: "You have to find a way to stop it. He keeps doing it, or you won't be able to get rid of the name 'pervert'!"


Unexpectedly, Zilaiye sighed secretly for the old and disrespectful Fu An, and then weakly created a shadow clone, and said to the shadow clone: ​​"Go to disgusting Zilaiye!"

"Don't worry, this revenge will be repaid!"

After the shadow clone finished speaking, he jumped onto the roof and ran away with a murderous look.

(End of this chapter)

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