Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 124 The only way

Chapter 124 The Only Way

Wutai’s words aroused the echoes of the Ibuli tribe. Unexpectedly, Fu An, who didn’t know them so well about the ninja world, explained in a dumbfounded way: “First of all, returning to the roots of fallen leaves is a family secret technique of the Hatake family. In the ninja world, The family secret technique will never be passed on to the outside world!"

Having said that, seeing that everyone in the Ibli family looked depressed, they added: "Speaking of which, even if I ignore the rules and pass on the secret technique to you, you will not be able to practice it!"

"Why is this?"

"...Because those who practice this technique must have the Boundary of Light Escape Blood Succession!"

As soon as the words came out, Fu An inevitably thought of his dead father Sakumo Hatake, and couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

"What should I do?" The voice of the old patriarch of the Ibli clan came from not far away, "It's so easy to have a ninjutsu that can restrain our smoky physique, but in the end, we can't practice it!"

"That kid must have a solution..."

Orochimaru's voice sounded immediately, "Since he found me and came here with me, he will definitely be able to solve your smoky physique problem! Trust him!"

Hearing this, Fu An looked at Dashewan, met Dashewan's extremely serious eyes, and muttered with a wry smile: "Really, if your body is the same as yours, I would really like to respect you..."

After muttering, he looked at the sighing Ibuli and said loudly: "That's right, I do have a method that can control the body's smog without requiring you to practice ninjutsu. It's just..."

"What method?"

The Ibuli people who rekindled hope asked Fu An: "Little brother, as long as you help us, you will be our reborn parents..."

A drop of cold sweat fell from Fu An's forehead, "I'm still very young, I don't want to be someone's parent..."

"Little brother," my wife asked Fu An, taking advantage of the geographical advantage, "May I ask what the method is! Whether it is feasible or not, we are willing to work with you to study and overcome..."

Fu An glanced at him, pondered for a moment, and then said: "The secret technique of light escape and falling leaves is a sustainable ninjutsu. We only need to fix this technique on your people through the spell seal, and then teach you The people of the tribe can manipulate this technique skillfully through the spell seal!"

"Curse seal?"

Wu Tai's eyes flustered, "If I'm not wrong, the curse seal has a binding effect in all likelihood..."

"That's right," Fu An looked at the crowd, and smiled helplessly, "However, this is the only way I can think of right now!"


Wu Tai was silent for a long time, and suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "If it is really the only way, then I don't mind being cursed!"

In the astonished eyes of the clansmen, I was too heartbroken, and further said: "For me, there is nothing more exciting than walking freely outside. I believe everyone has such a mentality!"


After a few seconds of silence, the Ibli people echoed one after another.

After agreeing, it means that Fu An can act cheaply.

Fu An didn't immediately nod his head in agreement, but turned to the thoughtful old patriarch of the Ibuli clan and said: "That being said, out of respect and recognition for the Ibuli clan, Konoha Fang will never The ones who put the seal on you..."

"what do you mean……"

Fu An said: "What I mean is, you can find a person in your clan who is more able to restrain the atomization physique, and use his blood to cast a spell on your clansman... the spell seal cast by your own people, It should be more secure than the curse mark imposed by outsiders!"

"No way," the old patriarch who understood Fu An's meaning smiled wryly and shook his head, "The blood of our people is the same as our body, it will be atomized with the wind. Such blood can never be used to cast a spell..."

"Can't you find such a person in the entire Ibli tribe?" Fu An frowned, "If you really can't find it, then I can only imprint you with my blood. But , From my point of view, I don't want this... Being able to control a family will do me more harm than good!"

"I think I can give it a try..." Oshemaru leaned forward very awkwardly after hearing the words, and said with a smile, "I'm not afraid of the suspicion of the villagers..."

"Go away!" Fu An directly pushed him aside, humming: "The most untrustworthy person is you, don't join in the fun!"

"Really... when will you change your prejudice against me!" Orochimaru was very distressed by this.

While Fu An was arguing with Orochimaru, the eyes of the old head of the Ibuli clan slowly swam over the clansmen, and finally, they fell on Su Heng who stood nearby and looked affectionately at Xiao Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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