Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 130 The Mouth of Minato

Chapter 130 The Mouth of Minato

"Don't go on like this anymore, Fuan," Minato Namikaze looked at Hatake Fuan outside the Hokage office and said, "It's not easy for the third generation, so please be considerate of him..."

"Brother Shuimen..." Fu An called him in a muffled voice.


Knowing that Fu An had something to ask himself, Namikaze Minato looked at Fu An.

Fu An, who was watched by Namikaze Minato, kicked the stone under his feet, and said upsetly: "Every time I attack the third generation with a resentment, he can obviously stop me and drive me out... But , why, every time, he keeps silently enduring my words of attack with a gun and a stick?"

"What do you think of this?"

Smart as Minato, he was sure that Fu An had the answer in his heart.

Fu An didn't want to look directly at the answer, but continued to mutter: "You don't know, every time I condemn him in front of him, his face is blackened by my anger, and his hands are trembling...

But in the end, he gritted his teeth and fulfilled my request as much as possible.Why is he doing this? "

"You who have seen this, how could you not see the answer!"

Fu An frowned.

Could it be, really as I thought.The reason why Hiruzaru Sarutobi, who is Hokage, endures his offenses again and again is because he is also living in the self-condemnation of his father Sakumo Hatake...

If this was the case, he found that he had nothing to do with the bad and impure Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After realizing this, he couldn't help muttering: "People's hearts, it would be great if there were only black and white colors...Gray comes out for no reason, people can't wait and like it, just blindly stand there to scare people... "



Namikaze Minato didn't answer his words, but stretched out his hand to press his head and said: "Fu An, after Master Shuomo leaves, you will be the master of the Hatake family...

The so-called adults of the Hatake family are Kakashi's reliance.It is also the support of the village.

Still won't get emotional easily, and won't pour personal grievances on the heads of the people in the village..."

Is the master of the Hatake family?
In Fu An's mind, that tall and straight figure couldn't help but appear.

He looked at Minato, and asked aloud, "The master of Hatake's family, is he similar to my father?"

"Yes, just like your father!"

Namikaze Minato rubbed Fu An's silver hair, and smiled emotionally, "To be honest, I really want to see Master Sakumo from you...

Mr. Shuo Mao experienced many dark things when he was young.

Therefore, he understands the ninja's helplessness and pain better than anyone else.

And he himself experienced these pains at the last moment of his life...

However, no matter when he was young or at the last moment of his life, he chose to forgive!
It is precisely because he is such a person that I regard him as the only role model in my life, my lifelong pursuit! "

Minato's hand pressed heavily on the top of Fu An's head.

Just like the big hand that Hatake Sakumo used to press on Fu An's head, firm and warm...

Fu An's mind was a little messed up when this was similar to the headbutt...

He let Namikaze Minato press his head and asked Namikaze Minato in a daze, "Will I become like my father?

I, who has almost assimilated with Anbu, who has done many murderous things, can I really become a person like my father? "


Looking at the blue sky and white clouds above his head, Namikaze Minato murmured, "As long as you have a bright heart, as long as you are not swallowed by darkness, you can definitely become a person like Sakumo-sama! Because what flows in you is Sakumo-sama blood!
Including Kakashi, I believe that no matter what he is now, in the future he will definitely be an excellent existence comparable to Sakumo-sama!

This is what I believe in, and no matter what happens in the future, I will continue to believe in it as always! "



Don't underestimate the Bo Feng family's mouth escape technique.

This is a sentence that lingered in Fu An's mind after leaving Namikaze Minato.

After Namikaze Minato escaped, there was a glimmer of light in the depths of the black clouds gathered in Fu An's heart because of Shuo Mao's death.

This light reflected the rotten and moldy darkness in Fu An's heart. Maybe, in the near future, a weak sprout would grow there.



Fu An went to Anbu, found the captain of Anbu, and told him about his decision to participate in this S-level mission.

After learning that he would have to wait three days before leaving, he left Anbu and set foot on his way home.

But on the way home, he ran into the shadow clone Su Heng who had been waiting there for a long time.

Looking at Su Heng's face from a distance, it seemed ugly.

Take a closer look, damn it, it's not as ugly as usual!

(End of this chapter)

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