Chapter 133
The tip of the knife with a cold glow pointed directly at the flame bird, who seemed to have never been treated like this by humans, was stunned, and suddenly gave up struggling.

When Fu An thought it would honestly explain the problem, it suddenly sat there trembling with the remaining half of its wings and began to sob.


What the hell?

Cry if you can't beat it?
In addition, with such an immature cry, could it be an immature chick?
A drop of cold sweat fell from his forehead, and amidst the childlike cries, Fu An's heart was filled with guilt.

"Hey, don't cry, it's because I hit too hard. I didn't know you were so easy to fight..."

When the guilt hit, an apology came out involuntarily.

However, to no avail.

The ancestor who came uninvited and acted violently, not only acted violently but also failed to act violently, was still lying there in pain.

Fu An, who was most afraid of seeing people cry, was a little at a loss, and the cold sweat flowed more and more on his forehead.

In the end, he put the long knife directly into the claw of the most harmless-looking stupid bird, and said frantically, "Why don't I stand still and let you chop it back?"

The stupid bird holding the long sword tightly in its claws was still in pain.

Seeing this, Fu An was about to collapse, "Hey, don't cry, okay, if you keep crying, others will hear... In that case, God knows how everyone will treat you! What if they pull out your hair on a whim Eat, how can I save you!"

"Who do you want to bake?"

A majestic and angry voice sounded from the back of his head.

Fu An was stunned, and was about to turn around to check for abnormalities.But before turning around, he was surprised to find that the surrounding environment had undergone earth-shaking changes.

At this time, he was not in his own courtyard.

It is a dark world where gallows are everywhere, and corpses are hung on the gallows in all likelihood.

"A hallucination?"

Fu'an Jieyin, who didn't want to be dominated by the illusion, tried to unravel the illusion.

Unexpectedly, after solving it a few times, this space is not affected at all.

Could it be an advanced illusion?
He remembered the howling sound of the flame bird rolling on the ground, could it be an illusion?
No, I can barely be considered a ninja proficient in illusion.

If the other party uses the sound illusion, how could I know nothing about it!
Isn't it an illusion...

The crying of the little chick opened the door to another dimension?

He secretly clicked his tongue - if that's the case, what about the idiot brother at home?
"What are you muttering about? Turn around and let me ask you, who hurt the heavy horse like this?"

The owner of that voice seemed to be impatient. Before he finished speaking, he had already reached out and grabbed Fu An's clothes at the back of his neck, trying to help him turn around.

Fu An, who didn't like being carried like a chicken, frowned slightly, and in the next moment, unceremoniously took out Kunai from the ninja bag and stabbed at that hand.

Unexpectedly, before stabbing the target with Kunai's hand, his wrist felt cold...

When he came back to his senses, he no longer noticed the existence of his right hand.

"This...this is..."

Seeing his wrist that was continuously gushing blood, Fu An's heart that hadn't been beating wildly for a long time regained its vitality—a vitality full of fear.

What the hell is this monster?

On the premise of not seeing the opponent's appearance, the opponent has already cut off his hand?
He grabbed the severed wrist that had lost his palm, his trembling pupils, and stared at the severed wrist that was still tightly clutching Kunai at his side...

what's the situation!
When he was stunned by the sudden abnormal situation, a huge black figure slowly fell in front of him.

Fu An instinctively wanted to look up.

Unexpectedly, before the head was raised, it was firmly held down by a pair of big bony hands.

"Did you hurt the heavy horse like this?"

"who are you?"

Fu An, who knew that answering this question honestly would lead to even worse death, tried to take the initiative of the topic.

Who would, the other party saw his careful thinking at a glance, and when he saw that he refused to answer his question directly, he snorted coldly, and the strength in his hands increased, almost pressing his head into the loess with many bones exposed under his feet , "Answer my question, or I will kill..."

At this moment, a bullet swept across his calf silently.

Because there was no warning, when he realized that he was being attacked, a corner of the clothes on his calf had been cut off.

"court death!"

After becoming angry from embarrassment, a few black wings of about [-] centimeters pierced the wind and pierced towards Fu An, who was holding Kunai in his hand and panting slightly with gloomy eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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