Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 143 Memory in the Brain

Chapter 143 Memory in the Brain
Shan Zhongyu rested his thick right hand on the unconscious Fu An's head.

In the silence where a needle could be heard, the environment of the ward was transformed into a giant brain.After forcing the memory scroll out of his brain, Yu Shanzhong put his hands on it.

In an instant, he found himself in a silent wilderness.Gallows hanging with rotting corpses can be seen everywhere in the wilderness.

It was almost evening.

Known as No.1 to invade the memory of Fu An's brain, he perceives everything with concentration...

Under the shining of the bloody sunset, he saw Fu Ana's long shadow drawn by the setting sun.And that shadow has lost his left arm.

There was a faint gasp in the air.

It was Fu An himself.

Panting, the mourning crow madly landed on the gallows, unceremoniously pecking at the carrion of the corpse on the gallows.

After eating a few mouthfuls of rotten meat, there was the sound of sharp objects piercing through the air.Before he could react, Fu An's shadow swung his knife to block.

For some reason, the moment the long knife was swung, there was a burst of heart-piercing pain.Then, the shadow elongated by the setting sun began to fall apart.Then, it turned into pieces of meat and scattered all over the place.


In the ward, Shan Zhongyu's lips moved, trying to describe this desperate move.But when the words came to his mouth, he found that no words could describe the despair of being cut into pieces by invisible things in his breath.

"What did you see?" Shimura Danzo stepped forward and asked him.

Shan Zhongyu's Adam's apple trembled, and after a long time, he said, "Fu An... is dead."

Kakashi's dead fish eyes widened suddenly, "Why, he's obviously lying here..."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Kakashi who was excited, and winked at Anbu behind him. Seeing this, Anbu wanted to take Kakashi out.

"I'm not going out...he's my brother, and I have a right to know what happened to him!"

Seeing Anbu walking towards him, Kakashi, who didn't want to be confused, forced himself to calm down, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Please continue, I promise I won't affect you again..."


Shan Zhongyu continued to read Fu An's memory.

However, this tragic memory is full of endless deaths.In the end, Yamanakayu couldn't hold it anymore, so he gritted his teeth and skipped this memory, and extended it to another memory.

It was still evening.

The location is Sakumo Hatake's home.

Hatake Sakumo, who was collecting the quilt in the yard, turned his head and said helplessly to Fu An who was sneaking into the house: "You brat, your mother and I are going on a mission tomorrow, and you always make it so Dirty, who will wash it for you..."

When Sakumo criticized Fu An, Kakashi, who was leaning on the porch pillar and reading a book, glanced at Fu An, sniffed his nose in disgust and said, "I must have rolled back in the stinky ditch." ..."

"Shut up, you mole on your chin!"

Fu An fought back Kakashi viciously.

Kakashi cried bitterly as if being poked into a sore spot, and couldn't persuade him no matter how hard he tried.

Seeing how noisy he is, Fu An said with a headache: "You are crying again, how old are you still crying..."

While complaining, he sat on the porch and took off his muddy shoes, but because of too much force, he threw your hand on the forehead of Kakashi, who was grinning and crying bitterly, stabbing a hornet's nest for a while, and Kakashi cried even more.

"I can't stand you, you've always been so troublesome..."

Fu An became more and more irritable.

And Kakashi, crying more and more.

In the end, Xinqu ran out of the house and hugged Kakashi tightly to coax him into the room. Sakumo brought Fu An to the comfort monument. Facing the lights of the players in the village, he murmured: "Fu An, you are the elder brother...can I ask you, from this moment on, put yourself in the position of your elder brother and help me and your mother take care of Kakashi?

Me and your mom are ninjas.The world of ninjas is hectic and cruel, we didn't have the time and energy to take care of you in the past, and we may still not have the time and energy in the future..."

Shuo Mao's last words exploded like thunder. With the end of this sentence, the sound and the picture in front of him became farther and farther away...

Shan Zhongyu was stunned, and then realized that what he was peeking at was the memory in Fu An's memory.


After the memories in the memory faded, a beast-like crazy voice sounded, "My name is Hatake Fuan, and I am Kakashi's brother! I can't fall down here—"

While speaking, he bent down and picked up the broken knife that fell in the dust under his feet, and put it across his chest, staring at his eyes like a trapped animal, "Even if I die, I will leave here and go back to the Kakashi's side...I can't let him lose even his last relative!"

"Come on, keep fighting!"


It was the same wilderness full of gallows.

A drop of cold sweat fell from Shan Zhongyu's forehead, and he had clearly jumped out of this tragic memory that challenged people's spiritual energy.

Why skip to the end, or go round and round here?
When cold sweat fell down his forehead on the floor of the hospital ward, several black wings came through the air, and the arm that raised the broken knife was cut into several pieces again.


Knowing that if this continues, he will have a nervous breakdown, Shan Zhongyu withdrew his hand.

Then, he opened his eyes with a pale face, looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi and said with a wry smile: "Thirdaime, the tragedy that this child has experienced is beyond the reach of human beings. Moreover, what happened to him these days has occupied his brain , no matter which memory I extract, I can’t get out of his nightmarish memory... I can’t continue to read, otherwise, I, who explored the memory in my brain with the first sight, would get lost in that memory first. , and crashed!"

"Then how did he get out?"

Yamanakayu glanced at Kakashi who was standing next to him, and said with a complicated expression: "Master Sakumo and Kakashi are the only light that guides him out of that nightmare memory..."

(End of this chapter)

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