Chapter 147 Leaked
"Is this curse seal really effective for you?"


Shimura Danzo's words made Fu An break out in a cold sweat.

His intuition told him that Shimura Danzo must have discovered something.

But, what did Shimura Danzo discover?
"Danzo-sama, I can't understand what you said..."

Although my heart was pounding, I still bit the bullet and said: "You imposed the curse seal on me, and you should know better than me whether it is effective or not!"

"Now I know very well," Shimura Danzo looked at Fu An coldly, "this spell... will not work for you!"

"I am obviously bound by it to act..."

Danzo sneered, "If it really restricts your actions, restricts the basic ethics of your root organization members... Why do you still appear in the village after you disappeared?"


The air-conditioning came from the bottom of his heart, and Fu An probably understood what he meant.

The reason why he got rid of the shackles of the endless cycle of death is because a certain passage his father once said awakened his shackles to the present world.

But, how did Shimura Danzo know about this?
"Yamamanakayu has read the memory in your brain. You found yourself and returned to the village because you missed Kakashi..."

Having said that, Shimura Danzo looked at Fu An and snorted coldly: "What a skill, I didn't expect you to keep me a secret for so long!"

Read the memory in the brain?

Fu An was shocked when he heard about this for the first time.

He looked at Shimura Danzo, and asked in a daze, "When did this happen?"

"When you were unconscious..."

Fu An was shocked, "Isn't reading the memory in the brain an action taken against the enemy? I have never betrayed the village, why should I read the memory in my brain?"

"Because you disappeared for no reason, and appeared for no reason... With you like this, who dares to be 100% sure that you are still your own?"



Rightfully so.

Fu An was choked.

From the perspective of the village, the measures taken by Shimura Danzo and the others are not excessive.

However, for Fu An himself, it was extremely troublesome...

First of all, the seal of the curse that was exposed was invalid for him, and then, what would happen next?

What memories did Shan Zhongyu read?

Has the fact that I created a shadow clone to kill fellow villagers, and even my past life has been exposed?
He was distraught.

However, because asking more questions would arouse Shimura Danzo's deep doubts, he could only say sullenly, "Master Danzo, the bond of family affection can be broken just by cutting it off..."

"You are Chen of the root organization. Members of the root organization have no name, no feelings, no past, no future... But you, behind my back, have everything you shouldn't have!"

"Because I'm not just Chen from the root organization, I'm also Fu An from Anbu!"

Fu An looked directly at Shimura Danzo, and sighed bitterly: "The members of Anbu haven't bid farewell to the past... Then I cherish Kakashi, what's wrong?"

piss him off!
See how much information they have about themselves.

And Shimura Danzo, who had never been so contradicted by his subordinates, was indeed irritated by him at the first time, "Yes, you are indeed Fu An from Anbe now. But that is based on the fact that you are Chen from the root organization... ..."

Speaking of this, I suddenly felt that it was meaningless to break it up like this, so I waved my hand and said, "Forget it, since you can't cut off the bond with Kakashi by yourself, then I will cut it off for you!"

"What do you want? Kakashi is now the ninja of the village. If something happens to him, Master Hokage will not ignore him!"

"I won't do anything to him, I will tell him the truth..."

Danzo Shimura gave Fu An a ferocious smile, "I will tell him the truth about the death of your father Sakumo Hatake. I will tell him who was the first person to stab Sakumo Hatake !"

"Since you can't let go of your brotherhood with him, let him do it!"

Shimura Danzo's words exploded in Fu An's mind like a thunderbolt.

"Sakumo Hatake is really a good father, no matter he is a hero or a waste, his son will always worship him...

How would Kakashi feel if he knew that his most admired father died because of his own brother's betrayal?
Brothers turning against each other, I don't mind it happening in the village!
And knowing the truth about your father's death, what kind of action he will take besides hating you is also very exciting! "

(End of this chapter)

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