Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 150 Brothers

Chapter 150 Brothers
On the third day after Fu An woke up, Kakashi returned to the village after completing his mission.

After returning to the village, he went home and changed into clean clothes, making sure that the clothes covered the new injuries on his body, and then hurried to the Konoha Hospital.

He hurried to the door of the ward where Fu An was, and was about to open the door to enter.

But when he was about to put his hand on the door, the sound of arguing between Maitkai and Obito came from inside...

Really, how did these guys come here?

Skip class?
With such doubts, he pushed open the door.

In front of Fu An's hospital bed, Maitkai and Obito looked at each other like two proud roosters, with their hips akimbo and neither would let the other.

Fu An was lying on the hospital bed, looking hopeless.

Lin sat beside her, smiling helplessly and urging Obito and Maitkai to calm down.

"What happened to them?" Kakashi asked.


Lin quickly stood up, squinted her eyes and said with a smile: "Obito is such a person, don't worry too much..."

"Hey, Lin, why do you always talk about me?"

Obito Uchiha said he was hurt.

And Maitekai barked his teeth and claws, "Because it was your fault!"

"Hey, what are you talking about! Bastard!" Uchiha Obito looked anxiously at Kai every minute.

Fu An, who covered his head with a quilt but still couldn't keep the noise away, couldn't help but snorted and said, "Please go out and argue, this is a ward, not a bathroom..."

Seeing this, Kakashi, who was worried about Fu An's injury, silently stepped forward and pushed the two bastards out with one hand.

"Hey, Kakashi, you bastard..."

Obito is about to go crazy.He realized that he shouldn't have come here, because after coming here, he seemed to be the most unwelcome existence!
Seeing that he was going to change the place where he was yelling to the corridor of the hospital, Ye Yuanlin hurried out to persuade him to go out and make trouble again.



After the chaotic guy was driven away, Kakashiai turned around and walked to Fu An's hospital bed, looked at Fu An who was still on the drip, and asked, "How is the injury?"

"I hope to be discharged tomorrow."

"Ah, that's good..."

Having said that, Kakashi paused, and suddenly asked sullenly, "Did you read the letter I sent you?"

"finish watching."

"Then can I ask you a question..."

Fu An hesitated for a while, and said: "Ask, as long as I can answer, I won't hide it from you...Kakashi, you are indeed not a child anymore. When a child learns of his father's death, After the truth, I will never deal with the problem like you..."

"Then, I want to ask you, the curse seal on your heart..."


Fu An was stunned for a moment. What he wanted to ask was not the whole process of his father's death that he participated in, but the curse seal of oblivion?
He looked at Kakashi a little strangely, but he still replied honestly: "It's the Curse of Oblivion... When I entered the root, I sneaked home that time and was discovered by Shimura Danzo, in order to make me completely become a I am a qualified ninja, so he cast the curse mark of obliteration on me!"

"The binding effect of the curse seal of obliteration is...?"

"Forget yourself, destroy humanity." Fu An began lightly.

Seeing that Kakashi looked ugly, he added: "However, I don't know if it's because of me or this curse seal. The recent curse seal of Annihilation can no longer bind me..."

"So you've been restraining your emotions so much that you can't even smile into your eyes...?"


After a pause, he added: "In addition to this curse seal, all members of the root organization also have a curse seal at the base of their tongues...that curse seal prevents the members of the root organization from revealing Shimura Danzo's secret. So Kakashi, It’s not that I don’t share my difficulties and difficulties with you, it’s because I can’t speak them out!”


A seal that binds the mouths of those who know?

Root, how dark is it going to go?
Thinking this way, he asked Fu An, "Father's death belongs to Shimura Danzo's secret, so even if you know the truth, you still can't stand in the crowd and tell the truth when others slander and curse your father?"

"Yes... sorry..."

Kakashi lowered his head, concealed the anger in his eyes, and said lightly: "I already understand your situation... I should thank Shimura Danzo, because he told me the truth that you couldn't tell me personally, and let me I got rid of the nightmare of my father failing in his mission and committing suicide! Although he created a new nightmare for me, as long as we brothers work together, we should be able to handle it!"

(End of this chapter)

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