Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 154 13 Ren media, rushed up

Chapter 154 13 Ren media, rushed up
Chongming's back room is not a room, but a passage connecting another world.In this world, there are countless plane trees, clear and sweet spring water, colorful flowers, and chirping birds...

Could this be where the phoenix clan lived?

When Fu An was thinking this way, a big white bird passed quietly high above the sky.

The moment he sensed the entry of humans from another world, the feathers of the big bird gradually turned into the color of the sky, and completely disappeared under the protective color of the blue sky.



Chong Ming took Fu An forward slowly on the vast grassland, stepped over a stone bridge, entered the dense forest, walked through the lush vegetation, and walked in front of a huge plane tree.

Above the sycamore tree, there is a huge nest.

"This is the birthplace of Phoenix..."

After arriving under the phoenix tree, Chongming stood still, turned his head and said to Fu An and the little chick who were following him: "The phoenix is ​​the first race born in the world. From the beginning of its birth, the phoenix searched for a suitable one in the ninja world." Contract ninjas as their own responsibility...

Because, after signing the contract with the ninja, the ninja will take the phoenix family away from the gallows space that they cannot escape no matter what.Although it was only for a short period of time, it was already very rare for the phoenix that had to be imprisoned due to its strength.

However, such ninjas are extremely difficult to find. "

Hearing this, Fu An couldn't help asking: "In the history of the ninja world, there are countless ninjas. There are many strong ones and many virtuous ones. Strong and virtuous ninjas are not rare...Why do you say that you can be with the phoenix clan? Is it extremely difficult to find ninjas who sign contracts?"

"Pay attention to fit."

"Goodness of fit?"

"To be exact, it's the degree of matching with the medium phoenix." Having said this, Chongming glanced at Chong Ju, shook his head and sighed with a smile: "The phoenix mediums are all young birds less than a hundred years old. One change. From the day it became a medium, the phoenix will go to the ninja world, find the ninjas he likes in the ninja world, and bring them to this world to accept the trial of the space god...

A virtuous ninja is lost in countless cycles of death.

A powerful ninja, lost in the powerful power after signing a contract with the phoenix...

After the former is lost, the body and soul will be imprisoned on the gallows guarded by the phoenix.

After the latter gets lost, he will go mad, and even implicate the psychic medium who signed the master contract with him!

Although a powerful and virtuous ninja is likely to cut through numerous checkpoints and sign a contract with the phoenix clan, the young chicks who are still in the growth stage do not have the power to bring them to the phoenix barrier space... ..."

"After so many years, hasn't a single virtuous and powerful ninja been brought back?"

"I once brought back one. It was the ninja brought back by the 13th phoenix medium. The 13th phoenix is ​​powerful. Although it is still in the growth stage, it still brought back a ninja who is qualified to sign a contract with the phoenix family. ...But, in the end, it still failed!"


Fu An was puzzled.

He is virtuous and powerful, and has been recognized by the phoenix family.

The extremely stringent conditions are all up to standard, why does the psychic contract fail?

"The problem lies with the 13th Mediator Chongsheng. The one whose virtue is not up to the standard is the 13th Mediator Chongsheng..." Chongming sighed, and said with a wry smile: "After signing the psychic contract with the 13th Contract Ninja, It is greedy for the power and impetuous honor of the ninja world, so it controls the 13th contract ninja through its own power. After controlling the 13th contract ninja, he was backlashed by the psychic contract, and finally turned into the periphery of the ninja world Sha! Once he wakes up, the ninja world is likely to be destroyed!"


Fu An frowned, "I've never heard of such a story..."

"That period of history was erased by a woman named Otsutsuki Kaguya, because she was worried that the people under her rule would ask her for powerful power on the grounds of eradicating evil spirits, so she erased the current people's understanding of that incident. The tragic memory of the incident, and she decided to rely on her own strength to fight against the Sha who hovered around the periphery of the ninja world and would wake up at any time... and the method she adopted was—”

White absolutely!

"—Bai Jue!"

The answer in Fu An's mind and Chong Ming's answer appeared together.

Unexpectedly, there are such secrets in the ninja world, Fu An found that things gradually exceeded his cognition...

Before, he always thought that Kaguya's purpose of creating Baijue was purely to deal with the big-tube wood-gold style and the big-tube wooden peach style——

(End of this chapter)

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