Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 161 The Crisis at Sea

Chapter 161 The Crisis at Sea

The boat bumped on the sea for more than a week. During this period, they encountered deep-sea fish chasing the boat, fishermen who were fishing, and even pirates who robbed the wealth of those who passed by...

However, they were all resolved one by one.

It was not they who resolved it, but the boatman of the boat they hired.

"I have been fishing and carrying passengers with my father since I was seven years old, and I know the dangers of the sea. In order to deal with the dangers lurking in the sea, I read books, practice martial arts, and learn to be a man... I have developed every survival skill to my own. Extreme——

So, don’t worry if you take my boat, I will do my best to protect your safety until I reach the destination, unless I die! "

This is a bold statement made by the old captain who helped everyone out of the crisis with his own strength after meeting a group of pirates.

While saying these words, the old captain's bronzed skin glistened in the harsh sunlight.

The efforts he made for his career shocked Fu An and others.

However, he eventually died.

On the day he died, a black wind blew up at sea.

"The heavy rain is coming, I will instruct everyone to collect what should be collected first, guests, you should go to the cabin first..."

"Maybe we can help." That's what Zong Hu said at the time.

But was rejected by the old captain, "I have more than 50 years of sailing experience, I can handle these small storms, I don't need your help... But you, the family and the children around you are weak and small, don't worry about it." Better to be frightened by a ship rocking in a storm!"

After finishing speaking, he pushed Zonghu into the cabin even after pushing and persuading him.

After returning to the cabin, the storm really came.

The big ship wavered in the storm...

Although Fu An and the others are located in the safest area of ​​the big ship...

However, he was still confused by the vibration of the big ship.

Frost Moon couldn't get used to the swaying ship, so she ran to the back of the cabin and vomited...

Zonghu was very worried about Shuangyue, so he planned to go up and ask the old captain when the storm would pass——

But when they boarded the boat, they smelled the smell of blood mixed with the storm.

There were all kinds of corpses on the boat.

As the storm intensified, the blood pooled into a stream of blood, slowly pouring into the cabin——

After discovering the bloody water, Fu An ordered Gong Chu to take good care of Shuangyue, and then summoned Kun Wu from the scroll to rush up.

After seeing the scattered corpses on the deck, Fu An couldn't help but look at Zong Hu who was blurred by the storm.

Zong Hu squatted on the deck, and in front of him lay a corpse with only the upper half of his body—the corpse of the old captain.

Fu An, who was vigilant about the movement around him, walked over.

"he died……"

Zong Hu's voice was muddled by the storm.

However, Fu An still sensed Zong Hu's sadness.

"What happened?" he asked Zonghu loudly.

Zong Hu, who suppressed the sadness in his heart, was about to answer when suddenly a huge fleshy tentacles quietly appeared behind him...

Sensing the crisis, Zong Hu rolled over and avoided it without even thinking about it.

And Fu An, at the moment when the fleshy tentacles stretched out, he immediately waved out the kunai in his hand.

The moment Kunai swung out, a fierce attack came from behind through the rain...

Fu An, who failed in one move, threw Ku Wu over his head without hesitation.

At the moment when Kunai flew above the storm, he jumped back, and after seeing the general shape of the attacker, he made seals with his hands and said: "Light Escape·Spider Web Blade Technique!"

As soon as the words fell, the white chakra net quickly cut towards the huge tentacles and giant crab claws next to the old captain's body.

The moment the white light flashed, the tentacles and crab claws turned into several pieces and fell on the cabin.

As for Fu An, before the tentacle crab claws fell to the floor, he flew past and caught Kunai who was about to fall to the deck...

At the same time, on the other side, Zong Hu's voice also rang out, "Feng Dun·Hundred Ghosts Howl!"

In an instant, in the gradually subdued storm, there was actually a tooth-shattering and shrill ghost cry.

Fu An, who saw Zong Hu making a move for the first time, was made scalp numb by the ghost crying.

When he was hesitating whether to rush over to help at this moment, Gong Chu's voice sounded behind him: "Be careful on the right side..."

Hearing this, Fu An swiped Kunai in his hand towards the right side of his body without even thinking...

Kunai stabbed a sticky soft tentacles viciously...

Before Fu An had time to launch the second attack, his right foot clenched and his whole body was thrown up.

"Depend on!"

Abandoning Kunai, he quickly formed a seal...

Halfway through the printing process, I suddenly realized that the tentacle was throwing its body towards a huge harpoon with its tip pointing up in the middle of the corpse...

And the tip of the harpoon was aimed at Fu An's eyes.

Fu An, who discovered this and was 100% sure that it was too late to dodge, had a toothache...

However, at this moment, a dark purple meat net suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and his head hit the meat net at the front of the harpoon fiercely. Unexpectedly, the meat net was not broken by his head , and the harpoon had no chance to pierce his eyes.

The moment it hit the meat net, the tentacles wrapped around Fu An's right foot also broke suddenly.

Fu An, who was sweating profusely, turned his head, and then saw Gong Chu who was quickly getting up on the deck...

The moment he turned around to look at the coexistence, the dark purple meat net was quickly retracted, and Shuangyue's body jumped down from the sky, and landed steadily in front of Fu'an, "Are you all right?"

(End of this chapter)

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