Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 164 Black Cloud

Chapter 164 Black Cloud
When Zonghu's team arrived at the Thunder Country Bay, in Konoha Village, Hatake Kakashi was working hard to practice the sword skills inherited from his father.

He has talent.

Also very hardworking.

With unparalleled talent and hard work day after day, in less than half a month, while mastering the basic skills, he also mastered most of the sword skills on the scroll.However, he was still dissatisfied with his basic skills.

He had seen his father's knife action before.

Because he has seen it before, he is very aware of the gap between himself and his father.So, while mastering the new saber technique, he was still consolidating his relatively weak basic skills day after day...

Finally another day, he mastered all the knife skills on the scroll.

However, he was still not satisfied with himself.

He tried to integrate his Lightning Chakra into the steady, ruthless and extremely swift sword technique like his father did...

While he was making these efforts...

The root responsible for monitoring him reported all his actions to Shimura Danzo.

Shimura Danzo frowned when he learned that he was practicing swordsmanship. He told Kakashi the truth about Hatake Sakumo's death. He was sure that Kakashi hated him... If nothing else, Kakashi The reason why Cassie practiced so hard on the sword skills of the Hatake family inherited by Sakumo Hatake was that one day he could use his father's sword skills to avenge himself, the culprit.

"The towering tree of Hatake's family only needs one tree, and if there are too many, it will change, and it will do all kinds of harm to the village..." he murmured.

The eagle-like indifferent eyes gradually revealed a strong murderous intent.

You can't attack Kakashi blatantly...

Then, we can only take a detour to kill him!


The country of thunder.

The red scarf was blown around by the wind, and Fu An couldn't be bothered, so he stretched it out to cover his silver hair, and wrapped his mouth that was constantly drinking the humid air from the coast of the Land of Thunder.

"The place we are going to is Yunyin Village..."

After buying a candied haws for Gong Chu and him, Zong Hu squatted down, helped him tidy up the corners of his clothes, and said with a disguised loving face: "The journey may be a bit long, if you are not acclimatized, you can let me know in advance..."

"got it."

Fu An nodded obediently, took off the scarf and took a big bite of the candied haws.

so sweet...

He hadn't eaten candied haws for a long time, and before he had time to admire, he was frowned by the sourness that followed.



After arriving in the Land of Thunder, in order to gain time without revealing their identities, they specially hired a carriage.

According to the little information left by the former mission team, it cannot be completely ruled out that they are using the ninja way to expose their identities.

Zong Hu seeks stability in everything.

In order to improve the success rate of the mission and the survival rate of the team members, he suppressed the urgency to rush to Yunyin Village to investigate information, and with a father's unique thick and steady, he took his subordinates steadily on the way to Yunyin Village. Hidden Village itinerary.



From receiving the mission to the present, he thought that every decision he made was extremely safe, and he also thought that there was no possibility of his mission team revealing his whereabouts.

However, for some reason, when the carriage they hired was driving on the way to Yunyin Village, the feeling of being watched was like a shadow.

When this feeling of being watched came to mind for the third time, he lowered his voice and said to the team members in the carriage: "Although I don't know why, our whereabouts may have been exposed... from this moment , Get ready for battle! So as not to be caught off guard by the enemy!"


Fu An saw the shock in the eyes of Zong Hu who was sitting opposite.

They know better than anyone else how cautious the mission team has been along the way...

However, in this case, why would the whereabouts be exposed?

After going through the events of these days carefully in his mind, his eyes turned into suffocating condensation.

he remembered...

On the boundless sea, the mission team was forced to fight the two huge psychic beasts with skeleton ninja foreheads.

"The enemy is most likely not from Yunyin Village..."

While speaking, he quickly drew a skull pattern on his palm with the index finger of his right hand, and said in a deep voice, "We need to be wary of guys with this kind of mark..."

(End of this chapter)

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