Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 170 The 1v1 Dilemma

Chapter 170 One-to-One Dilemma
"One-on-one or gang fight?"

After hearing that there was going to be a duel, Gong Chu, who was very concerned about the guys on the street wearing skull forehead guards, quickly asked his doubts.

"What do you think?"

The man raised his eyebrows at Gongchu.

When raising his eyebrows, Gong Chu was surprised to find that black evil energy escaped from the man's eyes.

That evil spirit made Gong Chu feel uneasy, and hurriedly said: "I personally prefer to fight one-on-one..."

"Okay, then one-on-one!"

After speaking, the man made several seals with his hands.After the Yinjutsu was completed, those ninjas with skulls and forehead guards that occupied most of the corners of the street disappeared into countless black smoke, as if they had never existed.

At the moment when the skeleton ninja disappeared from the street, a man wrapped in a black robe appeared at the window, pointed at Zonghu and said, "You are the captain this time, right? Your opponent is me!"

And the leaden-haired guy who was squatting on the window sill before said to Shuangyue, who was about to step forward to help Zonghu: "Beauty, don't break the one-on-one rule, or you will regret it... Besides, I just want to help Zonghu." Is your opponent!"

After speaking, with a wave of his hand, Shuangyue disappeared in the local area.

And Zong Hu was also led to the street outside the window because of the fight with the black-robed man.



"I rely on..."

Finding that they seemed to want to leave him and Fu An alone, Gong Chu slowly tidied up and retreated to Fu An, protecting the dignified Fu An and muttering: "I always feel that things are not good this time. Whole, the enemy seems to be more difficult than imagined..."

"I know."

Fu An, who knew well that it was not suitable for bickering and chatting at this time, replied very coldly.

After answering, he silently walked out from behind Gong Chu, guarding the surroundings.

Gong Chu felt very bored, so he became alert.

At the moment when he was fully alert, a long knife wrapped in black ink smoke silently stabbed at his neck. Gong Chu, who was sensitive to the chill in the air, broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately raised the knife to block it. .

The person in charge of confronting him was a woman with purple hair.

After the long knife was blocked, the woman sneered, and stabbed the blade against Gong Chu's back...

Gong Chu, whose back clothes were stabbed open, broke out in a cold sweat.

To be able to enter the Anbu, his skill is generally not much worse.However, at this time, when he faced the woman wielding a knife, he couldn't dodge.

In order to break the situation where he couldn't dodge, he jumped backwards.

But when he jumped back, the purple-haired woman stuck to him like a hunting snake, and at the same time, she stabbed again in front of Gongchu's lower body.

"I rely on..."

Although Gong Chu was amazed at the smooth and flowing sword skills of the purple-haired girl, he still said stubbornly: "I said, how do you practice your sword skills? Why have you never seen you stab accurately!"


The woman sneered, and the long knife stabbed across the back of his lower body, waist, arms, and back of his head.

After leaving a few holes in Gongchu's clothes, the woman stood still as if she had accomplished something, and said with a wicked smile, "Dare to laugh at my sword skills. I'll let you see it." , What is the real knife technique!"

When the words are finished, the hands are stamped and the operation is completed.

"I'm sorry, your flamboyant fists and embroidered legs are nothing but tricks. I'll show you today, my lord, what is..."

"Gong Chu, shut up!"

Fu An stopped him with a dark face.

"Can you be more polite, after all, we are all the same..."

Before the word 'companion' was uttered, Gong Chu was not without surprise to find that the place where the woman stabbed with a long knife just now turned into sharp blades.The blade was tightly attached to his skin, and some of them had cut through the epidermis and made the epidermis ooze blood.

Only then did he realize that he was already hovering outside the gate of death, he broke out in a cold sweat, but because of the blade on his neck, he didn't even dare to swallow his saliva.

Seeing that he finally realized the predicament he was in, Fu An immediately said: "If you don't want to die, just stand there, don't move, don't talk... I'll find a way to save you—"

While speaking, he summoned the phoenix heavy foal through the seal of his hands.After Chong Ju came out, he said to Chong Ju, "Help save that idiot who was caught by the blade!"

Chong Ju immediately locked his eyes on Gong Chu who was covered in black lines.

As for Fu An, he drew out his long knife and charged at the purple-haired woman.

But at the moment when the long knife was drawn, a voice rang above his head, "Hey, little baby, you seem to have found the wrong opponent. Your opponent is me!"

(End of this chapter)

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