Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 177 Phoenix 1 Clan, Strength

Chapter 177 Phoenix Clan, Strength
"Now there are two paths before you, one, help us find teammates, and then take us to meet the guy who signed the contract with you...

Two, die. "

Looking at Se Yuanri and the rafters who were stuck on the ground without saying a word, Fu An said: "After the hand-to-hand combat, I think you should be very clear that we have the strength to kill you at this time...

And you who sold your soul to the god of death to return to this world, you probably don't want to die so soon, right?So, think carefully before giving me an answer. "

A few minutes later, Se Yuanlie said: "We can't betray the god of death, so we can't help you find your companions... However, we can take you to meet the god of death, because this is also our stop Your purpose. It’s just that our original intention was to bring your corpses there…”

"got it."

Fu An, who could see from their eyes that they would not back down, did not force himself, and said: "That being the case, in order to prevent you from stabbing us in the back when we are looking for companions, I am wronging you to stay in the scroll for a while... by You who are composed of evil spirits are not living people, so even if you are sealed into the scroll, you should not die!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Segenji and Rafter to express their opinions, they performed the 'Light Escape · Immortal Binding Technique'.

After binding the unresisting Segenri and Rafter with the Immortal Binding Cable, he opened the scroll and sealed them into the scroll with the Seal of Evil Seal.

After finishing all this, he turned his head and said to Gong Chu, who had been hesitant to speak, "Just ask whatever you want, don't hold back..."

"This bird..." Gong Chu pointed to the heavy horse with flame-like red feathers.

"My psychic beast."

"Why did she overcome the blade magic of that woman named Rafter?"

Gongchu didn't know the name of the rafter's blood successor, so he used his own knowledge to choose a relatively appropriate name for the rafter's blood.

He thought it was very appropriate, but Chongju couldn't listen any more, he jumped out and replied on behalf of Fu An: "What's the 'blade magic', it's called 'seed device', it's a kind of blood that can plant blade weapons in the air Following...

As for why I suppressed the Blood Inheritance...

That's because the power of the phoenix clan itself is superior to the blood successors, you idiot! "


Both Gong Chu and Fu An were stunned.

The former is unbelief.

The latter is surprised.

Fu An, who had died many times in the outer space of the phoenix, had already experienced the powerful power of the phoenix family. However, this was the first time he had heard that the power of the phoenix family was superior to the blood successors.

"Sharingan of the Uchiha clan..."

"As long as it's not old Jiang Hu such as Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha Madara, my power can completely deal with it. After all, even they, the phoenix family, will still have the power to deal with them... It's just that everyone has no conflict of interest. In addition, they are already dead, so there is no need!"

Seeing her boasting endlessly, Gong Chu had a mindless expression that he believed whatever she was bragging about.

In order that Gong Chu would not be taken away by her, Fu An said flatly: "If I remember correctly, whoever's wings were cut off in half by my long knife..."


Chong Ju, who didn't expect Fu An to dismantle his platform, was choked.

The next moment, he fluttered his wings and said in dissatisfaction: "It was an accident, do you know that it was an accident? I was afraid that I would kill you if I used too much force, so I withdrew some of my strength. Who knew that you actually climbed up the pole, thinking If you don't want to, just take a knife to cut me..."

"You can say whatever you want!"

Knowing that there are many things waiting for everyone, Fu An pointed at Gong Chu, and said to Zhongju: "If I remember correctly, he was injured by the rafter's seed device just now, right?"

"Small injury..."

Gong Chu resentfully touched his scabbed neck.

"It's really a small injury, but..." Fu An walked towards him, looked up at his wound carefully, and frowned, "As far as I know, soon, new stretch marks will grow in this wound that can hurt people around. Blade... In order to avoid being killed by you, I decided to kill you first!"

"Hey, are you kidding me..."

"Of course it's a joke..."

Seeing that Gong Chu was so frightened that his face turned pale, Fu An narrowed his eyes and smiled, turned to Chong Ju and said, "Chong Ju, can you pull out the ice blade that is stuck in his body?"

"Although it's a little troublesome, but in order to prove that the power of the phoenix clan is superior to the blood successors, I decided to let you learn a lot..."

Chongju walked up to Gongchu with his bird's paws on a seductive catwalk.

In Gongchu's terrified eyes of the monster, he aimed the tip of the two wings at Gongchu's wound.

Red lightning-like light penetrated into Gongchu's wound from the wingtips.

In an instant, a numb feeling spread all over Gong Chu's body.

When Gong Chu couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to move his nest, a sudden sharp pain hit him. Before he had time to cry out, more than a dozen root blades soaked in blood were pulled out by the red light like lightning, and they were thrown to the wall and shattered. Crack into slag.

"It hurts, hurts, hurts to death..."

After the problem was solved, Gong Chu crouched down and knelt down, frowning and moaning for pain.

Fu An glanced at him indifferently, "It's time to go... Shuangyue and Captain Zonghu are still alive and dead, we need to find them as soon as possible..."

While talking, he summoned Parker with spiritism, and asked Parker to help Zonghu and Shuangyue who lost contact with him first.

(End of this chapter)

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