Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 181 Inoue Tetsuki

Chapter 181 Inoue Tetsuki
Kakashi looked at the old man with white beard and hair, feeling suspicious.

He never heard his father mention the name 'Inoue Tetsuki'.

If it is true what the old man said, he was the one who watched his father grow up.Then, as a father, he would definitely not mention his name at all...

Seeing doubts in Kakashi's eyes, the old man lowered his head, fiddled with the grass under his feet and said with a wry smile, "I am a good friend of your grandpa. After your grandpa and your grandma passed away one after another, Sakumo once regarded me as the elder...but I, As an elder he respects, but dragged him into the vortex of your grandfather's unjust death out of selfishness, and let him be swallowed up by hatred. If it weren't for Uchiha Kagami, that kid Sakumo would have been a traitor of the village!"


Kakashi never heard from his father about his youth.

Now hearing the old man mention it, Kakashi was stunned, "Grandpa died in vain?"


"Death with innocence?"


The old man shook his head, and then, looking at the bonfire that was already steaming with fragrance, he said, "His companion killed him because of his own selfish desires, but because of his special status, no one who knew the truth dared to seek justice for him. Including me , and just encouraged Shuo Mao to avenge his father, but in the end he almost killed him..."

"Revenge is wrong?"

"Revenge is right, but if the revenge is in conflict with the interests of the village, the just revenge will turn into a selfish revenge. This kind of 'revenge' will destroy the village, and in the end, countless innocent people will be exiled to foreign lands. I can no longer find a sense of belonging..."

Having said that, the old man looked at Kakashi, and finally expressed the purpose of his remark, "Kakashi, I have heard about Sakumo's death. I know that you and your brother are both pregnant. I have the intention of revenge... But Kakashi, revenge needs to be in line with current events. Otherwise, new hatred will inevitably breed!"

"I have a sense of proportion..."

"Besides, I think Shuo Mao doesn't want you to become traitors in the village because of avenging him..."

"I know this too." Kakashi lowered his head, looked at the remaining dry food in his hand, and said lightly: "From the fact that he would rather die than betray the village, I know that he is unwilling to betray Konoha's upbringing." He finally achieved his hometown..."

Seeing Kakashi so transparent, the old man seemed very relieved.

After a pause, he continued: "I've already heard about your brother Fu turn around and help me persuade Fu An so that he doesn't go astray."

"My brother is an independent individual, and it is impossible for me to interfere with his thoughts."

After speaking, Kakashi got up and walked away...

He didn't know Inoue Tetsuki's current identity.

I don't know if what he said is true or not.

However, Tetsuki Inoue's words reminded him of his father in his memory.

Inoue Tetsuki was right, his father really didn't want himself and Fu An to defect from the village to avenge him...

Therefore, he will not betray the village.

If he can, he hopes to change the village someday.

It can dilute the narrowness and prejudice in the village, enable the villagers to learn tolerance and understanding, and enable the position of ninja to truly be recognized and respected by everyone...


When he seemed to see the goal he wanted to work hard for, a wooden bowl full of steaming food was handed to him by a pair of big hands.

"Eat some, Kakashi..."

The wrinkles at the corners of Xia Ninkosuke's eyes wrinkled together, "I've done a lot, if you don't help, I'm afraid it will be wasted again..."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Kakashi to nod, he directly stuffed the wooden bowl into his hand.


Even through the mask, Kakashi could still smell the aroma of food.

Unexpectedly, her cheeks turned red...

The village of Konoha is not useless!

Probably because of this, my father was reluctant to betray or destroy it!

(End of this chapter)

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