Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 207 The Source of Evil Qi

Chapter 207 The Source of Evil Qi (Fourth)

After taking pains to get out the alcohol lamp that Tsunade was holding in his arms, Orochimaru created a shadow clone and asked him to send Tsunade back.

After confirming that the shadow clone had protected Tsunade and left, Orochimaru turned his head, looked at Fu An who was still confused, and said, "Let's talk about something related to the mission!"


Fu An didn't know whether to laugh or cry, what he talked about before had nothing to do with the mission!
This Orochimaru is really easy to calculate!

If I hadn't been careful, I'm afraid I'd fall into the pit this time.

But Orochimaru is right, the debt owed will have to be paid back sooner or later.I cheated him back then, and he didn't care too much about himself. .Then he cheated himself today, and it's not easy for him to say anything to him.

"If I remember correctly," he said, who decided not to argue with Orochimaru: "The content of this mission is to let me follow your command to clear out the evil spirit from the body of the ninja infected with evil spirit... The task is easy to say, but difficult to do, what are you going to do?"

When Fu An was talking with Orochimaru, Parker squatted beside him, always on guard against Orochimaru pitting Fu An.

In his eyes, Fu An and Kakashi are both children, and children are the easiest to trust cunning adults.

As a contracted ninja dog of Hatake Sakumo's lineage, when Sakumo is away, he has the responsibility and obligation to take care of the two troubled children of Sakumo's family.

"Don't play tricks, Orochimaru..."

"Cut!" Orochimaru looked disdainful.

Then, he turned his head to look at Fu An and said, "According to my research, the evil power sealed in your eyes is the source of evil spirit. In other words, it is the matrix of evil spirit..."


"To be more popular, it can be said that it is evil spirit and its mother."


The corners of Fu An's mouth twitched. He wanted to laugh but felt that this was not the time to laugh, so he suppressed the smile in his heart and said, "It stands to reason that I have no right to refute the conclusions you have drawn from your research. But Uncle Snake, I still can't help but want to ask, since the power sealed in my eyes is the mother of the evil spirit, why didn't the evil spirit seek it out? Instead, it struggled to break the seal by itself?"

"Pity the hearts of parents in the world."

After speaking, seeing Fu An and Parker looking at him like an idiot, Orochimaru gave a detailed explanation helplessly: "Because of the spider web sealing technique. The spider web sealing technique conceals the breath of the source of evil spirit, so , the evil spirit didn't know the existence of the source of the evil spirit, so I didn't look for it... However, the evil spirit didn't notice the existence of the source of the evil spirit, but the source of the evil spirit sensed the existence of the evil spirit. In order to meet the evil spirit, this appeared The evil spirit supports the matter of desperately trying to break the seal."

Such a powerful explanation, Fu An was speechless.

"And then?" He asked Orochimaru dryly.

"If you don't want the evil spirit hidden in everyone's body to control you to do things that endanger the village, there is only one way...that is, try to let the breath of the source of the evil spirit in your eyes come out, so as to seduce the evil spirit and the source of the evil spirit to converge, That way, everyone will be fine."


Parker couldn't help but interjected: "In this case, other infected people in the village will be at ease, but what about Fu An? What about Fu An?"

"It doesn't itch if there are too many lice, and doesn't worry if there are too many debts. Naturally, he can still live the same life as before..."

"All the evil spirits are gathered in his eyes, are you not afraid that those evil spirits will break through the spider web seal and control him, turning him into a killing machine manipulated by the evil spirits?"

Orochimaru glanced at Parker, he really wanted to kick out these stinky dogs who were chattering aside.

However, considering that he had only done something to deceive his contracted master, he resisted the urge to kick Parker out, gritted his teeth and explained: "You underestimate the S-level spider web sealing technique! You know that before the spider web sealing technique What is the body?"


Orochimaru glanced at Fu An, sighed and said, "It seems that Sakumo hasn't had time to tell you this... The spider web seal technique originated from the Uzumaki Clan's 'Character Seal'. At first, it was composed of countless characters. The spell seal is mainly used to seal some ghosts and evil spirits.

Later, Shuo Mao used chakra instead of a pen to condense the seal text, and then formed the seal text into the required spell pattern, which turned it into a spider web seal technique that can seal the powerful evil forces such as blood succession boundary——

If you want to learn this technique, you need to memorize thousands of sealed characters as thin as ants.Then, you have to remember the seal patterns that seal different powers.Finally, you must have a super large amount of chakra to perform this technique.

Such a sealing technique that can transfer Yin and evil qi can be broken by mere Yin and evil qi?If one day it is destroyed by evil spirits, there is only one possibility, that is, you have given up your humanity! "

This is the first time Fu An heard this statement.

He decided to go home and look through the scroll where the spider web sealing technique was located.

Just when he was thinking about when to propose to Dashemaru that he wanted to go home, Dashemaru said: "As far as I know, before Sakumo committed suicide, I was afraid that you would give up yourself because of hatred and let the evil breath in your eyes be broken." Sealed out, specially passed this technique to Namikaze Minato...

Namikaze Minato went on a mission and will be back this afternoon.

After returning, the third generation will let him participate in our mission.

After he comes over, I will ask him to try to change the seals on your eyes to let out some of the breath from the source of evil spirit.In this way, evil spirits will pour into your eyes continuously, and after they are all poured in, the water gate will strengthen the seal again, and in this way, everything will be fine! "

"What about me? What will happen to me?"

"With Minato, you shouldn't die." Orochimaru's eyes fell on Fu An, and he said with a smile: "Besides, I won't let you die. Although the corpse can provide me with a lot of information I want to know, but Only a living human body can create unexpected miracles one after another!"

Fu An cursed in his heart.

And Orochimaru continued: "In general, you need to take a risk. When Minato changes the seal, there will be thirteen special ninja guarding nearby to deal with emergencies at any time..."


Before Fu An could speak, Parker said from the side: "Hey, Fu An, I always feel that the main purpose of this mission is to cheat you. I suggest you terminate this mission, otherwise you will be in bad luck—"

"It's not up to him..."

Orochimaru crossed his legs and smiled evilly: "If I remember correctly, both Kakashi and him came into contact with his grandfather Yifan Hatake from the kingdom of the underworld. If he terminates the mission, the next one will be controlled by evil spirits." Yes, they are brothers!"


When the ending came, Fu An found that he had fallen into the trap of fate from the very beginning.

However, since it is already like this, let it be natural!

Misfortunes depend on blessings, blessings lie on misfortunes...

Success or failure in the world is an indescribable existence!
(End of this chapter)

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