Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 224 The Unexpected Incident

Chapter 224 The Unexpected Incident
Konoha's Dusk Cliff is located on the northwest side of Konoha's training ground. When not training, everyone will go there to play.

But usually no one goes there at night.

The road is unclear at night, and people who are not familiar with the area may have accidents.Normal people, no one would go for a walk in a dangerous place at night.

But tonight, Fu An rushed there in a hurry.

The moonlight was dazzling, and he was afraid of stepping on the air and slipping off the cliff, so he took every step very cautiously.

After walking so cautiously for a long time, I arrived at the destination.

After arriving there, I searched the surroundings for a long time, only to see a thumb-thick rope at the root of a certain tree that was almost infested by moonlight.

Under the bright moonlight, the rope could be vaguely seen moving.

Swimming along the rope to the edge of the cliff, poking his neck and looking down, he could see a guy with a nose, not a nose and eyes, not eyes tied to the end of the rope.The guy was half submerged in the water, with his right eye swollen into a slit, and he wailed weakly: "Why did you do it so badly this time... I just peeked at the woman taking a bath as always. What did I do?" Ah Tsunade..."

"Teacher Jiraiya?"

"..." The voice was silent for a while, and suddenly asked tightly: "Is it Fu An?"

"it's me."

"Why did you come here?"

Fu An was afraid that he would blame himself for coming late, so he lied: "I was practicing in the training ground, and I suddenly wanted to come here to take risks, but I heard your voice..."

After finishing speaking, he also felt that his lie was full of loopholes.

But Ji Lai is also half dead at the moment, and probably doesn't have time to think about it.

So he immediately asked: "Teacher Ziraiya, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't mention it, I met my nemesis when I was picking up art..."

"Should you be able to break free from this rope? Why have you left this rope tied for so long...?"

"Ke Xing gave me medicine, and I can't exert myself..."

Speaking of this, I suddenly felt that the situation was wrong, so I said in a muffled voice: "Hey, boy, can you get me up first and then ask questions? I'm almost freezing to death..."

"Wait a minute, I'll pull you up—"

A few minutes later, the wet Jilai also collapsed on the edge of the cliff at dusk, panting.

The night wind hit, shivering and sneezing followed.

Seeing this, Fu An went to the forest to find some dead branches and lit a fire with the fireball technique. After the fire had been roasting for a long time, Zilai finally regained his strength.

"Are you all right?"

"You can fight again—" Jiraiya stood up unsteadily.

Fu An was stunned, "Are you still going?"

"What do you know, the scenery at night is the most charming..."

While talking, Zilai also walked towards the village with his limp legs.Seeing that he was so unrepentant, Fu An decided not to care about him anymore.

Just when Fu An was about to go back to the center of the village first, Zilai also stepped on the ground.

There happened to be a small slope where he stepped on the empty space, and he rolled on the ground several times before stopping.Fu An was taken aback, and hurried over to check the situation, only to see Jiraiya staring at the night sky with wide open eyes.

"You said, Tsunade beats me every time at this time, does it mean that she can't see that I like other women..."

How did Fu An respond to these words?
After holding back for a long time, I finally said: "I'm only seven years old, I don't really understand these things about you adults. But when I came to the training ground in the afternoon, I met Tsunade-sama, and I have never seen her so angry... …So Jiraiya-sensei, persevere, maybe your wish will come true!”

"Don't lie to me... Tsunade asked you to come and save me, right?" Jiraiya got enlightened for some reason.

Seeing that he had guessed the truth, Fu An had no choice but to say: "I met Tsunade-sama when I came home from Hokage Office in the afternoon, she told me that you were here, and asked me to come and release you later. I know you are After being cleaned up for peeking at other people taking a bath, I also felt that I should teach you this lesson, so I planned to release you after sunset... Who knew that the plan could not keep up with the changes, and was delayed by things!"

"I knew you were unreliable..." Ji Lai also hummed with dissatisfaction.

Fu An: "My fault..."

"Then how do you make up for it?"

"Will you eat? Looking at you, it seems that you have been hungry all afternoon... If I invite you to eat, I should make up for my lateness..."

Seeing him being so upbeat, Zilai stretched out his arms in satisfaction and said, "Help me up, let's talk while walking..."

Fu An helped him up in fear and trepidation, and led him towards the center of the village.

Ninjas usually run or jump, or teleport... But now Jilai has also suffered serious injuries, so it is very difficult for them to walk this way.

Fu An never imagined that the Cliff at Dusk was so far away from the center of the village...

When they arrived at the center of the village, many shops were closed.Even the Yile ramen shop that I am used to going to usually only waits for the last two customers to finish eating before turning off the fire.

"Yi Le, a bowl of ramen!" He came all the way to greet Yi Le.

"Two bowls... I'm hungry too!"

When eating barbecue at night, Fu An was worried about Kakashi not eating.As a result, Kakashi's stomach became round after eating, but his own stomach was beating drums from hunger.

After a while, two bowls of steaming noodles were served, and Yi Le was about to say, 'If you come one step late, the store will close'.Unexpectedly, when he looked up and saw that Zilaiye's face was bruised and swollen, he couldn't help asking: "Zilaiye, what's wrong with you?"

"That, I was so messed up that I forgot to watch the road when I was drunk..."

Zi Ai also told a random lie and ate the noodles in suspense. After eating a bowl of noodles, he asked for another bowl.After ordering four or five bowls in this way, he felt satisfied and laughed while rubbing his chubby belly.

Fu An felt that his smirk was ridiculous, fearing that something else would happen to him, he hurriedly settled the bill and planned to send him home first.

Unexpectedly, not far away from Yile Ramen, Zilai grabbed his arm and said in a treacherous way: "Fu An, after you became my apprentice, I don't seem to have taught you anything, right?"

An ominous premonition rose from his heart, and Fu An immediately waved his hands and said with a dry smile: "Where is it, teacher, you have always taken good care of me by precepts and deeds..."

"not enough--"

Zilai, who had taken some medicine off his body, also stretched out his arms and hooked Fu An's neck, hehe thief said with a smile: "I'm in a good mood today, how about I teach you my most proficient 'art collection technique'? This is Xiang is good at it, I won't teach him Minato..."

"Why are these words so familiar? Did you say the same thing to me before..."

"Never mind it! Tell me, are you going to follow me or not?"

"No--" Fu An rejected Jiraiya very simply, and then said bitterly: "If I remember correctly, after I rejected someone last time, did someone change into my appearance to peep? "

"I seem to remember it when you mentioned it. After that, someone's shadow avatar turned into me and caused trouble everywhere, and finally caused me to owe a lot of money in the village, and finally lost it in front of Tsunade. His face was beaten to death by Tsunade, right?"

"It was you who pretended to be me first..."

"Shut up! Do you know what it means to respect a teacher!"


It's late at night, people are quiet, and the lights are off.

On the empty street, only Ji Lai Ye and Fu An, who refused to give in to each other, were engaged in a lawsuit that could not be cleared up.

(End of this chapter)

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