Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 245 Kakashi, Anbu

Chapter 245 Kakashi, Anbu
Hiruzaru Sarutobi sat behind Hokage's desk and personally arranged for the members of Gen.Knowing the importance of this work, he will ponder for a long time every time he fills in a name, and after combining various reasons, he puts it in a suitable place.

"I've thought about everything you said," the nib dipped in vermilion ink rested on the paper, he looked up at Fu An standing in front of him and said, "But besides Anbu, where else can we put them? "


Fu An was stunned for a moment, indeed, besides Anbu, where else could the Gen people be placed?

Danzo Shimura has no tendency to wake up yet.

If there is no accident, it is very likely that he will remain so half-dead.

If the roots under his name are left alone, troubles will inevitably happen after a long time.Even if they don't cause trouble, they stay peacefully in Gen's organization base... But why does Konoha want to support their gang of idlers!

Therefore, new jobs must be assigned to members of the root.

In the village, the only team that can quickly cooperate with Gen is Anbu.

Therefore, the root people can only be scattered and placed in various departments and small teams of Anbu.

"But for the third generation, if Danzo Shimura wakes up, the members of Root will definitely return to him... Who can guarantee that Root at that time will not reveal to Danzo Shimura the core secrets that he has come into contact with during his missions these days? ?”

"That's why I placed the members of Gen into Anbu's three-person team. I hope that you, the team leaders, can change them... At least let them understand that Hokage is the only existence they are loyal to."
too naive--

The root members who have been eroded by the curse of the root will not oppose Shimura Danzo in any case.

Even Fu An, who hated Shimura Danzo deeply, would go against Shimura Danzo regardless when he was cornered.And that's the opposite, to put it bluntly, it's like moths flying to the flames, and it's not going to be of much use!

"Three generations, maybe this arrangement of yours will fail. Gentoku members will never betray Shimura Danzo..."

"If it can't be changed, I will take the next step!"

When he said this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyes were full of coldness, with a strong killing intent.During the period when Shimura Danzo was unconscious, he had been taking care of the root affairs.The more you cook, the more frightened you become.

Shimura Danzo doesn't love Konoha as he appears on the surface.

Compared with the village, he loves himself more...

If Shimura Danzo has a gentle temperament, Sarutobi Hiruzaru would not mind making Shimura Danzo the next Hokage.

However, he who has known Shimura Danzo for many years knows better than anyone else that Shimura Danzo is definitely not a soft-hearted person.If Konoha rulers are compared to two kinds of birds, Sarutobi Hiruzaku is equivalent to the pigeon faction who seeks stability in everything and does not resort to extreme moves, but Shimura Danzo is just the opposite. The kind of hawks.

If he is in power, it will be miserable for some ninjas who would have been loyal to Konoha...

Especially the ninjas with certain stains that cannot be washed off. Once Shimura Danzo is in power, they will be Danzo's thorn in the flesh, and they will be unhappy if they don't get rid of it!

Die of thirst, those ninjas with stains that cannot be washed off, are sometimes the life-saving straw of the village...

"If Danzo wakes up, and those roots who have been with Anbe for a long time still choose to serve Shimura Danzo, the task I assign to your team leader is to kill that root member in the team!"


Sarutobi Hiruzen finally felt the desire to kill.

Fu An, who clearly received Hiru Sarutobi's killing heart, planned to leave.

He found that Hiruza Sarutobi, who made the ridiculous decision to let root members join Anbu, was not stupid, but really wanted to deal with these rotten roots buried deep under Konoha.

"I was worrying too much, you are busy!"

Fu An intends to leave.

Just when he was about to turn around, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, who was adding something to the job list, raised his head, looked at him who was about to turn around and said, "Kakashi left Matsui's team, and the new teacher I found for him, Minato, is also here Executing an S-level mission... After much deliberation, I decided to put Kakashi in your team first and train him for a while! Are you mentally prepared to accept him?"

"Three generations..."

Fu An's face was full of shock.

Seeing Fu An's expression, the smile on Sarutobi's face became more and more kind, "I will arrange some simple tasks for your team, and after Kakashi gets used to it, I will increase the difficulty of the task as appropriate... Fu An, Kakashi I will leave it to you temporarily, I believe you will be able to take him well!"

A few minutes later, Fu An was walking on the streets of Konoha.

I met some villagers on the way, and everyone greeted him warmly. The peddler who sold candied haws unexpectedly stuffed him with several bunches of candied haws that had been stuck in thick kraft paper.

Fu An, who was carrying a few bunches of candied haws to find Kakashi, found himself lost on the road to revenge...

look around...

The village is still the same as before.

People are still the same group of people.

The village is not purely bad, and the people are not purely bad... Everyone seems to have his own reasons for doing evil.However, it is true that it has caused irreparable harm to others!

However, in a blink of an eye, evil people will do many heart-warming good deeds to those they have hurt for some reason.

These heart-warming events made the avenger's blade of revenge froze in the air, and he didn't know whether to cut it down...


Fu Anteng touched the scroll in his arms that sealed Shuo Mao's suicide note, "Is this why you let me spend a period of time with them? You already knew that they would change their attitude towards Hatake, and you also knew that I would fall into a trap. Are you confused? But father, since you already knew that the stain imposed on you by Shimura Danzo can be washed away by time, why did you commit suicide?"


Qianshui came towards Qianshui with a husky's origami hat in his hand, and when he saw Fu An holding several bunches of candied haws in his arms, he smiled, and brazenly rubbed over two bunches of candied haws.


"Didn't I just buy a dog?" Orikasa Asamizu, who was giving candied haws to his mouth, took the time to explain, "This dog has cost me more than half a month, so I'm a little tight..."

"Who told you to buy a dog when you're free..." After glancing at the listless husky, Fu An tore away the bunch of candied haws that Orikasa Asamizu had left in his hand, and tilted his head towards the depressed Orikasa Asamizu He smiled and said, "Even if money is tight, you are still a big uncle. Do you have the guts to grab candied haws from children?"

"I'm just sharing it for you. There are so many candied haws, you can't finish them all by yourself..."

"Who told you that I ate all these candied haws by myself?"

"Including Kakashi, you can't finish eating, so be careful to break your teeth..." After putting the last few candied haws in his mouth, Orikasa Asamizu stared at the candied haws in Fu An's arms and swallowed.

"I can't give it to you anymore." Seeing this, Fu An turned around and ran away in a hurry, while running, he turned his head and explained to the frustrated Orikasa Asamizu with a smile: "There are other people who want to eat besides Kakashi, you If you like this one, I will buy another one for you when I meet someone later..."

(End of this chapter)

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