Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 266 Who is the murderer?

Chapter 266 Who is the murderer?
The moon is struggling to break free from the shackles of the dark clouds.

In the combat area, the light is bright and dark, very strange.

Fu An stood there, looking at Kakashi who single-handedly challenged Posamon, his eyes were full of complexity.

Even though he has been emphasizing teamwork in this mission, Kakashi doesn't seem to be fully listening.

The current Kakashi, just like when he was performing the mission of Matsui's team, has been forcing himself to complete the mission independently.

On the way to complete the task, he never thought of relying on his companions.It never occurred to me that I wanted to be the reliance of my companions.

"What a headache..."

Fu An sighed.

Between sighs, seeing Kakashi being forced back by the Posamamon, Fu An, who knew that something would happen if he didn't make a move, told Gongchu and Gingu to stand up, and drew his long sword towards the Posamamon and Kakashi's body. The field of battle is ushered in.

When he slashed at Poshamen's scimitar that danced vigorously, Kakashi's eyes obviously flashed a trace of guard.

After seeing that it was him, he relaxed a little.

"Kakashi, outflank left and right!"

Fu An, who sideways avoided the attack of the Bashamen, greeted Kakashi, but Kakashi hesitated for a while, and then quickly ran to the left to cooperate with him.



On the other side of the battle area, after fighting with the Rabbit Lip Blood Jijie Man for a while, Gong Chu, who found that the opponent's ability was very difficult, hesitated for a while, and said to Yin Gu: "I'll attack in another way, you hold it first..."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yin Gu to agree, he ran away like a gust of wind.

Seeing him run away as soon as he said it, Yin Gu, who had been fighting a little hard, felt a chill.But he is not the kind of person who complains, so he just does his best to stand up to the enemy.

After 1 minute passed, that bastard Gong Chu hadn't come back yet.

Yin Gu was a little anxious, and his eyes couldn't help but catch Gong Chu's figure.

However, Gong Chu seemed to have run away, no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find Gong Chu.

While he was distracted, a wave of heat licked his right arm.In the blink of an eye, a large piece of skin on his right arm fell off.

Pain hit, blood gushed out, and before Yin Gu could utter a scream, numbness gushed from the wound in all directions like a spring, and gradually, his right arm no longer had the feeling of holding a knife.

Although he tried very hard to grasp the knife in his hand, his right hand loosened a little bit.


Seeing the tongue of the man with the harelip protruding out of his skin from time to time, Gingo knew that sooner or later he would be paralyzed and allowed to be slaughtered by him, so he could only jump back suddenly.

When he jumped backwards, he tried to change the long knife in his right hand to his left hand, but because his right arm was no longer as flexible as before, the long knife fell into the rubble with a clang, and he was anxious to pick it up, but bowed his head. At that moment, a tongue several meters long slammed into the ground under his feet, but he had no choice but to continue to flee in embarrassment.

The tongue protruding from the man with the harelip lip stuck to it reluctantly. Under the multiple pincers of those flexible, soft and extremely lethal tongues, Yin Gu's back and left leg were hit successively.

Only four or five seconds after he was hit, he fell to the ground.

The moment he fell to the ground, four or five tongues stabbed at his powerless head on the ground like a swimming snake...

"I'm going to die..." He murmured, and sighed with a wry smile.

He is not afraid of death, but has some regrets.

When watching the biography of perseverance, he always wanted to be like Naruto, the protagonist of the biography of perseverance.

I also want to look for the answer I want in this huge ninja world like Naruto.


It seems that there is no chance!Over there
When the soft tongue full of barbs licked his head, in his heart, he somewhat resented Gong Chu who had run away.At the same time, some blame Captain Fu An who cares about one thing but loses another...

This team is immature.

He became a victim of this immature team!
With vague resentment, he closed his eyes and prepared to meet the god of death.However, after closing his eyes for a long time, his tired body didn't feel any new attack.

what's the situation?
He was startled, and slowly opened his eyes.

The moment the eyes opened, they widened suddenly as if seeing something extraordinary.

Such a scene was reflected in his slightly trembling pupils.

The hare-lipped man with a barbed tongue sticking out from every part of his body, his right hand clutched his neck tightly, but even so, he still couldn't resist the gurgling blood gushing from his neck.

The hare-lipped man was in a panic, and immediately wrapped his tongue around his neck tightly, trying to stop the blood from flowing out.

Just as he frantically mobilized his tongue full of barbs, a long knife unique to Anbu pierced his heart from behind him.

The life of the man with the harelip came to a halt at this moment.

Before the final period was about to appear, the man with harelips turned around desperately trying to see who killed him, but when he turned around, he was taken aback.

There is no one behind him.

In about three seconds, he fell to the ground full of rubble.

The eyes that were infinitely wide open to the moon were full of fear, doubt, and unwillingness.

Also feeling terrified and puzzled was Yin Gu.

He was the one who dropped the long knife that pierced the man's heart with the harelip, but who pierced the knife into the man's heart with the harelip?
Behind the man with the cleft lip, there was obviously no one.

Then, who is it that, when the rabbit-lipped man was fully fired, quietly went behind him and gave him two fatal blows?


However, doubts belong to doubts, and the matter has finally been resolved.

He took a long breath, relaxed every cell in his body and let the numbness spread throughout his limbs.

I don't have the strength to fight anymore...

So be it!

When he couldn't bear the numbness that gradually spread to his brain and was about to take a rest regardless, Gong Chu, who had gone somewhere before, hurriedly ran towards him from a distance.

When his eyes were about to close, he patted his cheek desperately.

However, although he still had a bit of clarity in his brain, he didn't have the strength to reprimand or respond.

"I won't die..." Gong Chu was anxious, and then tried to press Yin Gu's heart.

While pressing Yin Gu's heart, he apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, it's all my fault. Although I successfully let the spirit in my body separate from the body and become a hidden combat power, in order to be able to win by surprise, I made a move. Enemy, I can only use you as a target under the light... Although it is all for the mission, it is really too much to use your life without consent!"


Yin Gu, who vaguely heard these explanations, was full of doubts, as if he understood something.However, when thinking about the logical relationship in Gong Chu's words, his brain shattered like glass falling to the ground...

In the end, I can only sleep in a chaotic state.

(End of this chapter)

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