Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 298 Must Fight

Chapter 298 Must Fight
When Marsh Liu was frantically jumping in front of Fu An, An Jilu, who had been stunned by the illusion before, woke up and immediately formed a seal to end Fu An, who was leaning on the tree trunk and lacking in fighting spirit.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a violent wind blew from the front right, and his body was thrown far away by the wind like a kite with a broken string.

In a panic, he grabbed a branch, and through the dead leaves flying in the air, he saw a big bird that seemed to be jumping with flames and landed on the place where he lay down before.

After landing, he even spat angrily in his direction: "Sneak attack, shameless!"

Anjilu wanted to cry but had no tears, who the hell just attacked who?
He was angry.

When he was angry, he took advantage of the weak wind and dropped the branch to the ground, planning to find a theory about that stinky bird that was not a good bird at first glance.

Unexpectedly, as soon as it landed, it was forced into a panic by dozens of red wings.

When he decided to take it seriously, several black wings shot at him, and he didn't want to dodge in embarrassment, so he cut them off one by one with Kunai...

However, when he cut it off, he discovered in despair that the black wings turned into black smoke and rushed towards his mouth, nose, ears and eyes.

Unexpectedly, there would be such a trick, he instinctively closed his eyes and breathed, but when he closed his eyes, a petite figure jumped onto his shoulders, grinned at him unceremoniously The meat on the shoulders greeted.


He couldn't help screaming in pain, and the moment he opened his mouth to scream, black smoke poured into his mouth, instantly paralyzing his limbs.So, not long after he woke up, he fell down and lay his body there again.


After Anjilu lay dead again, Parker jumped from his body to the ground, wagging his tail and said joyfully, "Not bad, little Chongju, this time he cooperated so seamlessly with me..."

"Obviously you cooperated with me..." Chongju muttered in dissatisfaction.

"Huh?" Parker's eyes immediately turned cold.

The shadow of being cleaned up by the eight ninja dogs for many days before has not dissipated, and the heavy horse lowered his head helplessly, "Okay, I will cooperate with you."


At the stall of bickering, they looked at the place where Fu An and the three-tailed Jinchuriki were. Seeing that they hadn't started fighting, they stepped on the leaves and jumped over to look at Fu An and said, "You seem to be in a mess..."

Fu An looked at the clothes on his body that were cut by the blade and the fine cuts under the clothes, nodded deeply and said: "Well, it's quite embarrassing..."

"Are you still fighting?"

Fu An didn't answer, but looked at Marsh Liu.

Marsh Liu turned his head and asked Chongju, "What did you do to that man just now?"

"He's in the way, so let him lie down for a while..."

"Will it die?"

"I didn't kill him, how could he die."

Knowing that An Jilu would not die, Marsh Liu heaved a sigh of relief, then turned to Fu An and said in an invincible way: "Let's continue the grievances just now, you made Bruto like that, I must avenge Bruto... ... Hurry up and leave me your name and order to leave!"

Fu An: "..."

Fu An probably knew people like Marsh Liu.

It's not that Marsh Liu values ​​Brutal too much, but because he, who has been living in the disgust of others, desperately needs this sense of bondage to protect his companion and give everything for his companion.

Maybe Brutal doesn't care about him...

Maybe the third Mizukage didn't really care for him...

However, he, who was clearly aware of this, didn't care about it.He unilaterally thought that Brutal was the one who gave him sunshine, and unilaterally thought that the third Mizukage valued his younger brother... and even unilaterally wanted to avenge Bruto, and unilaterally wanted to do it for the third Mizukage. Shadow stays in Mist Ninja Village.

It's such a sad existence...

Obviously not being valued or needed by others, but, in order to find a reason to live well, he still locked in two relatively pleasing guys from among those cold-blooded people, and then for such guys, he was desperate.


Fu An sighed.

The reason why he endured hatred to stay in Konoha Village after going through that was because not only did he need Kakashi, but Kakashi also needed him.

He couldn't take Kakashi to take risks because of his lack of strength, and he couldn't choose the path of becoming a traitor for Kakashi, so he forced himself to stay there...

But marsh willow is different.

Relatively speaking, such marsh willows are very pitiful.

Fu An supported the tree trunk and stood up, looked at Marsh Liu and said, "I just want to ask you a question, why did you want to tell my shadow clone your story, your troubles, your worries and anxieties... ..."

"What?" Marsh Liu was a little confused.

Fu An continued: "I am just a child, I am so much younger than you, I may not understand or understand what you told me...In that case, why do you still tell a child What about your past that he can't understand at all?"

"You asked me 'why'..." Marsh Liu smiled wryly and spread his hands, "I don't know myself, when I saw you, I didn't treat you like a child.

Although you do look like a child, but, for some reason, I always feel that you have the soul of an adult.

Your eyes are very similar to mine, and you have carried a lot of burdens, so I can't help but tell you about me. I hope to find resonance from you.

Even if I can't find it, I hope you can use words to ease the depression in my heart a little bit, I'm going crazy...

These days in Wunin Village, I am full of thoughts but no one to tell them, so I can only go to the forest to chop trees, one after another, just like I just chopped you...

If I hadn't discovered that I had this tendency, my brother Mizukage wouldn't have let me out on purpose to relax...

Really, why should I tell you this, you are not from the village, even if you understand me, you can't help me.You killed Brutal who was barely able to talk to me, so I must kill you here to avenge Bruto! "

While speaking, he threw away the long knife and jumped to the tree, his eyes were stubborn and he looked carefully but felt empty.

"I only have this way to have only this way to go, so, continue to fight with me, I can kill you, you can end me, whatever, don't let me Thinking about those terrible past-"

"I understand..." Knowing that he had to do something for Brutal, Fu An threw away the scarred long knife.

Seeing this, Zhongju supported him with his wings, "Are you still fighting? That guy's chakra is very wrong, I suggest taking you away..."

"Agree!" Parker raised his paw.

But Fu An pushed back the wings of the heavy horse, calmed his breath and said: "I have to fight him, and when he has almost vented the depression of Brutal's death, I will show him a way...he can't go on like this Otherwise, you will harm others and yourself!"

Fu An didn't know him, but he knew the three tails in his body.

At the end of World War Three, Sanwei reappeared again, harming many people.Among those people, there was Kakashi, Rin Nohara, and Obito...

He will spare no effort to interfere with anything that may cause Kakashi's tragic fate. This is the purpose of his existence.

(End of this chapter)

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