Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 300 Protecting the forest and preventing ninjas is everyone's responsibility

Chapter 300 Protecting the forest and preventing ninjas is everyone's responsibility
An old man who is nearly sixty years old is planting trees.

Dig a hole.

Throw saplings.



After a series of steps, the uncle wiped his sweat with a towel hanging around his neck as he watched the young saplings struggling to stretch their young leaves under the breeze.

There was a "bang" sound in the distance, and the uncle craned his neck to look suspiciously. After seeing the rainbow hanging above the forest, he seemed extremely satisfied.

This is how life should be. Digging pits, planting trees, hunting and watching rainbows is safe and fulfilling.

When the uncle lamented his ancestor's unique vision, a huge water column shot up into the sky, and the rainbow trembled in shock.

"An underground fountain?"

The uncle was surprised and delighted. If it is really an underground fountain, with a little modification, wouldn't it be possible to plant more trees in a short time?Thinking about it this way, I'm already thinking about how to transform the underground fountain...

At this moment, several broken tree trunks and muddy leaves passively 'fly' up into the sky, and at the same time 'fly' up into the sky, there is also a seven or eight-year-old doll.

The doll flew halfway and disappeared in a puff of enchanting white smoke, leaving only the rainbow in the sky empty and cold.

"Damn ninja!"

The uncle can barely be regarded as a person who has seen the world, and the scene just now clearly told him that all the fantasies before were due to his overthinking.Seeing that the forest that his ancestors protected was so ruined, the uncle only felt angry.

When I was ready to go to the theory, the body had already rushed out with the head.

Then, glaring at the front, he rushed to the direction where the jet of water shot up into the sky just now...

"Hey, Chongju, you were too aggressive just now..." Seeing that the shadow clone was blown away by his own people with the strong wind, Fu An untied the invisibility technique and took a look at Chongju, who was poking at a broken tree trunk showing off his power. Complaints.

"I'm so excited, I didn't control my strength for a while..." On the broken tree trunk, Chongju looked extremely coy.

Parker got goosebumps all over his body.

When Parker was about to complain, Marsh Liu, who was squatting on a certain branch, complained first: "Are you relying on people to play me more? Believe it or not, I will show you the tail-"

"If you want to lose control here, you will explode..."

Fu An, who was resting on the tree trunk, said disapprovingly: "Based on the current situation, after you burst your tail, there should be no one who can help you press the three tails back to your body. By that time, you will be completely reduced to a container for the three tails!"

Marsh Liu once said to the clone of Light Escape Shadow that he was completely hated by people because he couldn't restrain himself from blowing his tail for a while.Because he didn't restrain himself, he killed many people, including Mr. Zai Liu, who is highly respected in the country of water.

That was his nightmare.

Therefore, he doesn't want to escape reality in his life and let the three tails in his body help him solve everything!

It was precisely because of receiving such information from the clone of Guang Dunying that Fu An dared to stay alone to stop Marsh Liu and the others.

It's a gamble...

The final result was realistic, and Fu An won the bet.

"Hey, Numaliu, can you control the three tails in your body?"

"It's not control, it's suppression..."

"Anything is fine," Fu An, leaning on the tree trunk, stared at the water drops on the leaves above his head, and said, "If I can't reap the fetters I want in a place, I won't give some sympathy to you." and responsibility as fetters..."

"Ah, you're right..."

Marsh Liu pointed at the ant that was fleeing in a hurry on the tree trunk, and murmured: "Taking sympathy and responsibility as fetters can only temporarily paralyze myself. After a long time, there will be a hole in my heart that can't be filled no matter what... That's why I want to leave Mist Ninja Village so much!"

"Once Renzhuli is lost, death is not far away..."


"You are now in a lost state..."


"The so-called 'fetters' pulled over by force can't pull you back from the lost state. Your brother Wenchao is like this, and so is the dead Brutal. They can't save you, and they won't try their best to save you... If You are completely out of control, and what awaits you is a dead end."


This time, Marsh Liu didn't answer right away.

He was silent for a long time, and then he used the back of his hand full of scars to cover his slightly sore eyes and said: "It is indeed like this, but what can I do as a human being... I can't help myself in my whole life, so I just Can go wrong all the way!"

"There is another way, why don't you go?"

"What?" Marsh Liu was startled, is there another way?

Seeing Zhuanliu's bewildered expression, Fu An secretly sighed, most of Renzhuli are good boys.Forced to this point, but still did not choose to leave.

"Why don't you leave?"

"Leave...?" Marsh Liu was stunned, he had never thought of such a thing.

And Fu An continued: "In that place, no one likes you, they hate you, fear you, and at some point, even want to kill you...

The reason why they haven't put it into action is because they still need to use you.

This is a very sad thing, if this continues, you will be driven crazy by them, you will hand over everything to Sanwei at the end of the day, and then you will cause great damage to them.They will regard you as a demon, and will kill you at all costs... But you, who are alone and alone, will be killed by them after all! "

"I know this too, but so what..."

Marsh Liu fell powerlessly on the tree trunk, with ants crawling around him, he covered his eyes with his hands, and tears gushed from between his fingers, "This is my destiny, Wen Liao said this is mine." life, and I, can not control my life!"

Every word Fu An said was heartbreaking.

At first he was able to force himself to pretend, but in the end, he was defeated.

No matter how perfect the disguise is, it will eventually be seen is the eternal truth!

Fu An sat up and looked at another marsh willow choking silently on the trunk.

He wanted to go over to comfort him, but when mobilizing the chakra, he found that he had reached his limit, so he could only continue to lean there and say, "Leave, Marsh Liu, dye your hair, change your clothes, change your name, hide your breath... …Go to a peaceful place where no one knows that you are Sanwei Jinchuriki, and form a bond with the people there that belongs to you. When the hole in your heart is filled, think about where to go!"

"Is it really possible?"

"Nothing is impossible..."

"..." Marsh Liu moved his lips and wanted to say something, when suddenly a piece of iron broke through the wind and stabbed firmly at the edge of the tree trunk he was lying on.

When he was frightened by the sudden 'hidden weapon', an angry roar sounded in the open space below which was full of broken leaves and branches, "Turtle grandson, take your life and give back my tree!"

(End of this chapter)

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