Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 304 You May Need a Pile of Baijue...

Chapter 304 You Might Need a Bunch of Baijue...

Steaming scorched earth.

And corpses that exude a scorched smell and are displayed on the scorched earth in various strange postures.The slightly opened mouth of the corpse faced the cloudy sky above his head unwillingly, as if he was asking something, but he couldn't ask anything.

The darkness persists, and the light never seems to come.

Looking around, there are corpses like this on almost every inch of land...

In the distance, ninjas with different foreheads are still fighting hard.

This one cut off the enemy's head with a big knife for a long time, and before he had time to catch his breath, the enemy on the right side blasted most of his body with ninjutsu...

In a hell like a Shura field, blood and flesh dance together in an almost crazy posture in this space...

"here it is……"

The daimyo of the country of the river was frightened by the tragic scene and retreated again and again, but because he didn't see the way, he fell down on the head of a corpse.

When he was almost out of control by the head of the corpse, Fu An's figure appeared near him, and said expressionlessly: "This is war, no matter you are old or young, evil or good, as long as you come here, There are only two ways to go. That is, to kill, and to be killed!"

"Is this... war?" he murmured.

Fu An stepped forward, looked at him who was still somewhat skeptical, and said: "It seems that your father protected you well. The World War II is so close to your country, and it has even affected your country. However, as the successor daimyo You know nothing about real war!"

"If the country of the river is so strong that it can surpass the nations of the ninja world, then no one will say anything when you start this war...

But you are very weak, if you really fight, you can only be the one who is abused.

The scenes of killing you have seen at this time will be fulfilled to your soldiers little by little after you forcefully start the war.After it was fulfilled to them, the families were torn apart...

As their king, do you really have the heart to watch your people live in the sorrow of losing their loved ones every day? "


The Daimyo of the River Country, whose pupils reflected the tragic scene of the battlefield, moved his lips, but he couldn't find any words to refute.

Let the whole country be buried with Nanako, is it really what a qualified king should do?
He remembered what his father said to him before he took over the daimyo position, a king should have all the people in his heart and put the people first in everything.Only in this way can the country enjoy long-term stability... Even if it is attacked by a powerful country, even if the country is destroyed, in the hearts of the people, such a country and such a king are immortal!

When he was in a daze, a guy who had just cut off the enemy's head and was covered in blood saw him and seemed to regard him as an enemy. The guy immediately rushed towards him with a big knife...

Fu An, who was near him, didn't help him at all.

He tried to call for help to Fu An who was watching coldly, but before he could speak, the red-eyed guy had already rushed to him, raised his knife and dropped it, half of his body had already hit the ground heavily.

Blood gushes out quickly from the fractured surface of the body...

The body gradually lost its original temperature...

And the remaining consciousness in my mind gradually became blurred!

Cold sweat poured out, and the fear of death dug deep into his heart!
When the black covered the blood, Fu An's voice sounded, "This is war, this is death... You, who have witnessed all this with your own eyes, are you sure you want to start a war against a powerful country beyond your capacity?"

With the rapid panting, the darkness gradually dissipated, and then he saw Fu An who was standing in front of him and didn't move much.

After confirming that his body had not been cut off, he looked at Fu An who was standing there, and said in a daze, "Was that just now...?"


"What I want to ask is, is what was shown in that place just now really a war?"

"It's really war."

"You are so young, how can you possibly experience a real war?"

After leaving the Shura field, his brain gradually became clear, and he couldn't help but question Fu An in front of him.

Fu An said blankly: "How much do you know about the ninjas of the big country? Some ninjas of the big country have the ability to read other people's memories, do you know this?"


Seeing that the daimyo was silent, Fu An sighed, "Protect your country. In troubled times, it's serious to work hard to improve the national strength and protect the country for the people. Don't do any more stupid things like hitting a stone with a pebble..."

"Then I can only feel sorry for Nanako..."

"Revenge and self-improvement do not conflict. There are many ways to avenge Nanako. You don't have to lead the army to fight the big country and persevere to the end!"

A quarter of an hour later, the members of the Fu An team set foot on their way home.

Before leaving, the daimyo of the country of the river would lead the officials to send off whatever he said.Helplessness is an extremely secret mission, so I have no choice but to give up!
After leaving the River King City, the Fu An team headed eastward all the way.

When I entered the big forest, I heard the sound of digging the ground inside, so I went in and took a peek.

Seeing that it was the old man who was nearly sixty years old who made the commotion, he couldn't help saying: "It might be better to leave it alone... Although the tree was destroyed, the roots were not broken. After a while, new branches will still grow bud!"

The old man raised his head and saw that it was him, he couldn't help curling his lips and said: "What does the guy who destroys the tree know? Although the roots have not been broken, but if he wants to grow into a towering tree surrounded by several people like before, I'm afraid he can't. Right now, he can only dig it out. Roots, the road of replanting trees can be taken!"


Fu An, who didn't understand the reason, was speechless.

Just as he was about to leave, the old man suddenly said: "You ninjas, because you can control Chakra, you have gained power that ordinary people can't have. But no matter what, you can't just find a place to fight whenever you like. ...My family has maintained this forest for many years, and almost every year, dozens of old trees will be killed by you. Please be considerate of us a little bit, if this continues, this country will be swallowed up by wind and sand sooner or later!"

It was only then that Fu An remembered that the country of rivers was adjacent to the country of wind in the desert.

Seeing that the old man's family had such considerations, they couldn't help but be in awe, "You may need a bunch of whites!"

"What is Baijue?"

"It's nothing, you are busy... If you need it, I will leave a shadow clone to help you? It's just that the shadow clone has limited capabilities, and it may disappear at some point. I hope it won't cause trouble to you by then!"

Fu An did not leave a shadow clone behind.

The old man seemed to really hate their ninjas. When he said that he could leave a shadow clone to help plant trees, he just waved his head and drove him out of the forest.

"A forest with a solid foundation, is it a place polluted by ninjutsu? People live, after all, they have to be down-to-earth... Forget it, I won't tell you this, and you won't understand it, you guys who are extremely stupid !"

In life, everyone has their own principles and ethics for survival.

For such people, it is not their pursuit to live easily, but to live to the full and feel that they have not wasted their lives when they die is the real way to live up to the years!
(End of this chapter)

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