Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 306 Blood Fox

Chapter 306 Blood Fox

The atomization physique of the Ible family is easy to solve.

It's just that children don't know how to use the ninjutsu of Light Escape·Ye Luo Returning to Root, so after finishing everything, Fu An told Su Heng: "Let their parents teach them to use this technique, just like teaching them to eat, drink and talk. Teach them... If they are not proficient in this technique, don't let them leave the sight of the people around them, otherwise, once the atomized body is blown away, it will be a very troublesome thing!"

"I will arrange this..."

Su Heng sent Fu An out of the living area of ​​the Yibuli clan.

On the way, when they met the Ibuli people, everyone greeted Fu'an very politely.

"Everyone completely treats you as their own..."

Fu An smiled, "I hope it will always be like this."

Su Heng paused, then asked again: "I've always wanted to ask you, what is the name of the organization Brother Jiangkou helped you set up? Besides funds, is there anything else that needs my help?"

"We shouldn't get too close to that organization now, after all, we have such an identity on the surface..."

"What's the name of the organization? If you encounter it on a mission in the future, so as not to accidentally hurt you..."

"Blood fox."

"What a name for Secondary School..."

Fu An turned his head away and said depressedly: "I didn't take it—"

"Who took that?"

"You ask what you are doing so Qing, so go and think about your pornographic novels. If you can't write it, then follow Teacher Zilaiya to the bathhouses to peek around, maybe you can find some inspiration..."

Su Heng: "..."

The country of craftsmen.

In a small, unnoticed village, the extremely noisy cicadas nearly knocked off the roof of the village.

Eguchi Unsuke, dressed in ordinary farm clothes, sat under the apricot tree in the courtyard, sleepy.

Eleven Lang Eguchi came in from the outside and saw him sitting under a tree dozing off, so he said, "Go back to the house when you're sleepy, there are many insects under the tree outside, watch out for them to bite you..."

"I've sprayed the medicine..."


While talking, Eguchi Shishiro went back to the house to scoop up a ladle of cold water and poured it down. After wiping the corners of his mouth, he sat on the threshold and said to his drowsy younger brother, "I still suggest you go back to sleep. We have work to do."

"What to do?"

"Firebird said let's find the three-tailed Jinchuriki who ran away from home, and then use some means to form a bond with him and let him join us..."

"No money, only fools join us."

"We can take some private missions first, and earn some money to buy weapons... The superiors said that when we get through this period, they will send us money. Everything is difficult at the beginning, so be patient!"

Jiangguchi Yunsuke heard the words and sat up straight, looked at Jiangguchi Shishiro and said, "We both know the situation of the boss better than anyone else, we can't expect money from the boss..."


Unexpectedly, in the evening, Chongju, who came out of stealth, brought a sum of money to their brothers, "This is the money for buying weapons in the early days. Although it is not much, it should be enough if you save it."

"Why are you rich all of a sudden?"

Zhongju turned his head away, blocked the sight of Brother Jiangguchi with his wings and said with a dry smile, "I went to some rich and unkind rich family to do some moving work..."

"Transportation work?"

Eguchi Shishiro was still confused, but Eguchi Yunsuke had already reacted, and said in surprise: "Why do you need to do this? After a long time, the money matter will naturally be resolved slowly..."

"Isn't it because you need weapons to perform some more advanced tasks..."


"Don't worry, I promise it's just this one time." Seeing that they cared so much, Chong Ju, who was also doing this for the first time, was a little hypocritical: "I just saw that rich man oppressing the people, and I couldn't get angry for a while, so I wanted to rob him." The rich help the poor..."

It’s okay if you don’t explain, but the more you explain, the more guilty you feel, and you can’t help but go crazy and say: “Forget it, I’ll go back and confess this matter to my superiors, and you don’t need to worry about it... You just need to do your best and keep the things that should be kept secret. Just do it!"

After speaking, he fled away.



The next day, Fu An, who was practicing in the woods, could not help laughing after hearing Chongju's timid report: "I still think it's something... If the rich man is really unkind for the rich, you can do some moving work." It's understandable. However, the ninja team does something like that. If possible, I hope you can find a guy with a brighter mind and make money with wisdom!"

"How to make money by wisdom?"

"Like building a bounty house..."

"The money needed to build the bounty..."

Hearing this, Fu An took out a scroll and handed it to Chongju, saying: "There are 5000 yuan in it, plus the ones you robbed before, it shouldn't be a problem to buy some high-quality weapons. Later, you and the brothers go to the underground bounty house to pick up one that you can afford." The head mission, rely on that mission to earn the first pot of gold! Once you have the first pot of gold, are you afraid that you won’t have the second pot of gold?”

"However, although the underground bounty house gives more money, the risk is also very high. What if something happens to the two of them..."

"Isn't there still you, stealth will help them."


After explaining Chong Ju, Fu An apologized, "It's inconvenient for me, and I can only rely on you to go back and forth..."

"Chongming said this is a good time to exercise my abilities..."

Chongju didn't take advantage of the situation to complain, and patted his small chest with his wings and said: "Then I will go first, and I will return to the Phoenix space when things are almost arranged... Later, if you need me to do anything, just contact me as soon as possible I."

"I need a liaison bird that will stay in the ninja world for a long time. Look back and see who is suitable. After confirming that it is competent, I will sign a psychic contract with it."
After Zhong Ju left, he looked at the sky, and Fu An, who felt that it was almost done, went to the Hokage office and received the next task.

This time, because of the relatively close distance, the Fu An team only took three days to complete it.

They took on several more missions like this, and after confirming that their teamwork had reached a new level, Hiruzen Sarutobi began to send them assassination missions.

Before carrying out the assassination mission, I heard that Jiraiya's team went back to the village, and after explaining some things in a hurry, they all left the village again.

Although they came and went in a hurry, but fortunately, there were no casualties.


Time flies.

Before you know it, winter is coming.

On a certain morning when there was salt snow, a frog appeared in front of Hokage's office, and said to Hiruzaru Sarutobi who got up early: "Jiraiya and the others were attacked, and the seriously injured Beiruhu and Minato disappeared at the same time. Orochimaru and Jiraiya has tried his best to find it now... However, due to the limited manpower, Jiraiya asked me to go back to the village to ask for help."

(End of this chapter)

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