Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 312 Minato class, established

Chapter 312 Minato class, established
Eleven Lang Eguchi avoids the sharp edge of Kunai with a slight side of his body. Sanye, who is stabbing in the air, throws Kunai high into the sky, jumps up and catches it with the other hand. In the next moment, the Kunai that has been infused with Chakra is fierce. stabbed Eguchi Shijuro's head.

From throwing to receiving the stab, Sanye did this series of movements very smoothly.

However, Eleven Lang Eguchi was previously affiliated with Anbu, and he rarely lost in hand-to-hand combat.

When the chakra-infused kunai pierced his head, he saw his hands shaking slightly, and two kunai appeared in his hands.

The moment Kunai appeared in his hands, he immediately crossed them across the top of his head, and when Kunai moved to the top of his head, a faint chakra light appeared above.

At the same time, Sanye's kunai pierced straight down, just piercing the kunai that intersected together.

When Sanye secretly cursed 'stabbing the air', Eguchi Shijuro stepped back, and the cross storage that had been moved to the top of his head was out of position, and he immediately took Kunai away.Sanye, who was in the air, couldn't hold back his momentum, so he fell to the ground and rolled a few times to lose his strength.

"Although the personality is really annoying, but this reaction is not bad..." Seeing him crouching on the ground not far away panting, Eguchi Shijuro scratched the kunai in his hand and said with a sneer: "However, next , I'm going to get serious!"

"Please wait..."

Just when Eguchi Elevenro was about to kill Sanye quickly, Yuhi Makoto suddenly spoke.

"What? You want to save him?" The face hidden behind the mask raised an eyebrow.

In the impression of Eleven Lang Eguchi, Makoto Yuhi of Sakumo's team is not such a hypocritical person.

Makoto Yuhi glanced at Sanye, who was tense nearby, and in the next moment, looked away and said indifferently: "He is always looking for things for me, and I don't want to care about his life in my heart... It's just that we are on missions together after all. , if you let you kill him here, how should we explain to the third generation?"

"Is this what you mean by doing it?"

"Yes, please give me more advice..."

When saying this, Yuhi Zhenhong did not move.

However, the ninjas near him were already ready to fight.

Most of them are not members of Yuhi Zhenhong's team, but after getting along these days, they found that Yuhi Zhenhong is still a very good person.At least, stronger than Sanye.

Therefore, if they choose one of the two, they are very happy to let Yuhi Zhenhong be their captain.

In this way, at least you won't be killed by the captain during the mission...


Seeing that a fight was about to start, Marsh Liu, who squatted on the tree trunk at some point, said, "Hey, we're just minding our own business while we're done with the mission. It's really boring to fight..."

"Agreed." Marsh Liu under the tree echoed.

Eguchi Shishiro said: "What you said is very reasonable, then let's withdraw after two hits..."

While speaking, his body turned into an afterimage and rushed into Konoha's ninja group.


Although complaining, Numayanagi and Eguchi Yunsuke also joined the camp.

After joining, he directly rushed away from other ninjas' fights, rushed to Sanye before they could react, and when Sanye waved Kunai to prepare for the fight, he leisurely threw Kunai away.


Sanye was a little confused, why did he throw away his weapon and stop fighting?
When he was confused by the murderous blood fox mask in front of him, the other party grabbed his collar and slapped him several times before his body responded.


As soon as the word 'withdraw' fell, the three figures immediately turned into afterimages and retreated towards the dense forest.

Seeing that they had no intention of killing, Konoha's ninjas did not fight hard, nor did they pursue them deliberately.

It can only be said that it was Sanye who was too weak and bullied his own people so hard that passers-by couldn't stand it anymore, so they had to give him a few slaps!

Just when Konoha's ninja felt that the blood fox ninja passing by was too funny, several cold lights stabbed Sanye through the air.

Before everyone responded, Sanye's neck had already been cut off in half.

When blood sprayed from his neck, Sanye's body fell to the ground like a torn sack.

Konoha's ninja was stunned...

The guy wearing the blood fox mask was also stunned...

However, the reaction of the blood fox mask was a little faster. When he found out that someone was killed, he immediately smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away.

They ran fast, and Konoha Ninja, who realized that things were getting serious, also chased them fast.Just when they were about to be overtaken, they suddenly lightened, and when they came back to their senses, they were already in the blue sky.

"Hey, Firebird, you killed that Sanye just now, right?"

Unable to wait for the landing, Marsh Liu questioned.

"it's me."

"How dare you admit—"

Marsh Liu rolled his eyes in anger, Fu An gave them the task to let them follow Sanye, and then, at the right time, suppress Sanye's arrogance, and help Yuhi Zhenhong build up popularity by the way.

When we withdrew just now, everyone's mission has been completed...

But, who knew that a phoenix was killed halfway, and it killed Sanye all at once!
"How do you want us to deal with..."

"I'm going on a business trip..." Chongju said lightly, "That guy named 'Sanye', he must die—"


"He insulted Shuo Mao." Chong Ju, who was observing the foothold below, said unhurriedly: "I know Fu An, and I also know Chongming. If they were at the scene and heard Sanye insulting Shuo Mao, would they They will also kill without hesitation."

Sanye was killed, and Konoha noticed the organization of Blood Fox.

It was Fu An's team that received the task of investigating the blood fox.

"Yuhi Makoto is in a bad state recently. My original intention is to let Sanye stimulate him so that he can return to the high-level phantom ninja before. Then, lead his own team to do things for the village. By the way, let Sanye grow up..."

Speaking of this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed, "But I didn't expect that he was killed by an unknown person passing by suddenly. I didn't expect that Yuhi Zhenhong and the others failed to stop the unknown person—"

"Is our task to investigate everything about that unknown person?"

"If you can, grab one and bring it back... To be able to kill people and escape under the real red eyelids is definitely not something that ordinary people can do."


Not only to investigate, but also to catch one back...

Fu An looked helpless in his heart.

However, he said without hesitation on his face, "May I ask when we will leave..."



After leaving Hokage's office, Fu An didn't go home immediately.Instead, he pulled the Anbu mask on his head and walked towards the No. 3 training ground.

Obito and Rin have graduated, and the identity of the mentor Jonin has also been confirmed.Today is the day when all members of their class gather.

Although he didn't have much to do with Fu An, he still wanted to take a look, to see what these little guys looked like when they bumped into each other in a class...

Will they still hate each other like before?

Has a sense of teamwork emerged…

Can Kakashi, Obito, and Rin live in harmony?

(End of this chapter)

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