Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 316 Information of the Blood Fox

Chapter 316 Information of the Blood Fox
Just after dawn, the mission team set off.

Fu An didn't know why Sarutobi Hiruzen took this task for himself. He once made a guess that Sarutobi Hiruzen suspected that he was the leader of the blood fox, but he quickly rejected it.

First of all, before killing the ninja named 'Sanye', the blood fox was an extremely low-key existence in the ninja world.

After all, the organization has just been established, and if it is too high-profile, it may bring disaster.

What's more, there is also a three-tailed Jinchuriki within the organization that may cause turmoil in the ninja world, so for long-term planning, it is better to keep a low profile.

Such a low-key organization, unless it takes the initiative to cause trouble, will generally not attract the attention of the ninja powers.

Since it will not attract attention, then no one will be full and have nothing to do to allocate manpower to investigate an unknown organization leader.


When it comes to the Three-Tail Jinchuriki, things get interesting.

It stands to reason that Numayanagi has been away from Wuren Village for a long time, but, for some reason, the interior of Wuren Village has always been calm, and there is no sign of searching for it.

It is estimated that they also felt that the loss of Renzhuli was too embarrassing to talk about, so they chose to look for it secretly.

When they were looking for Marsh Liu, a mission team from Konoha was also looking.

However, even if they have all kinds of means, it may be difficult to find Marsh Liu.There is a unique barrier around the blood fox organization base, which is unique to the phoenix family. Unless you really go in, you cannot see the organization base inside the barrier.

But getting in is not an easy task...

There is a maze-like existence outside the barrier, and anyone who wants to pass through the organization base will be pushed to another road under the operation of the maze.

Moreover, this is not the organization base of the blood fox on the surface.Even if ninjas from other villages want to investigate, they usually only find the organization base on the surface. Few would have thought that the little Blood Fox organization would have a hidden organization base.



With the help of Chongju, the blood fox in this period has eliminated many hidden dangers. In the past two years, Fu An seldom worried about the blood fox.

All he has to do is to squeeze Su Heng, the plastic light escape clone, from time to time, and ask him to hand over the money he earned from writing pornographic novels, and then let Chong Ju hide his body and send it secretly.

But now, Sarutobi Hiruzen sent his Fu An team to investigate the situation of the blood fox...

This is equivalent to asking a corrupt person to investigate how much money he has embezzled... Although this metaphor is not very appropriate, who would be stupid enough to report everything?
Before Fu An's team set off, Fu An had already sent Chong Ju to the blood fox's organization base and informed them to sing a play together.


A week later, the Fu'an team returned to the village after completing the mission.

"The members of the blood fox seem to be particularly concerned about privacy. Although we ambushed them when they were performing their mission, we didn't see their real appearance..." Fu An was reporting the mission to Hiruza Sarutobi.

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted him, "Are they wearing masks?"

"They were wearing blood fox masks. In order to investigate their people, we destroyed the mask of one of the blood fox members. However, after the mask was destroyed, we found that there was still a mask behind their mask."

"Does this mean that their origins cannot be found out?"

"After destroying their masks, they fled... However, with Parker's help, we still found their hiding place. After some fighting, two people were killed and one injured, and a blood fox man was also captured. Now that person is being detained in the prison of the torture department, if there is no accident, the torture department will hand over the relevant information soon!"

"Is anyone bringing it back?"

"Yes," Fu An nodded, and continued: "In addition, we brought back some documents inside their organization base..."

While speaking, he presented the scroll, and said to Sarutobi Hiraku: "The documents are all sealed here, and some of them are related to the kingdom of the underworld. I think the village may need them, so I brought them back..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded, and skillfully untied the seal on the scroll.

Displayed on the seal is a list of tasks that have been completed, and some notebooks that record some information about the kingdom of the underworld.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi opened it for a few glances, and asked in surprise, "Why do they know about the Kingdom of the Underworld? Not only did they know, but they even did an investigation?"

"I'm not very clear about these. On the way back, I tried to interrogate the prisoner, but because our team is not professional, we didn't ask any valuable clues... So, all of this needs to be handled by the Torture Department." .”


The reporting task took about an hour.

After more than an hour, Fu An, whose lips were dry, finally made it to the end.

Just when he was about to ask to leave, Shura Wubaizang, the head of the Torture Department, and Miyata Mizo, the head of the Intelligence Department, asked outside to report the situation.

As soon as they entered, in order to avoid suspicion, Fu An immediately said: "Third generation, the task has been reported, I'll go back and sort out the written report first!"

Sarutobi Hiruza did not nod, but looked at Wubaizang Shura and asked, "Is it about the blood fox's captivity?"

"I let the rain in the mountains invade the captive's brain..."

When Sarutobi Hiruzen heard this, he said to Fu An: "Don't go down first, this is the mission of your team, I hope you will stay and listen to see if there is anything that needs to be added..."


There was no other way, Fu An could only continue to bite the bullet and listen.

After he nodded, Sarutobi Hiruza turned to Wubaizang Shura and said, "Continue to report."

Wubaizang Shura handed the record made by the recorder to Hiruzaru Sarutobi, and after Hiruzaru Sarutobi checked it, he said: "The rain in the mountains has invaded his memory, he used to be Takigakure A ninja in the village, because of his mediocre strength, he was often ridiculed by the people around him. In order to get rid of those, he secretly left the village. Later, by mistake, he joined the blood fox. He became a left-behind of the blood fox organization base member."

"Is that all?"

"In addition, in his memory, there are often members of the Blood Fox Organization. However, the members of that organization seem to pay special attention to protecting their privacy. Even within the organization, they never take off their masks... Moreover, the voice is clearly There was some camouflage, too."

Hearing this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned...

With such a focus on privacy, it can only be said that the blood fox is not an obscure and mediocre character in the ninja world.

And then, Miyata Sanzang's words confirmed his guess. When Wubaizang Shura stopped to rest, Miyata Sanzang, who assisted in the interrogation of the captives, continued: "Although they deliberately changed their voices, according to the rain in the mountains The description, two of them, are likely to be the village's rebellion!"

(End of this chapter)

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