Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 318 End of Volume

Chapter 318 Finale (Return of the Scorpion)
After Fu An put the question on the table, Kakashi finally began to seriously think about the relationship between the three of Minato Squad.

Do you like Lin?

Obviously, Obito likes Lin.

What about yourself?Do you like Lin?
And what about Lin?What is Lynn thinking?

It can be seen from the bad attitude of that guy with soil towards him, that guy has decided that Lin likes him.But, is what he believes really true?
If it is true, what should I do?
A hundred thousand question marks swirled in his mind. He was thinking about these questions when he was eating, and he was thinking about them when he went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Even taking a bath, he couldn't concentrate as before!

Late at night.

The busy days made Fu An go to bed early, but who knows, when the alarm clock at the bedside reached three, a knock on the door awakened him who was in the midst of a battle with Duke Zhou...

He opened the door with a painful head, and then saw Kakashi who was standing straight outside the door with his face collapsed.

"I've thought about it carefully..." Kakashi had a serious face, and in order to show his seriousness, he deliberately stared the bloodshot dead fish eyes to the extreme.

Fu An, who suppressed his sleepiness, waited for a long time, but before he could say anything, he leaned against the door frame and asked helplessly: "Although I don't know why you don't sleep in the middle of the night, I'm still happy to spend time Listen to what you are thinking carefully..."

"I've thought about it carefully," Kakashi continued to maintain his serious aura, and said word by word: "Although I still can't understand the relationship between me, Obito, and Lin, the three of us, but now I, absolutely can't think about that aspect. I'm different from them, I have to become stronger quickly, and then I will work with you to help father get justice!"

Fu An stretched out his pantothenic arm and put it on Kakashi's pajama-wearing shoulder, and the next words were almost squeezed out between his teeth, "You came to me in the middle of the night just to fuck me with these?"

Probably because he was dizzy from staying up all night, Kakashi, who is usually very bright, was confused, and nodded without thinking, "Yes, I have thought about it for a long time, and then I made up my mind..."



"Come on, head over here..."

Fu Anpi greeted him with a nonchalant smile.

Kakashi was a little confused about his routine, thinking that he was going to tell him something very confidential, so he instinctively moved his head over.

Unexpectedly, just moving his head towards Fu An, Fu An's head suddenly rushed forward, bumped into Kakashi's head, and knocked him away from the door in an instant, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Are you sober?"

Fu An in the door looked at Kakashi who was sitting at the door and covered his forehead with tears in his eyes.

"Ah, I seem to be awake a bit..."

"Go back to sleep when you wake up! Next time you disturb me because of such a boring thing, I'll throw you into the well and feed the fish..."

"There are no fish in the well, the fish are in the river..."

"To shut up!"


Its daybreak.

Fu An, who didn't sleep well all night and still had a bag on his head, went out and saw Kakashi who didn't sleep well all night, with a bag on his head.



"Not going out to perform the mission?"

"Just finished one yesterday, rest today! What about you..."

"Me too……"

Having said that, Fu An paused, and then asked, "What are you going to do after breakfast?"

"Kai invited me to practice on the you want to go together?"

"No, I'll go to the training ground later to check if Lin has improved these days, and then teach her something by the way..."

Seeing that he was looking for Lin, Kakashi complained helplessly: "You care about Lin recently? I'm your younger brother. Someday you will care about me so much?" While speaking, Resentfully rubbing the bag on his forehead.

Kakashi was really depressed.

Although Fu An is not much older than him, Fu An's aura is obviously a generation older than him.As time passed, he didn't get serious about the small age difference, and he really regarded Fu An as his elder brother in his heart.

With such a change in mentality, problems arise.

He found that the elder brothers of other people's families usually took their younger brothers out to fight, took their younger brothers out to practice, and even took their younger brothers to spy on beautiful girls...

But what about this one at home?
The matter of taking him to spy on beautiful girls can be put aside first. However, he is still very much looking forward to taking him out to be domineering, taking him out to practice and guiding him in ninjutsu.

But the current situation is—except for the tasks that must be done together, except for the fact that he is in a good mood and treats him to dinner, this brother of his is like a decoration.

Kakashi resented frequently...

Fu An, who was so focused on preventing the tragedy at Shenwubiqiao, didn't notice anything.

It was so before, and it is so now.

After listening to Kakashi's half-truth and half-fake complaints, Fu An said disapprovingly: "You are very talented, and you can learn many things yourself without me teaching just need to perfect the white tooth sword technique now. , have nothing to do, develop ninjutsu, focus on the immediate matter, there will be a path you can take in the future!"

Kakashi: "..."

It's really unreasonable~——
Time ticked forward in Kakashi's resentment, and before he knew it, it was the 43rd year of Konoha.

In April, the third Kazekage Michigakure needed to meet the daimyo of the Land of Winds because of some matters.But when he led his subordinates to Daming Mansion, he encountered a human puppet blocking the way.

And the man who manipulated that puppet was none other than the scorpion who disappeared a few years ago.

The human puppet manipulated by the scorpion is even more dumbfounding.It was none other than Youqin Shusheng who was wounded and marked several years ago, and made a human puppet by Chiyo's mother-in-law and included in the scroll.

Dao Yuanlie couldn't help but tighten his heart when he saw the puppet of Youqin Jusheng...

But he said in his mouth: "Chiyo is really old, and such an important puppet was stolen by you..."

"Because I'm his grandson, I know her."

Xie, who manipulated the puppet of Youqin Shusheng, replied indifferently.

Compared with a few years ago, he has matured a lot

And the body that manipulated the human puppet, and the eyes that can no longer see much brilliance, are also much weirder.

After exploring each other's bottoms, the battle was on the verge of breaking out.

When Scorpion manipulated the human puppet of Youqin and confronted Sandai Kazekage, a ghostly figure quickly appeared, and then helped Xie block Sandai Kazekage's guards...

A quarter of an hour later, all the guards turned into corpses.

"Can you handle it?" the god-killing guy asked Scorpion, who was inseparable from the third Kazekage.

Scorpion didn't answer, and continued to manipulate the three-generation Kazekage, the puppet attacker who had been transformed by himself.He is very clear that the person in front of him is known as the strongest Kazekage, and he is far behind him in terms of combat experience and experience...

The only thing I can count on now is the various weird mechanisms I have designed on this unique human puppet...

(End of this chapter)

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