Chapter 324
"Think about how to weaken Chidori's disadvantage, Kakashi, if it's you, you should be able to do it..."

The outstretched hand landed lightly on Kakashi's thin shoulder.
Now he has a lot of things he wants to tell Kakashi, but when the words come to his mouth, they become: "Let's boil fish together. It is said that it is a newly opened shop, and the taste is very good... Once I walked in from the door of the shop. After passing by, I found that the welcoming girl in that shop was also nice!"

Kakashi: "..."


A starry night.

Fat fish fillets, attractive soup base.

And, the bright red peppers floating in the soup.

Kakashi wasn't used to such a greasy taste, but the taste of boiled fish was too tempting, especially the fat and tender fish...

"I'm starting..."

With his palms together, he decided to give it a try.

Under the light, smiling eyes crooked.

Just like Shuo Maoxin when he was there...

Looking at Kakashi like this, Fu An suddenly felt that he was not useless.This time, although he failed to prevent Sakumo's death, at least it changed Kakashi, and made Kakashi change the gloomy image of the original book when he was young.

Everything will be fine...

It will get better and better.
The night passed.

The light comes.

Konoha's ninjas are gathering.

Fu An, Gong Chu, and Yin Gu all went to Anbu from the direction of their home.

It's time to fight...

Anbu needs to assign some people to collect intelligence on the battlefield. Only in this way can the balance of victory be tilted towards Konoha.

The strange thing is that Fu An's team waited there for a long time, but they didn't hear the captain call them.

When the captain said 'separate', they were still not called.

Gong Chu, who was rushing towards the secret technique department, couldn't help but asked Fu An, "Why don't you want us? Do you think we are not capable enough?"

"ask him."

Fu An pointed to Zong Hu who was not far ahead, and signaled Gong Chu to step forward.

Gong Chu seemed to be very concerned about this matter, and immediately stepped forward to ask Zong Hu.Zong Hu glanced at him, and then suddenly realized: "By the way, I forgot to tell go to Hokage-sama's office now, and the higher-ups have arranged a new task for you."


Naruto Office.

"Yurome Shilei has already set off with their clansmen. Following him, there are some super ninjas who have no clans but have restraint sand ninjas and play ninjutsu puppets..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded, and said: "I have selected a few team members for you, Anbu, and then you can ask them to do things for you that are inconvenient for large troops..."

"Where's Fu An?"

"The Fuan team doesn't act with Anbu, and this time, the Fuan team will follow you." Sarutobi Hiruzen, wearing a Hokage mask on his head, looked at Orochimaru, and said intently: "It's up to you how to use them. You just need to remember to exercise their abilities! Also, make sure to protect their safety..."

Orochimaru "hehe" sneered a few times, "The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the strength of the enemy is also unknown. What if I can't protect them, but the mission I assigned to them kills them?"

"Then I'd be disappointed..."

"I'm not disappointed."

Seeing what Orochimaru said, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was not angry, but just smiled and said: "Don't you want to see what that kid was like in his heyday? This war is to pave the way for his future. Orochimaru, I think , you should not be willing to let his wind blow here and die!"

Just as Orochimaru was about to say something, there was a knock on the door of the office, and after getting permission, members of the Fuan team walked in.

Seeing that Orochimaru and Tsunade were both there, Fu An was a little surprised.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen told him that he needed to follow Orochimaru in the battle against Sand Ninja Village, Fu An was a little surprised.

Turning his head to look at Orochimaru, seeing the undisguised insidiousness and evil in Dashewan's eyes, Fu An seemed to have a headache.

"You should like to follow me..."

"No," Fu An shook his head numbly, "I don't like following you at all. Relatively speaking, I prefer to follow Teacher Zilaiye. At least I don't have to worry about being tricked to death..."

Tsunade was a little surprised, and couldn't help asking Fu An: "Why don't you and Jiraiya have a good opinion of Orochimaru?"

"Prejudice." Orochimaru interrupted quietly.

Fu An glared at him, "I'm not biased, it's obviously Uncle Snake, your character is not good..."

"The relationship is really good," Gongchu beside Yin Gu smiled and said with emotion, "I thought that this time I might fight the enemy head-on on the battlefield! Fu An, since you and Oshemaru-sama have such a good relationship, Then I can rest assured-"

"You're too optimistic..."

Fu An snorted and said, "Believe me, if you follow Uncle Snake, Uncle Snake will eat you until there are no bones left!"

Gong Chu: "..."

When Gongchu wondered whether the character of Oshemaru, one of the three ninjas, was really bad, Orochimaru turned to Sarutobi Hiruzen and continued: "In addition, in addition to the oil girl clan, I want to let some members of the Iburi clan I also went to the battlefield. The village has raised them for so long, I want to see their strength..."

"I also have this idea," Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded, "It's just that you have to keep the casualty rate of their clan as low as possible! The emerging race, don't let them be defeated by poor control..."

"I have my measure."



The departure time of the main force is the next day.

The day before departure, Xiao Yuan, who was already pregnant, held Su Heng in his arms and refused to let go. Su Heng looked at her slightly protruding abdomen and said seriously: "Don't be afraid of Xiao Yuan, I will definitely come back alive to see you ...and our children."

"The Ibli family has never been on the battlefield..."

"I know."

"I heard that races that have never been on the battlefield will have a high death rate when they first enter the battlefield..."

"I know……"

"I'm worried about you, and everyone..." Xiaoyuan shrugged his shoulders, his voice hoarse and trembling, "I really want to go with you. I'm barely a ninja, I could have gone with you... ..."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Take good care of your body and give birth to our child. Then guard this house and wait for me to return from the battlefield. That's what you should do..." Su Heng stroked Xiao Yuan lovingly With her hair, she said softly: "Xiao Yuan, marrying you is the most daring and stupid thing I have ever done in my life. I have already risked the world's disgrace, so how can I die in such a hurry! Believe me, I will come back alive—I will not die on the battlefield, absolutely not!"

Xiaoyuan couldn't understand Su Heng's words.

She just feels sad...

It's sad that Su Heng went to the battlefield to fight his life, but she couldn't do anything... She wanted to accompany him, and when necessary, she wanted to block the knife for him.


This child, it's not the right time to come!

(End of this chapter)

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