Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 326 Contract Disturbance

Chapter 326 Contract Disturbance
Compared with the brightly lit Muye Village, the training ground with no one around looks much more desolate and cold.

"Teacher Jiraiya, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"Let you sign a contract with my psychic toad!" Jiraiya didn't talk nonsense and told him the purpose directly.


"What and why? I am your teacher, I should teach you..."

While talking, Zilai also took out the scroll and asked him to write his name on the scroll with blood, and then, he covered five fingers with blood and stamped the blood on it.

Before doing it, Fu An asked, "Why did you choose now?"

"Of course it's because I'm free now—"

"Weren't you free when you were lying outside the women's bathhouse doing art collection?"

"Stupid, collecting art is the most important thing in the world—compared with collecting art, teaching you is nothing!"

"Emotions, I am a picked student..."

"Isn't it..."


Fu An was instantly overwhelmed.

When Fu An felt overwhelmed by his weak sense of existence in front of Jiraiya, Jilai also said: "Leaving tomorrow, you are going to follow Orochimaru... Orochimaru has good strength, is a A companion who can give people a sense of security. However, Oshemaru sometimes has some thoughts and can't figure it out. You are young, so you can't guarantee when you will fall into his pit..."

"You've said that, I'm afraid Uncle Snake's image will never be restored... It's a shame he told me before that he must restore his image that is about to collapse!"

"Don't talk to me about anything..."

Zilai also seemed to have something on his mind, and said: "Try to summon Wentai and see if you can summon Wentai!"

"Why did you summon Wentai?"

"Toad is the natural enemy of snakes. If Orochimaru dares to bully you, you can summon Wen Tai to bully you back!"

Fu An: "..."

Seeing that he was worried about being with Dashewan, Fu An felt mixed feelings.

The friends of the same generation that my father made when he was alive, although each of them was not human, but they were all very caring.

"Actually, I am not someone who can be bullied by anyone..."

Having said that, Zirai also had good intentions after all, so Fu An used the psychic technique meekly.


After a burst of smoke that obscured the view, Toad Bunta appeared in the local area with a big cigarette bag and pot in his mouth.

"Jiraiya, what did you call me out at night?"

"It's not my name, it's his name..." Seeing Toad Wentai's displeased face, Zilai unceremoniously pushed Fu An out of the bag.

When pushing Fu An out, he couldn't help but praise Fu An and said, "That's right, it succeeded the first time!"

"If I can't summon Wen Tai now, then I'm just blind!" Fu An smiled, then raised his head and said to the big toad crouching on the ground: "Hello, big toad!"


In the middle of the greeting, Wen Tai suddenly realized what was going on with him, and jumped up instantly: "How could it be that a little kid like you summoned me? Am I so cheap now?"

"No, you are very expensive. Summoning you consumes a lot of Chakra... even, it has exceeded the Chakra I need when summoning a heavy horse. Although the excess is not much, it is already very rare."

"Doesn't that mean I'm cheap now?"

Fu An: "You are not cheap at all, but the psychic beast I summoned is a psychic beast of the phoenix family. The phoenix family has extremely high requirements on the overall quality of Chakra and ninjas, so more Chakra needs to be consumed... ..."


"Why, you know?"

"I don't know." The tobacco in the pipe pot was on and off, and the smoke was lingering, and Toad Wentai continued: "Not enough, the Chakra needed to summon the psychic beast is directly proportional to the strength of the psychic beast. Since what you said The phoenix family has extremely high requirements for Chakra, and it must be stronger than our toad family in Miaomu Mountain... But so far, I haven't seen any place where psychic beasts are stronger than our toad family! So boy..."

With a pipe in its mouth, it looked down at Fu An.

When Fu An was worried that the burning tobacco in his pipe would accidentally wrap his head down and bury himself and roast him, Wen Tai continued: "Summon out the psychic beast of the phoenix family you mentioned, Let me see what kind of existence it is!"

Seeing that he didn't make things difficult for him like he made things difficult for Naruto, Fu An secretly heaved a sigh of relief, nodded and said, "It's not a problem..."

While speaking, Yong Kunai opened another hole on his thumb and performed spiritism.

After a puff of smoke, Chong Ju appeared bouncing around, "Fu An, what do you want from me?"

Before Fu An could answer, a dumbfounding voice sounded above Chongju's head: "That's her?"

"Ah, it's her..."

When Fu An answered Wen Tai, Chongju suddenly raised his head, looked at the giant in front of him and said, "I sensed your aura as soon as I came out, and saw that you and Fu An were staying here safely, so I didn't regard you as an opponent... It's just, what did you mean by that tone just now? Although I am relatively stupid, it is obvious that you are looking down on me. "

"I don't look down on you, I just think your physique is too small, and it's not directly proportional to the Chakra consumed when summoning you. And, I would like to ask, are you an adult...?"

"..." Chongju became angry,

Although this guy said that he didn't look down on him, but what he said clearly meant looking down on him!
Zhong Ju decided to get back the dignity of the phoenix family.

Then he turned to Jiraiya and said, "Is this your psychic beast?"

"Ah not bad……"

"I'm going to duel with it, do you have any objection?"

Seeing that the psychic beast that Fu An summoned later went up against Wen Tai, Zilai also secretly laughed.

A toad fights a bird...

So much fun!

However, considering that his own efforts might annoy Wen Tai, he once again pulled Fu An, who was practicing there because he had consumed a lot of chakra, and said, "But Wen Tai was not summoned by me this time, you want to be with Wen Tai?" For a duel, you have to ask this child..."

Seeing that it was Fu An, Chongju frowned: "Why do you sign a psychic contract with another race? And it is such a weak race?"

"A teacher's order is hard to break, and I don't know that after signing a contract with you, I can't sign contracts with other races..."

Fu An, who was sold by Jiraiya once again, explained helplessly, "Besides, because the phoenix family is relatively low-key, the Miaomushan toad family does not know the phoenix, after learning that I have talked with you After signing the contract, they thought you were just an unknown ethnic group and they also accepted my contract. Just like when you ignored Parker and the others and signed the contract directly with me!"

"The phoenix family is very strong..." Chongju taught Fu An angrily, "With us signing a contract with you first, the smiling toad is not qualified to sign a contract with you again!"

"Heavy horse, you're rude!"

Fu An immediately reprimanded Chongju.

Chong Ju seemed aggrieved, "This is the truth!"

(End of this chapter)

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