Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 328 Big Toad Immortal

Chapter 328 Big Toad Immortal

Chongju and Wentai fought for a long time, and when Fu An and Zilai both couldn't hold on and wanted to fall asleep, Toad Wentai made peace with Chongju.

"You are very good, little girl..." Gamo Wentai praised Chong Ju.

Chongju snorted and said, "The phoenix clan is very strong, and someone like me can't be ranked among the top players in the clan!"

"is it?"

Wen Tai's voice was full of inquiry.

"What did I lie to you for!" Chong Ju's eyes were full of displeasure.

Toad Wentai fell into deep thought.

If it is true what this little fire bird said, the phoenix family is really strong.Then, the Great Toad Immortal, who has lived for a long, long time and is well-informed, should know something about them!

He decided to go back and ask.

So he said to Zhong Ju: "Little Fire Bird, lend me one of your feathers..."

"Why do you want me to pluck the hair?" Chong Ju's expression was displeased and hurt.

However, after Toad Wentai clarified the original intention, he honestly pulled out a flying feather and handed it to it, and finally muttered: "The phoenix family lives in seclusion due to space restrictions, I don't think you will know. "



"This feather..."

On Mount Miaomu, the thousand-year-old toad sitting on the seat trembled, looked at the feather in Toad Wentai's hand and said tremblingly, "Where did you get this feather?"

Seeing that the old man's reaction was obviously different from usual, Wen Tai was obviously taken aback, but he still replied honestly: "When I was summoned to the ninja world, I met a little fire bird, although the little fire bird is not old. Grandpa, however, fought inseparably with me. Because I know her racial obligations, and thinking that you have seen a lot, Grandpa, I borrowed her feathers and came back to ask you..."

Having said that, he took a careful look at the reaction of the Great Toad Immortal.

Seeing his wrinkled eyes fixed on the feather in his hand, Wen Tai hesitated for a moment, then lowered the feather.

The big toad sage curled the feathers with his tongue and sent them to his eyes. The familiar breath instantly aroused the special chakra in his body.

A kindness appeared on the vicissitudes of the cheek: "Where's the little firebird?"

"Fighting with me has consumed her tremendous experience, and now she has returned to her world to recuperate..."

"Who is the ninja who signed the contract with her?"


"You said just now that you saw her in the ninja world, right?" The Great Toad Immortal closed his eyes, forcibly stabilized the ups and downs of the huge amount of chakra in his body, and said slowly: "It is absolutely impossible for them to Those who appear in the ninja world, unless they have successfully concluded a contract with a certain ninja in the ninja world..."

"When you say that, I have an impression..." Only then did Mrs. Wen think of Fu An who had been neglected by him.

"Call the ninja who was lucky enough to make a contract with the phoenix clan, I have something to ask him..."

Wen Tai, who was already exhausted from fighting Chongju, said with a bitter face: "It's already dark over there, why don't we wait until dawn?"

After a pause, he felt that it was inappropriate to say this, and then said: "Or let other toads call him, I'm really tired already!"

"It's not what it used to be, this time you must go! If you don't go, let Fukasaku go! You can figure it out..."

Wen Tai: "..."


Wen Tai, who went to get Fu An to Miaomu Mountain, felt like a bitch, if he had known it earlier, he would have ignored his business.

And Fu An who just fell asleep was woken up by Mrs. Wen, and when she opened her eyes, she found that the place she was in was not her own room, and she also felt like a dog.

"In two hours, I'm going to set off on the journey, do you know?" Fu An, whose eyes were bloodshot, very implicitly wanted to arouse Wen Tai's sense of guilt.

"I know."

"Then do you know that the death rate of ninjas in fatigue combat is very high?"

"Ah, I know that too."

Fu An sighed, supported his dizzy head and said, "Since you know, why are you torturing me in the middle of the night?"

"Feel sorry."


Seeing that Wen Tai changed his previous temperament and admitted his mistakes very simply, Fu An felt powerless as if he had punched cotton.

"Forget it, forget it," he fell on the grass, closed his eyes and yawned, "Whether it's Miaomu Mountain or my house, as long as it allows me to sleep..."

After finishing speaking, he fell into a deep sleep.

"Hey, kid..." Wentai stretched out her paw and patted Fu An's cheek twice.

However, Fu An was as motionless as a dead person.

Wen Tai was furious in an instant, "Speaking of which, I have worked hard from just now...Does the junior deserve to be bullied? Really, if this is the case, why do you, the junior, play big here?"


The wind blew by, and Toad Wentai, who didn't get any response, only felt a strong emptiness, loneliness and coldness.

However, because it was the old man's order, Wen Tai hesitated for a while, and stuck out his tongue to roll up Fu An, who had fallen asleep, and put it on his broad forehead, and quickly jumped towards the place where the big toad fairy was.



When Wen Tai brought Fu An over, his father Fukasaku-sama and mother Shima-sama were already there.

"Old man, someone brought it to you."

While speaking, Wen Tai placed the sleeping talisman on the ground.

After waiting for a long time for no response, when I looked up, I saw that the big toad fairy was also sleeping with his eyes closed, and the feeling of being a dog became stronger in an instant.

I'm already so sleepy, sleep well, can I tell you tomorrow if I have something to do?

What a good toss!
When he looked at his parents with a depressed face, the voice of the big toad fairy sounded: "You all go down, I want to talk to this boy."

The voice fell, and the big toad opened its eyes.

After making sure that he didn't seem to be talking casually, He Zhima even walked out with Toad and Bunta next to him.

After they left, the whole space seemed much empty, and the surrounding air also became strange.

Immortal Toad looked at Fu An who was lying on the ground soundly asleep, a mysterious smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

Then, without waking Fu An, she closed her eyes and fell asleep again.

The breathing sounds of toads and people echoed one after another in this space.

After an unknown amount of time, Fu An slowly opened his eyes.

After seeing the completely different layout of his room around him, he pondered for a long time, and then remembered that he was brought here by Toad Bunta last night to experience the life of Mount Miaomu...

In my impression, I was really sleepy after arriving here, so I fell asleep again.

Then sleep until now?

Wait, where did Mrs. Wen go?
Since I have neither the time nor the desire to experience life here, then, according to the normal process, Mrs. Wen should send me back.

However, why did the place where I woke up not be my room?

While he was vigilant about his surroundings, a voice sounded from above his head. "You're awake, human boy."

(End of this chapter)

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