Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 334 Markey's Psychological Shadow

Chapter 334 Markey's Psychological Shadow

The sense of existence of the oily women is very low.

When they deliberately hide themselves, the sense of existence is so low that it can be ignored.Because of this, Orochimaru sent them to fight forward with confidence.

Sand Ninja Command.

After the news of the first battle came, Luo Sha was very angry.

However, he did not vent his anger on the people around him casually, but put away the negative emotions in his heart as much as possible, and asked the two advisors of Sand Ninja Village (Grandma Chiyo, Ebizo) for their opinions.

"If it's from the oil girl clan..." Ebino slowly opened his mouth when his sister, Chiyo, was lost in thought.

The old man Luo Sha said: "The puppets who fought against the oily girl clan before all had mechanisms to store poisonous mist. However, it seems that they did not do much harm to them... It is said that the insects of the oily girl clan have the ability to evolve rapidly in a short period of time. "

"If it's the poison made by my sister, then it's not necessarily so." Hai Laozang said with a slight smile: "My sister's poison-making skills are very superb. If the poison made by my sister is applied to the puppet's weapon and stored in the corresponding Inside the drug storage facility... I think even the parasites of the Younv clan can't do anything about it."

Luo Sha, who had vaguely heard about the poison-making techniques of Grandma Qiandai, asked Grandma Qiandai in detail, "Grandma, what do you mean?"

"I can make poison, but if the opponent is an oil girl who is good at controlling insects... I can't guarantee 100% success."

"Sister, you are too arrogant..."

"you do not understand……"


After confirming the use of poison, Grandma Chiyo went to develop a new type of poison.

And Hai Laozang sat in the headquarters, discussing with Luo Sha and some high-level fighters how to wipe out the Younu clan.

Outside the headquarters, Jonin Maji was there, acting as a guard.

While monitoring the movements around the headquarters, he looked in a trance for a moment as he watched his companions coming and going around him.

He thought of his mentor Fujiwara...

No, to be precise, Konoha's spy Youqin Shusheng.

He was a handsome and calm person, well cultivated, and caring about his companions.

Very nice to him too...

At his most willful age, he opened his arms towards him like an elder brother, giving him spiritual support when he lost his father when he was young.

what a nice person...

He thought that he would follow him forever.Huizhujian grew into a towering tree of sand ninja, and became its most powerful right-hand man.

Even at a certain moment, he had no doubt that that person would become the fourth generation shadow of Sand Ninja Village...

However, the person who gave him the world and was regarded as the world by him died in embarrassment as a spy.

His dilapidated body was manipulated by Chiyo's mother-in-law through the downtown area.

At that moment, the many auras that once surrounded his head were severely dispelled by Chiyo's mother-in-law... Then, the hat of "betrayal forbearance" came off, and since then, there is no more Mr. Fujiwara in the world.

At that moment, he hated Grandma Chiyo.

However, it is an iron fact that Yukoto is Konoha's spy. In the Second Ninja World War, he should assist the army led by his teacher Konoha Baiya to break into the land of the wind. It is also an iron fact. Daughter-in-law, in order to protect everyone, it is a certain tragedy that she died tragically at the hands of Konoha Baiya...

When these bloody facts were unfolded in front of him, he couldn't hate Grandma Chiyo anymore, what was replaced by melancholy and bitterness that could not be made up for.

In order not to be swallowed by the ubiquitous melancholy and bitterness, he began to practice ninjutsu desperately...

Sadly, the ninjutsu he is most proud of was also awarded to him by Arikoto when he was Fujiwara.

This made him hate the contradiction so much that he couldn't bear himself...

However, even if he hated him, he, who managed to survive from the depths of despair, couldn't direct the man of death to his heart.

However, the depression and anger in my heart must be vented.In the end, he aimed his anger at these ninjas of Konoha.

It's all those guys' fault.

If it weren't for them, Youqin Shusheng wouldn't be working as an undercover agent in Sand Ninja.If Youqin Shusheng didn't go to Sand Ninja as an undercover agent, he wouldn't care to become Youqin Shusheng's student, and he wouldn't have a strong bond with Youqin Shusheng because of being cared for by Youqin Shusheng.

If there is no strong bond, whether Yuqin Susheng is a spy or a senior cadre in Sand Ninja, it will not have the slightest influence on him.

But now...

Many years have passed, and he has never recovered from Youqin's tragic death.

Whenever I want to close my eyes and relax, the terrifying scene of Youqin Shusheng's eyeball dangling out of the eye socket will appear in my mind...

He knew that in his whole life, he would never be able to get out of Youqin's nightmare.

And all of this was caused by Konoha's group of guys who are not only incompetent but also like to play tricks!
For such a Konoha ninja, there is only one word in his mind——




When Maki wished he could rush to the battlefield immediately to kill the Konoha ninja, a black bug that was not sensitive to bugs and would not pay special attention to it quietly landed on the tent.

After a while, it flew out swaggeringly...

The bug flew all the way to the east, and when it flew to a certain sandy sandstone group at the edge of the desert, it flew down, and landed on a white index finger with vibrating wings.

After a short exchange, the man said to the handsome companions around him: "In the next round of attacks, Sand Ninja will definitely use poison on us...not ordinary poison, but a strange poison carefully developed by Sand Ninja consultant Chiyo , this kind of poison, ordinary parasites may not be able to solve it. Let's study the next countermeasures!"

So they got together and started talking.

A few guys who participated in World War II and fought against Grandma Chiyo boasted that Grandma Chiyo's drug-making skills are amazing...

In the end, even the oily girls, who don't easily reveal their emotions, couldn't help shouting that it was difficult.

At this time, a young voice calmly said: "I have fought with Captain Sakumo and Grandma Chiyo, so my parasites may soon adapt to the poison made by Grandma Chiyo... When the time comes... , if anyone is severely poisoned, I will temporarily withdraw from the battle and drive my parasites to detoxify them."

"The poison this time was recreated by Grandma Chiyo. Your parasites may not be able to adapt..."

"Captain Sakumo once said that although Grandma Chiyo's poison-making skills are superb, as long as my parasite survives the first time of poisoning, it will quickly develop antibodies against the poison made by Grandma Chiyo... …Because a person may produce all kinds of novel poisons, but it is difficult for her to make major changes in her drug-making habits. As long as the changes remain the same, I can naturally adapt to the same Ever changing!"

Seeing him saying 'Captain Sakumo', someone sneered and said, "Zhiwei, the name Sakumo Hatake is forbidden in our clan..."

(End of this chapter)

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