Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 354 Unknowingly Changes

Chapter 354 Unknowingly Changes
Looking at Fu An who was not sincere in admitting his mistakes, Zi Lai was also full of anger and had no place to vent.He wasn't angry because Fu An left the battle area without authorization, what he was angry with was that Fu An went to the Third Raikage to seek death.

Although the consequence of courting death is that Lei Ying died and Fu An did not die.

However, the reason for such a surprising result was that Raikage had been fighting for more than a day before.If not... How could this kid have the strength to kill Lei Ying!
"Kakashi has only you as his relative..." Jiraiya shifted his gaze elsewhere, and said very depressed: "In the future, think about him a little bit before acting. If you die on the battlefield, Kakashi, that child I'm afraid it will be very sad."

"Okay okay..."

"Give me a correct attitude!"

Fu An immediately shrank his neck and said weakly, "I was wrong".

In this world, there are not many people who really care about him.

He cherishes those who care about him.

Therefore, when others care about him, whether he expresses concern in a rude manner or in a kind manner, he will remember it in his heart, and then try to live up to the other party's concern.

Seeing that his attitude is very sincere, Zi Lai also reluctantly put down the fire.

Because there are still many things that need him to deal with outside, so he didn't stay for long.

Before leaving, he said to Fu An: "Due to the wars these years, countless ninjas in the village have sacrificed countless... In order to make up for the lack of sacrificial ninjas, almost all the ninjas of Kakashi's generation have become Chunin. But this is not enough, according to my experience , if there is no accident, the third generation will hold a jonin selection competition among the village ninjas in the near future! I think the probability of Kakashi becoming a ninja is relatively high!"

"what do you mean……"

"I'm worried that in the near future, Kakashi and others who have no combat experience on the battlefield will also be pushed onto the battlefield." Jiraiya looked back at Fu An, who was sitting on the bed with a slight frown, and said in a deep voice: "And the battlefield In fact, novices like them have the highest mortality rate!"

"what should I do……"

Fu An knew that Zilai didn't tell himself these things for no reason.

Now that he told himself this, there must be something to say later.

Sure enough, after he asked this sentence, Zilai also said: "Do whatever you want, no matter what the consequences are, I will help you solve it."

"Teacher Jiraiya..."

Fu An was stunned.

Does Jiraiya mean that he can leave the combat area at any time when he senses that Kakashi may be in danger?

And he will bear all the consequences of such actions for himself?

To let even the principled Zirai do this...

Fu An sighed, and then said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I believe in Kakashi, he will definitely survive this battle...he is my father's son just like me, he is not weak enough for me to violate the rules Protect him! And we are not so weak that you need to give up your principles to protect us!"

"Really?" Zilai also nodded, and said, "That would be great!"

After speaking, he strode out of the tent.

After walking out of the camp, recalling the conversation he had with Fu An just now, he suddenly remembered what Orochimaru said about himself before the war.

Orochimaru is right, perhaps, he really doesn't know anything about the growth of Fu An's child.

Fu An, who played the name of the god of death in the battle, as the main combat force, Fu An, who has been in various battlefields, defeated the invincible third-generation Raikage Ai's Fu An, and let the third-generation Raikage Ai stand in front of the Konoha ninja Fu An, who told the truth about Konoha's attack on the village for 40 years, cleared up some grievances for Shuo Mao... It is no longer the Fu An who kept blaming and questioning Shuo Mao when the accident happened, but was powerless to change everything!
That kid has grown up.

Whether it is strength or mind, it is no longer the child who was powerless in the face of a strong enemy in the past!
(End of this chapter)

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