Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 356 The Situation of Marsh Liu

Chapter 356 The Situation of Marsh Liu

Wenchao sent ninjas to take Marsh Liu down. He originally wanted to strictly control Marsh Liu, but he had no choice but to use Marsh Liu later, so he could only suppress his anger and dissatisfaction.

The ninja took Numayanagi to a cell.

Also, the attitude of the ninja is very cold.

A few years ago, in Wunin Village, the feeling of being isolated, hated, and rejected gradually returned. At the same time that cold sweat covered his forehead, Numayanagi suddenly realized that it was a foolish thing for him to return here for the sake of his hometown.

He regards this place as his home, and treats the people here as family members who need to be protected by himself.

But what do people here think of him?

Everyone's attitude sobered him up, and he regretted it a little.However, he no longer had the strength to resist.

After he was imprisoned, the elders of the village found Wen Liao, and the first thing they said after the meeting was: "I have been away for so many years for no reason, and now I have come back for no reason during the war. I suspect that he is controlled by someone...whether it is Mind control or body control, I propose to use illusion to lure everything he has experienced in these years!"

"I also have the same idea..." Wen Liao murmured, "It's just that I'm afraid that if we do this, it will cause his magic resistance! Three tails are sealed in his body. If he resists, it will be a big trouble for us!"

"Then put poison in the food," the elder unceremoniously offered the most despicable suggestion, "No matter what, we must find out why he left the village in the first place and why he suddenly returned to the village!"


The cells are partly day and night.

When Numayanagi almost fainted from hunger alone, two disgusting ninjas came in with a bowl of rice, and then quickly stuffed it into the iron railing and retracted their hands as if bitten by a snake or insect.

nasty feeling...

nasty people...

Stupid myself.

Forget it, after the war is over, just leave completely and never come back.

Thinking of this, he picked up the bowl of rice.

The rice is very fragrant, and the dishes are also good, with meat and vegetables.

There was a little warmth in my already extremely cold heart.

Because he was so hungry, he quickly finished the bowl of rice.Because he was so serious while eating that he didn't notice the cold gaze in the dark.

After eating, he put down the bowl contentedly, and soon, sleepiness hit him.Although he felt that it was inappropriate to go to bed right after eating, he was so sleepy that he fell onto the cold ground before he had time to think.

He had just fallen when footsteps came from the stairs.Soon, several ninjas hurried into the cell accompanied by the elder.

After entering, without saying a word, he bound Marsh Liu's hands, feet and even fingers, then pushed him to the corner and woke him up with cold water.

Marsh Liu opened his eyes in a daze, and found himself in the forest in the country of rivers.

"Where are you now? What are you doing there?"

"In the woods near the country of the river, Brutal Anjilu and I went there to perform a mission..."

"Did the mission succeed?"



"I gave up the mission..."

"Why did you give up the mission?"

"……I have no idea……"

"Think about it carefully, is it because of some people, or because of some things?"

Marsh Liu, who was bound all over, and even covered his eyes with a black cloth, smiled wryly, "If I have to find a reason, it can only be said that I want to give up the mission, I want to leave the village... the answer, you guys Satisfied?"


His words stunned the illusion-type ninja, "You didn't fall into the illusion?"

Marsh Liu sneered, "Do you think you have the strength to make me fall into your illusion? Don't play these tricks, just ask what you want to ask, and I will tell you all if I can tell you!"

(End of this chapter)

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