Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 360 The Hot Peach Blossom

Chapter 360 The Hot Peach Blossom

Koizumi was picked up by Konoha in 45 years by Jujuro Eguchi. The reason why I said pick it up is because when Jujuro Eguchi saw her, she fell face-on to the side of the blood-stained spring water with numerous injuries on her body. .

At that time, Koizumi was seriously injured, the kind that if you don't care about it, you will die.

From birth to the present, Konoha former Anbu (Spionage Department) member Jukuro Eguchi has accumulated a lot of experience in healing injuries. However, his three-legged cat kung fu can be put in front of Koizumi who is seriously injured and dying. no more.

Therefore, he took Koizumi to a small thatched hut near the organization base, where Koizumi used to go nowhere, and asked his younger brother Eguchi Yunsuke to heal Koizumi.

Although Eguchi Yunsuke is young, he is very skilled in medical ninjutsu.

Three days later, Koizumi, who had already shaken hands with the god of death, was dragged back from the god of death.


Koizumi's appearance is very good-looking, and it definitely meets everyone's requirements for fair skin, beautiful skin and long legs.

Beautiful women are welcome no matter where they go.

Especially in the blood fox organization base where all males except Zhongju is a female, Koizumi is simply a national treasure.

Members of the Blood Fox Organization who had heard of Koizumi's beauty emerged from the base of the Blood Fox Organization where outsiders could not enter.


After investigation, it was found that Koizumi was just a low-level ninja from the little-known Xiaonin Village, and that he was a rebellious ninja. He was as anxious as a very hungry wolf discovering a juicy and delicious fat meat. I beg Chong Ju to come to Fu An and say a few words, let Xiao Quan join the blood fox and become everyone's Xiao Quan.

It is said that in order to let Chongju take some light on this matter, everyone spared more than half of their private money to treat Chongju to eat delicious food.

Chongju, who was bought by the delicious food, found Fu An without saying a word, and then mobilized all the ink he had eaten since birth, and conveyed to Fu An the common wish of the blood fox organization-to ask for Koizumi.

At that time, Fu An was training in Muye Village and serving as a village ninja.

Seeing brothers in the organization being captivated by a female fan, Fu An found it very interesting.

In order to find out, I deliberately made a shadow clone, and then let the shadow clone change again, and then went to the blood fox organization base for field investigation.

He talked to Koizumi for a long time.

Although he didn't talk to Koizumi as the leader of the Blood Fox organization, after some conversation, he also felt that there are not many beauties like Koizumi who are both beautiful, skilled and intelligent in the ninja world.

"Check everything about her carefully, and after making sure there is no problem, you can let her join!"

This is what he said to Chongju, he said it, and he was worried that the members of the organization including Chongju would be perfunctory because of their sex, so he added: "Let Chongming investigate!"

After Chongming's investigation confirmed that there was no problem, Koizumi officially became a member of the Blood Fox Organization, and also officially became the group favorite of the Blood Fox Organization.

Every member of the organization likes her very much, no matter whether she puts her heart on everyone or not, everyone still loves her wishfully.

Unfortunately, she didn't have much feeling for the guys in the organization.

She has another heart.

It is said that this secret was discovered by Chongju who had a heart-to-heart talk with her.

The one she likes, the one she never forgets, the person whose voice and appearance often appear in front of her eyes is none other than the silver-haired boy she met at the water's edge before joining the Blood Fox Organization. .

Chongju, who found out the news, happily ran to tell Fu An that his peach blossom luck had arrived.

She thought that Fu An would immediately have a good impression of Koizumi and named Koizumi the surname of Hatake, but she didn't know that Fu An was actually a piece of wood. Seeing it happily came here just to say such words, Fu An's face looked ugly, " It seems that the blood fox has been very happy recently! In that case, let’s cut the expenses by [-]%, it just so happens that I’m on a tight budget recently..."

After hitting a wall this time, Chong Ju never dared to talk to Fu An about Koizumi again.

On the other hand, Fu An, if he should assign missions to Koizumi, he would send missions, if he should give instructions, he would give instructions, as if nothing happened...
When Nuan Liu got out of the sand hole by the sea and rushed to Koizumi, Koizumi was just stepping on the sand sideways to the sea bored.

Seeing Marsh Liu approaching, she tilted her head slightly, her hair fluttering, and the flaming red lips on her fair skin burst into a beautiful smile.

Then, with his hands behind his back, he walked up to Marsh Liu, who had been immobilized by the beauty, with his hands behind his back, looked him over, straightened his messy hair with his right hand, squinted and smiled and said, "It seems that you haven't eaten much. bitter……"

"That's because you came early..."

Clumsy pleasantries.

When Nuan Liu felt ashamed of his clumsy tongue when he saw Koizumi, Koizumi got up and walked towards the boat, and said to Nuan Liu who was following behind him: "I went to the Kingdom of Thunder two days ago to execute Passing by the battlefield during a mission, I saw a silver-haired ninja..."

"Silver-haired ninja?"

Numaliu looked slightly surprised. Before joining the organization, the news that Koizumi had a crush on the silver-haired boy who had a relationship with her had spread throughout the organization. Seeing that Koizumi suddenly mentioned the silver-haired ninja, he couldn't help becoming nervous, "I was in the water with you The one you met next door?"

"No, the face is different..."

"I'll just say..." Marsh Liu let out a long breath, and said with a bit of regret, "How can there be such a coincidence in the world!"

"But the aura he exudes when he confronts the enemy gives me a very familiar feeling..."

Marsh Liu: "..."

"I investigated him," Koizumi didn't seem to mind whether Numayanagi agreed with him, but continued: "I heard that he is the eldest son of Konoha Shiraiya who shined in World War II, and he inherited the blood of Shiraiya-sama. .Because of his countless victories in the three wars, he was dubbed the "Grim Reaper" by the ninja world, he is very strong!"


Nuanliu found out that he might know the guy Koizumi mentioned.

When he was hesitating whether to tell Koizumi about his friendship with Fu An, Koizumi continued: "I have prepared two boats, Marsh Liu, you can go back to the organization base by yourself, I want to meet that 'death god' '!"

"Just because his aura resembles the man you met by the water?"

"Do I look like the kind of person who can't extricate himself from dreams..."

"Then why are you..."

"In order to verify some things..." Koizumi smiled and said, "To verify some things that don't match at all when you look at them with your eyes, but when you feel them with your heart, you find that they fit perfectly—"

Marsh Liu's heart skipped a beat, he probably understood what Koizumi was referring to, and immediately said, "I'll go with you! I also want to verify your guess—"

The little fire bird that commands everyone by remote control... Although its body is completely different from the phoenix that fought in the forest of the river country, there are very few ninjas who use fire birds as psychic beasts in the current ninja world.

As soon as he left the country of water, he was approached by members of the blood fox and included himself in the organization.

Is all of this really just a coincidence?
(End of this chapter)

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