Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 362 Nemesis

Chapter 362 Nemesis
The war is still going on.

However, because the countries have almost reached their limits, the end of World War Three can already be expected.

Under Jiraiya's arrangement, Fu An participated in several large-scale battles, and unexpectedly met the fourth Raikage and his younger brother Kirabi.

Looking at Qi Rabi, who was dancing and rapping, Fu An seemed to have a headache.

He admits that Kirabi is not only cute but also reliable, but Kirabi's reliability is a deadly weapon for him, who is Kirabi's enemy.As for cuteness, to be honest, he has no feeling for rap, especially Kirabi's rap, and it can even be said to be disgusting.

After Qirabbi jumped on the opposite side of "Yaoyao Cheke Nao" and "Bagaya Road, Koumuyalu" for a long time, Fu An, who was full of black lines, silently pushed Beiliuhu next to him to the front.

When Beiliuhu couldn't understand what kind of routine he had fallen into, Fu An turned around and left as if nothing happened.

Unexpectedly, before he turned around, he was blocked by Kirabi.

"Get out of the way, headache..." Before Kirabi waved his hands and feet and was about to speak, Fu An spoke very depressed.

"It seems that your condition is not good, hahahaha~"

"Your rap beat me!" Fu An held his forehead, exposing his weakness helplessly.

Hearing what he said, Kirabi danced more and more, "Others use ninjutsu to defeat the enemy, but I can use rap to defeat you, medicine, check, today is a good day... Oye!"

Fu An's face darkened instantly.

In the next moment, he silently pulled out the long knife on his back.In fact, he wanted to pull out the white tooth knife, but the white tooth knife broke once in the Hokage plot, which always gave him a feeling that the white tooth knife was very brittle.

Although he didn't feel how brittle the white tooth knife was when he was fighting the third generation of Raikage with the strongest shield of the third generation of Raikage, but the psychological shadow that has formed does not mean that it can be overcome overcome.


When Fu An dragged the bewildered Bei Liuhu to face Kirabi and the Fourth Raikage, the two figures began to approach the battlefield infinitely.

"It's obviously impossible for us to go in the past with this image..." Koizumi said, using the transformation technique to become a little Konoha with a hedgehog head.

"I think so too..." Numayanagi nodded, and was about to transform when she suddenly noticed the palpitating chakra. The next moment, she stepped back suddenly and said to Koizumi, "Where is the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, I might have causing unnecessary trouble..."

"Is Hachio there?" Koizumi pondered for a while looking at the smoky battlefield in front of him, then turned his head and said, "Since that's the case, I won't go there, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to the organization."

"Then shall we still see Hatake Fu'an?"

"Let's talk about it after this battle is over... By the way, I heard that there are Hyuga clansmen on this battlefield?"

"It is said that there are people from the Hyuga clan on this battlefield and the battlefield in the country of water..."

"That's troublesome..."

Koizumi suddenly realized that his previous decision was too hasty.

Now is not the time to see Fu An.

Regardless of whether Fu An is the boss of Blood Fox or not, the contact between Blood Fox members and Fu An will cause Fu An infinite troubles.

"Let's go back..." Koizumi, who suddenly became enlightened, felt that this matter should be discussed in the long run, so he started thinking about returning.As for Marsh Liu, naturally he listens to what she says, although he is eager to find Fu An to verify some things now, but since Koizumi said to go back, let's go back first, the future will be long.

However, when they decided to return, they turned around and found a large area of ​​various poisonous insects rushing towards them, and they couldn't help being surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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