Naruto the Strongest Hatake

Chapter 369 Education must start from dolls

Chapter 369 Education must start from dolls
The fat and soft little hands desperately snapped back the middle finger of Fu Ana's hand that was placed by the bed.

Although Thirteen Pages is young, he knows that Fu An is taking advantage of him.

Everyone in the tribe said that the guy lying here was the savior of the Iberi tribe, so they came to the hospital to see him one after another.His mother, Xiaoyuan, also said that when he saw this benefactor, he should politely call out 'Brother Fu'an'.

Girl, when did 'Brother Fu An' become 'Father Fu An'!

He has his own opinions since he was a child. He never complains to his family members when encountering problems, but finds a way to solve them by himself.

Seeing this guy who wanted to take advantage of him lying on the hospital bed and struggling to move, he naturally would not miss this opportunity, and decided to break off this guy's fingers to let him know how powerful he is...

As for the race benefactor, hehe...
Fu An leaned on the bed, looking at the little doll in front of him with a sullen face wrestling with his own fingers, he couldn't laugh or cry.

As expected of a brat who inherited the blood of a traverser, he was more clever than his peers after all.

Of course, Uchiha Itachi's genius little pervert is excluded, ah, and, push forward more than ten years, Kakashi's little pervert is also excluded.

In fact, he didn't want to seduce the child to teach him "dad" when he saw the child. After all, this is very immoral, and he might lose his life...that is, until he is chased and beaten to death by the child's own father.

If it weren't for Su Heng's debts, he gave his son a name that sounds like 'Ye', and started dreaming of everyone calling his son 'Ye' and himself 'Ancestor', he wouldn't be like this .

"Hey, don't break it..." Looking at the doll who was still struggling with his fingers, Fu An said helplessly: "You challenged the most difficult finger to break. At your age, you can't break it. finger!"

For human fingers, the middle finger has the greatest reaction force.

It is absolutely impossible for a doll of Xiao Shisan's age to break off the finger of a ninja who has been holding a knife for a long time.

Hearing what Fu An said, Xiao Shisan studied it with his own fingers, and finally, with a sneer, when Fu An was completely on guard against him, he concentrated his attack on Fu An's little finger.

The next moment, there was a crisp click, and Fu An, who had been sleeping for more than a month, couldn't get used to the pain for a while, and couldn't help screaming.

At the same time, Obuchi who left thirteen pages to go to the bathroom opened the door and walked in.

After seeing Fu An who had woken up at the door, his expression brightened.

However, seeing that Fu An's face was covered with sweat and pain remained on his expression, he couldn't help but approached with concern.

Then, I saw the thirteen pages where Fu An's little finger was pinched back.

After figuring out what "good thing" his son did, Xiaoyuan collapsed!
Xiaoyuan is a person who distinguishes between serious and serious.

Although she wanted to scold her son very much now, she also knew that the most urgent thing to do was to find a doctor to fix Fu An's finger.

After she left in a hurry, Fu An, who had recovered, couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, what are you laughing at?"

Thirteen pages looked at Fu An as if looking at a monster, and laughed even after breaking his fingers. Doesn't this guy know it hurts?
Fu An raised his other hand to touch his hedgehog-like head, but he had been lying down for so long that his muscles and bones ached even if he moved, so he gave up doing that.

"I didn't expect that I would bring a little demon king to this ninja world..." Fu An looked at the thirteenth page with a smile as if touching his head, "If you grow up, you will definitely bring disaster to the village! "


Seeing that no good words came out of his mouth, Thirteen Pages picked up his hand and gnawed on it.

Fu An indifferently let him torment, had already started to adapt to the painful body, and no longer paid attention to the torment of the young baby.

You must know that the pain that this body has carried in the past is not something ordinary people can think of with their brains!
Being able to adapt the curse seal of obliteration to the invalid body is not afraid of any pain!

Facing Fu An's hand, which had been biting for a long time on the thirteenth page, seeing that the hand didn't make any struggle or dodge at all, he bit blood hard, but still didn't hear the cry of pain.

He looked at Fu An with some doubts. Seeing that Fu An was still looking at him with a smile, he couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration. He threw away the arm beside Fu An's bed and said in a slump, "Are you a monster who is not afraid of pain?"

"That's understandable."

Thirteen pages: "..."

How can there be a monster that is not afraid of pain?

Unwilling to reconcile, Thirteen Pages grabbed Fu An's arm and bit it down again. While biting, he secretly observed Fu An, and saw that there was no trace of pain in his brows and eyes, so he gave up struggling completely, and raised his hands in surrender: "Okay, you Hard enough!"

"Where is it, I'm not as cruel as you, at least I won't bite the patient's arm until it's bloody..."

For some reason, Fu An especially wanted to tease this little guy who was bleeding with his own blood.

Thirteen pages heard this, turned his head to the side very depressed and said: "It's not because you took advantage of me, you asked me to call you your father even though you are not my father, if I am stupid, my father will definitely wear the green hat ..."

God exists like a god, and he knows the 'green hat' at a young age...

Fu An wailed in his heart, what kind of gentle scum is he who hangs out with this guy and teaches him by example!

Just when Fu An felt the need to call out that gentle scum to warn him, Thirteen Pages suddenly said in a pleading voice: "Well, let me make a deal for you..."

Fu An: "..."

even understand this?

He suddenly couldn't help suspecting that this guy also came from the same soul as himself!

So, I asked tentatively: "Before making a deal, let me ask you a question - do you know Mr. Cang?"

"..." Page thirteen was confused.

Fu An thought for a moment, then asked again: "Okay, let's change the question, do you know Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf?"

Still bewildered.

Now, Fu An finally confirmed that this guy was not a monster who had traveled through time, but a real monster.

So, he gave up his imagination and asked what kind of deal this little evildoer wanted to make with him.

"After my mother came over in a while, you told my mother that you asked me to break your finger and bite you..."

"Am I so cheap?" Fu An was twitched by his whimsy.

"Wait for me to finish!" The little guy slapped him on the arm, and then continued: "In return, I won't tell my mom that you fooled me into calling your dad... I'll tell you Ah, my father and my mother are very powerful, if I tell them this, they will turn into smoke and drill into your body to kill you!"

Fu An really wanted to tell him that his father didn't know any atomization skills at all.

And although his mother knows the atomization technique, she is an existence who is familiar with the weakness of the atomization technique.

Moreover, it is also an existence that his father and his mother will never offend.

However, he also felt that saying this would lower Su Heng and Xiao Yuan's tall image in the heart of the little evildoer, so he swallowed down the embarrassment that his half son gave him, and decided to turn around and settle the score later.

So the deal is done.

After it was done, the doctor followed Xiaoyuan in.

After seeing Fu An's disfigured arm, he couldn't help but glance at the thirteenth page, frowned and said to Xiao Yuan: "Although it's a bit inappropriate for me to say these things, but, madam of the patriarch, education should start with babies... ..."

Seeing the bloody teeth marks on Fu An's arm, Xiao Yuan hastily said yes.

(End of this chapter)

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