Chapter 102
"If he hadn't massacred other fox clans in the past, our Tianhu clan would not be in trouble. Now we can only use absolute rule to suppress other fox clans." Elder Yueya's tone was quite accusatory.

"Luo Yan is also doing it for his sister Xueran..." Yu Yaoluo only felt that she was so powerless to defend Luo Yan now.

"Is that the reason? It's the first time I've seen someone as extreme as him." Elder Tsukiya snorted.

There was a long silence in the room.

"Then, will you still save Luo Yan?" Yu Yaoluo asked in a low voice.

"Are you a descendant of that person?" Elder Yueya went off topic again.

"Hmm..." Yu Yaoluo nodded and changed her face instantly, "Don't ignore my question again, okay?!"

"He has consumed too much natal essence, only Chiyan Lingzhu can save him." Elder Yueya smiled after answering the enchanting question, "You are really cute!"

"Thank you." Yu Yaoluo blushed slightly, "No, that's not the point! Where is the Chiyan Lingzhu?"

"Unfortunately, you came at a very bad time." Elder Yueya spread his hands and said, "Now that the Tianhu clan is in decline, the spirit beads are needed to protect the tribe. I am afraid that the power of the spirit beads cannot be easily used."

"Fox clan...what happened?" A bad premonition flashed in Yu Yaoluo's heart.

"How should I say it?" Elder Yueya seemed to be looking for a suitable rhetoric, "Simply speaking, the other fox tribes under the rule of Tianhu saw us unhappy, and began to unite to rebel. The Lingzhu is our source of life. There can be no loss of strength."

"All in all, you should stay in Tianhu Palace well!" Elder Yueya pinched Yu's enchanting little face, and walked away with a smile.

"Wait, you haven't told me yet..." Yu Yaoluo chased after her, but happened to see Elder Yueya ordering the maids: "Keep an eye on her, don't let her come out."

"Don't go, you haven't answered me yet..." Yu Yaoluo watched the door close, Elder Yueya's figure disappeared outside.

Oops, Yu Yaoluo hurriedly tried to call Luo Yan back, but in vain.

hateful!Did they use a barrier to separate her from Luo Yan?
Elder Youque and the others, what did they do to Luo Yan?
dinner time
Yu Yaoluo watched the maids open the door to bring in dinner, and knew that the opportunity had come.

"Please, sister, let me out?" Yu Yaoluo raised her big watery eyes and begged.

Those who can be in the Tianhu Palace are at least level [-] or above spirit beasts that can transform into human forms. Yu Yaoluo used the enhanced version of Mixiang and God-controlling abilities, which cost a lot of mental power, and then knocked down those two fox maid.

After she ran out of the room, she began to look around anxiously: Luo Yan, where are you?

"Little girl, I didn't expect you to be quite powerful! You really have a lot of tricks." Just when Yu Yaoluo was in a hurry, a magnetic male voice with a little bewilderment came.

Yu Yaoluo turned her head abruptly, only to find that it was the elder Prison Yu whom she had seen in the hall today.

Purple glazed eyes, long hair of the same color pouring down, holding a feather fan, looking at her and smiling.

But Yu Yaoluo only felt that it was dangerous, did he come to arrest her?

Yu Yaoluo retreated step by step, Elder Prison Yu frowned and said: "I'm so scary, you want to avoid me?"

As expected, they were of the same kind, even the tone and content of their speech were the same, Yu Yaoluo couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth.

"Where is Luo Yan?" Now that she had been discovered, Yu Yaoluo broke the jar and asked about Luo Yan's whereabouts.

"You want to see him that much?" Elder Prison Yu stretched out his hand to hook, "I'll tell you when you come here."

Is this trying to lure her into the past?Yu Yaoluo will not be fooled!She turned and ran away: "If you don't tell me, I will find it myself!"

"Little girl, don't worry." A burst of purple feathers floated by, and the prisoner Yu's figure appeared in front of Yu Yaoluo, blocking her way, "I'll take you to see him."

"Give me your hand." Prison Yu stretched out his hand towards her.

Seeing that Yu Yaoluo was still a little hesitant, Prisoner Yu seemed lost and said: "Since you don't want to see him, then..."

"I want to see him!" Yu Yaoluo hurriedly put her hand on his palm, "Take me to see him!"

Their mana is so strong that she can't escape even if she wants to, so she can only choose to trust him!

Prison Yu smiled slightly, Yu Yaoluo could only feel the scene around her changing rapidly, the next second, she and Elder Prison Yu were already in a dungeon.

She looked back and saw Luo Yan was being tied to a shelf in the dungeon, and Elder Youque was standing beside him in a black robe.

"You Que, I brought you the person you want." Qiu Yu led Yu Yaoluo forward.

Yu Yaoluo broke away from his hand and rushed to Luo Yan, but was blocked by a barrier.

"Damn it, what exactly do you want? I brought Luo Yan here to let you save him, not to let you treat him like this!" Yu Yaoluo desperately slapped the barrier.

Elder Youque looked at Yu Yaoluo: "Are you the descendant of that summoner?"

"It's guaranteed to be fake!" Yu Yaoluo clenched her fists, wondering: Why do each of them, no, every fox likes to repeat things to her?

"Well, since you are the descendant of that summoner..." Elder Youque reached out and pinched Yu Yaoluo's chin, "As a summoner, you should also be very strong, right?"

"What do you mean?" Yu Yaoluo frowned, Elder Youque seemed to have something to say.

"Don't you want us to save him? It's very simple, as long as you can defeat me, I will save him!" Elder Youque pointed at Luo Yan.

"Little Yaoluo, don't agree to him!" Luo Yan became anxious, and looked at You Que, "How could Xiao Yaoluo beat you, don't take revenge!"

"You have to repay your favor, and you have to repay your revenge!" You Que looked at Luo Yan, "This elder has been extraordinarily merciful. I didn't have to save you when you brought such a big trouble to the Sky Fox Clan, but come and ask us is the descendant of the benefactor, so this matter..."

"Perhaps there is still room for maneuver." You Que looked at Yu Yaoluo, revealing a sly smile.

How could Yu Yaoluo let go of this room for maneuver, as long as she had the chance to save Luo Yan, even if it was a trap, she would still break through it!
"Elder Youque, will you promise me to save Luo Yan as long as I defeat you?" Yu Yaoluo seemed to see a glimmer of life.

"Of course." Elder Youque said, "The way you fight is up to you."

It is definitely impossible for her to win Elder Youque with a cultivation level higher than mana, so she can only change to another form of fighting.

The choice of fighting style is very important!Be sure to choose carefully!

After thinking for a moment, Yu Yaoluo said: "I want to compete with you!"

"Yes!" Elder Youque agreed without hesitation.

"The additional condition is that I want my master to help me!" Yu Yaoluo took out the sound transmission jade tablet and said.

 Will Elder Youque agree to pinch?
(End of this chapter)

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