Chapter 104
"Xiaoluo, listen carefully, this formation is called the Seven Star Phantom Formation, and it is one of the secret formations of the Fox Clan. If it is an ordinary person, it must be difficult to get out of it, but after your heart has been experienced in the Drunken Stone, it has already Reaching the realm of transformation is far beyond what ordinary people can compare." Chu Qianchen told her after guiding Yu Yaoluo to break through the first level.

Unexpectedly, a dream in the drunken stone can actually experience her xinxing. Is this a blessing in disguise?

"Since it is the secret formation of the fox clan, how did the master know?" She asked while breaking the formation.

After Yu Yaoluo saw the phantom in front of her eyes, she still followed the trend of the Big Dipper and walked firmly to the position of the next star without being confused by the phantom.

"Didn't you say that I am knowledgeable? What's the point of knowing this little seven-star psychedelic formation?" Chu Qianchen on the other side was also breaking through the formation at the same time.

No matter whether it is rainy or dark in front of him, or thunder is raging, she must deal with it calmly, and must not mess up her steps.

One wrong step, one wrong step, as long as they take one wrong step, they will be trapped in this formation.

Yu Yaoluo's air sank to her dantian, and a stream of air rose from below her side. Her eyes were slightly closed, and the index finger and middle finger of her right hand were brought together, drawing a seven-star formation in front of her.

"Wu Qu Xing, Lian Zhen Xing, Wen Qu Xing, Lu Cun Xing, Jumen Xing, Tan Lang Xing!" On the other side, Chu Qianchen also drew the positions of the seven stars in the void.

"Broken Army Star!" The key to breaking the formation of this formation is to walk backwards to the position of the Big Dipper after drawing the seven-star formation. Finally, the two said at the same time, "Seven-star psychedelic formation—break!"

The air flow centered on Yu Yaoluo, spreading rapidly and powerfully in the form of ripples.

Just when she thought she had succeeded in breaking the formation, the surrounding formations only vibrated slightly and did not untie.

"What's going on? The seven-star psychedelic array has clearly been broken!" Yu Yaoluo was surprised.

If the formation is released, the surrounding scenery should return to the appearance of the courtyard, but the surrounding scenery still maintains the appearance of the formation. What is going on?

"As expected of the fox family, they are really scheming." Chu Qianchen said indifferently.

"Master, did you see anything?"

"Yeah." Chu Qianchen raised the corners of his lips, "Now try to walk three feet to the left, and then go straight forward."

Because the steps of the two were inconsistent, Chu Qianchen used a ruler to calculate the walking distance when instructing Yu Yaoluo to walk the formation.

"..." Although Yu Yaoluo didn't know what kind of medicine was being sold in the gourds of Elder Youque and Chu Qianchen, she followed Chu Qianchen's instructions and left.

Then, she walked out...

The surrounding scenery has been changed to the scenery of the courtyard. Elder Prison Yu saw Yu Yaoluo coming out, and he was pleasantly surprised: "Oh, little girl, you are so powerful that you can break the seven-star psychedelic formation of our fox clan."

"The one who is really powerful is someone else." Yu Yaoluo smiled, and then said to the sound transmission jade tablet, "Master, what happened just now?"

"It's a blinding leaf." Chu Qianchen revealed the answer, "The seven-star psychedelic formation just now has already been cracked, but he added a layer of confusion outside, making the whole formation look like it hasn't been cracked yet. .”

"So that's how it is." Yu Yaoluo suddenly realized.

"Hey, little girl, who is your master?" Elder Prison Yu asked curiously.

"He is the number one talisman master of Shenwu—Jin Wang Chu Qianchen!" Yu Yaoluo was extremely proud.

"Chu Qianchen?" Elder Prison Yu was slightly surprised at first, and then smiled, "No wonder, You Que still can't get out of that magic circle."

"Really?!" Yu Yaoluo turned to look at the five-element formation, sure enough, Elder Youque still hasn't come out yet!
"Then... I, am I..." Yu Yaoluo was so happy that she was a little incoherent.

"That's right, you won." Elder Prison Yu pointed to the five-element magic circle and said, "Hurry up and let You Que out."

"En!" Yu Yaoluo nodded, and walked into the five-element magic circle.

At this time, within the
"How is it possible? This elder doesn't believe it, I can't even break through the formation of a little girl!" You Que was still thinking hard to break through the formation.

"Elder You Que!" At this moment, a female voice sounded like a bell from behind him.

" actually walked out of my seven-star psychedelic formation so quickly?!" Seeing that it was Yu Yaoluo, Youque said in surprise.

"Elder Youque, in fact, the real formation breaker and formation builder are both my master——Shenwu's number one talisman master Chu Qianchen." Yu Yaoluo smiled.

"So that's how it is." You Que smiled knowingly, "I didn't expect him to set up a formation, and his attainments are so profound, You Que is willing to bow down."

Yu Yaoluo smiled embarrassingly: Why does it feel like she is pretending to be a tiger...

"Now I can lead Elder Youque to break through the formation, but I have to ask the elder to promise me one thing first." Yu Yaoluo looked at him and said.

"Since I said, as long as you beat me, I will save Tian Luoyan, and I will definitely save him."

"Not this." Yu Yaoluo smiled, "I want to ask Elder Youque to keep a secret for me."

"What secret?"

Yu Yaoluo's left hand raised a water ball, and his right hand raised a fire ball, and then suspended them in mid-air respectively, and then condensed a green and a black magic ball respectively, and finally folded his hands together, and a magic ball appeared in the two palms. Purple magic ball!
Elder You Que said in surprise: "You are actually a five-line magician?!"

"Yeah!" Yu Yaoluo threw the five-element magic balls around her into the sky, "This is the secret I want Elder Youque to keep for me."

"Okay, I promise you." You Que looked at her and thought to himself: As expected of that person's descendants, it's just as amazing.

The five-element magic balls were connected into the shape of a pentagram under Yu Yaoluo's control. She soared into the air and stood on the pentagram magic circle, changing her gestures alternately.

"Lingshui, Huoyan, Gale, Diablo, Thunder, all return to their positions!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the five series of magic balls flew towards five different directions of the barrier, and five cracks opened in the barrier.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of air swirled up from under her feet.She waved her hands and said, "Five elements of magic circle—break!"

The air flow spread rapidly in the shape of a funnel, and then the entire barrier of the Five Elements Formation shook for a while, and then the barrier disappeared from top to bottom, and the scenery of the surrounding courtyard came into view again.

It turns out that it takes a five-line magician to crack it... Elder Youque smiled.

In fact, it doesn't take much advanced magic power to crack this magic circle. What's difficult is that the corresponding five-line magician can crack it.

There are very few multi-line magicians in this world, and the corresponding five-line magicians are even rarer. people.

Elder Youque looked at her meaningfully: The person who helped her design the formation, how much value did she have for her to design such a unique formation for her, which only she can unravel in the world, as her last life talisman...

 Do you feel that you are so handsome when the enchanting breaks through (^o^)/~
(End of this chapter)

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