Chapter 118

"Teacher Ouyang said it's still not good." Yu Yaoluo shook her head and said.

"No?" Yan Luoer had a look of disbelief, "Then you've stayed in Teacher Ouyang's room for so long? I thought you..."

"I'm also trying to convince him..." Yu Yaoluo could only make up nonsense.

"Yu Xian'er, tell me the truth." Yan Luoer had doubts about Yu Yaoluo's identity, "What is the relationship between you and Teacher Ouyang?"

"What kind of relationship do you think other than the teacher-student relationship?" Yu Yaoluo almost vomited blood.

"..." Yan Luoer looked at Yu Yaoluo unwillingly, then turned and left.

Yu Yaoluo shrugged, I really don't understand what she is thinking...

The next day, in the pill class

Chu Qianchen glanced at the classroom, pointed at Yan Luoer and said, "Are you a fifth-grade student?"

"Yes, Teacher Ouyang!" Seeing Chu Qianchen looking at her, Yan Luoer stood up excitedly.

Teacher Ouyang talked to her!He is looking at her!Yan Luoer's heart was pounding.

"I only teach students of the fourth grade." The implication of Chu Qianchen's words was to let Yan Luoer go back to her elixir class.

"I, I feel that my fourth-level courses are not solid yet, so..." Yan Luoer came to the realization that she would lose her grades in the elixir course this semester.

Chu Qianchen didn't want to waste any more time, so she asked her to sit down first, and after class was over, she asked the dean of the School of Magic to resolve the matter.

The dean also finds it difficult. Yan Luoer is Grand Master Yan's beloved daughter. She is usually a delicate young lady. Which one of the teachers at the Magic Academy is unwilling to teach her?However, this teacher Ouyang is unwilling to add more student quotas at all...

In the end, Yan Luoer got his wish and signed up. Chu Qianchen was also extremely depressed because a student voluntarily quit the pill class and gave up his position to Yan Luoer.

Miss Yan is the daughter of a powerful official, so what's so great about bribing a young student?
Yan Luo'er purposely sat beside Yu Yaoluo: "Yu Xian'er, if you have any knowledge about pills that you don't understand in the future, you can ask me."

Is she trying to get close to her?Three black lines slid down from the top of Yu Yaoluo's head.

After class, Yan Luoer surrounded Chu Qianchen and asked non-stop: "Teacher Ouyang, I heard that your elixir attainment is very high, even those elixir masters who teach the fifth and sixth levels can't compare, why do you only teach elixir?" What about the fourth-grade students?"

This is not only Yan Luoer's question, but also the question of many girls, but they dare not ask directly like Yan Luoer, and can only wait behind her for Chu Qianchen's answer.

Chu Qianchen was also very helpless: If he had known that the level of those alchemists was only so low, he should have taken it easy when he applied for the job!
"Which level of students I want to teach is my freedom." Chu Qianchen packed up the lesson plans and looked around, "If there is no problem, I will..."

"Wait a minute!" Yan Luoer would not let go of the opportunity, "I have a lot of questions to ask Teacher Ouyang!"

"Me too!" It is the teacher's duty to help students solve their problems!All the girls suddenly found a good opportunity to get close to Teacher Ouyang, and raised their hands one after another.

"I have a problem too!" The girls behind them all suddenly turned into studious babies, one or two scrambling to raise their hands.

Chu Qianchen twitched her brows, resisting the urge to press her temples, and suddenly pointed at Yu Yaoluo who was leisurely watching the play and said, "Report any questions you have to Yu Xian'er, and I will explain them in the next class! "

As an apprentice, you should share your master's worries, not just watch the show from the sidelines!Chu Qianchen reminded Yu Yaoluo with sharp eyes.

"Uh..." Yu Yaoluo understood immediately, "Everyone, come and report your problems!"

The girls couldn't get off the tiger, so they had to come over to Yu Yaoluo to talk about the problem.

After Yu Yaoluo recorded all their questions one by one, she suddenly had the urge to mourn for Chu Qianchen for three minutes.

Nima, this question is so simple that she can answer it!Are they really not?

Yu Yaoluo suddenly had another illusion: if she really sent these questions to Chu Qianchen, she would be scolded again...

"Yan Luoer, I still have some things, how about you help me send these questions to Teacher Ouyang?" Yu Yaoluo pushed the copy to Yan Luoer, trembling.

"Do you really want me to deliver it?" Yan Luo'er happily took the copy, and happily went to deliver it.

Uh... I hope the master won't be too strict with her, Yan Luoer is a delicate girl after all!Yu Yaoluo silently lit a piece of wax for Yan Luoer in her heart.

Sure enough, Yan Luo'er came back with red eyes, seeing the aggrieved look made Yu Yaoluo feel a sense of guilt.

"Teacher Ouyang, let me call you over..." Yan Luoer sat beside her listlessly, with a lonely expression.

Master, what cruel thing did you do to others? !Seeing Yan Luoer's appearance, Yu Yaoluo couldn't bear it.

Yu Yaoluo knocked lightly on the door outside Chu Qianchen's room, and then took a deep breath: "Teacher Ouyang, what do you want from me?"

Unexpectedly, Chu Qianchen came to her to tell her that he could prepare to go to the Qinglong Mountains, because he had already received the news that he would select a few outstanding students to go to the Qinglong Mountains for practice, and asked her to win the experience in the next best competition quota.

The one who knew the news earlier was the teacher, Yu Yaoluo nodded, and was about to leave, but she still couldn't hold back the curiosity in her heart: "Master, what did you say to Yan Luoer?"

People are so sad like that!Is it a little bit...

"Oh, I just said that the answers to these questions can be found in books. I will ask them one by one in class tomorrow. If you can't answer them, you will have to copy the book a hundred times!" Chu Qianchen touched her forehead. The little head satisfies her curiosity kindly, then smiles handsomely, "Are there any questions?"

"No, no more!" Yu Yaoluo broke into a cold sweat immediately: Once such words are uttered, who dares to have any questions? !

The master is indeed a black-bellied attribute, and has a cruel nature, the appraisal is complete!

Yu Yaoluo flew out of Chu Qianchen's room as if fleeing, she is also his student, and she seems to be watching a show by the side today, so if she is not sure, she will be picked for tomorrow's quiz, she must hurry back and read the book Just do it!

Back in the classroom, many students had already learned about tomorrow's quiz through Yan Luo'er, so an unprecedented spectacle appeared in the classroom, that is—the sound of reading books, endlessly...

Those who usually fish in troubled waters and sleep in class, suddenly became extremely nervous, and began to endorse as if facing a big enemy!endorsement!endorsement!
Yu Enchanting has black lines all over her head: Master, is it really okay for you to be so cruel?
 Two more!
(End of this chapter)

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