I'm a no-line summoner

Chapter 123 Are you going to die?

Chapter 123 Are you going to die?
Seeing this, Ling Ruitian quickly grabbed her magic bone staff: "Are you crazy? Click it!"

"You care about me!" Yu Yaoluo sent the magic bone staff forward, turned around and slammed into his sword blade!
Ling Ruitian was so frightened that he quickly withdrew his long sword, and Yu Yaoluo took the opportunity to swing the magic bone staff towards his face!
"You..." Ling Ruitian suddenly stretched out his palm and knocked her magic bone staff away, and then leaned forward, bound her two hands behind her with one hand, grabbed her shoulder with the other, and caught her under her feet. Her feet pressed down, firmly fixing Yu Yaoluo to the ground.

"Yuxian'er, do you want to die?" Although Ling Ruitian was determined to get the quota, he didn't want to hurt her, so he just firmly pressed her to the ground and waited for the time of ten breaths to pass.

"Let go of me! Let go of me quickly..." Yu Yaoluo struggled desperately, almost crying in anxiety, once the time for ten breaths is up, she will lose!
"..." Ling Ruitian was also helpless, and he couldn't bear it, but who made this guy work so hard? !

"Time is up! Ling Ruitian wins!" Jia Ye announced.

When Yu Yaoluo heard the news, she stopped struggling as if all the strength in her body had been taken away.

"Hey, Yuxian'er, are you alright?" Ling Ruitian thought it was because he was pressing too hard, so he quickly loosened the restraint on her.

Yu Yaoluo smiled wryly, slowly got up from the ring, and went down in a daze.

Ling Ruitian suddenly felt that what he did just now seemed to be bullying others, so there was no need to mention the aggrieved look.

He frowned, thinking that it would be better for him to go up and apologize.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you to the ground just now, who made you think desperately..." Ling Ruitian chased up and said awkwardly.

"It's okay, you did the right thing, I was too desperate." Yu Yaoluo smiled sadly, leaving Ling Ruitian scratching his head in place.

What is going on with this Yu Xianer? !

Turning the corner, Chu Qianchen pulled her over.

"Master, I'm sorry, I'm really useless..." Yu Yaoluo lowered her head and said in a daze.

"What's the hurry? Isn't there a resurrection match this afternoon?" Chu Qianchen held her red wrist distressedly. He was upset when he thought of the way Ling Ruitian pressed Yu Yaoluo to the ground just now, even though that kid was trying to avoid hurting her , but doing so is too...

"But if I lose even the rematch, I will completely lose the chance of getting the quota." Yu Yaoluo lowered her eyes sadly.

"What were you doing just now?! You actually used such a competition method in order to win?" After helping her apply the medicine, Chu Qianchen asked scoldingly, "If you continue to behave like this, even if you have won the spot to go to the Qinglong Mountain Range I don’t even have the energy to go!”

"But I..."

"Listen well, if you continue to work so hard, I won't recognize you as an apprentice." Chu Qianchen was worried that she would use the same trick again in the afternoon, so he had no choice but to give her an ultimatum. Not necessarily as kind as Ling Ruitian!

"Master, no, I..." Yu Yaoluo bit her lower lip, "I promise you."

She wanted to say that she was protected by a silkworm armor, but when she saw Chu Qianchen's eyes, she couldn't say anything.

In the afternoon rematch, the top five will compete for the last place first, and then the No. 1 will be the No. 6 among the five losers in the morning, that is, the fifth and No. [-] and the competition.

This is her last chance!Yu Yaoluo defeated the last contestant and got the chance to challenge No.5!

Yan Luo'er was originally the weaker of the top five, and now she was going to have a decisive battle with Yu Yaoluo.

Unexpectedly, she would really confront Yan Luoer today.Yu Yaoluo felt that the world is really impermanent. Yan Luoer must have found many players yesterday and said the same thing, right?But no one should agree to her.

Hmph, don't think that you have dual types of mines, I can't do anything about you!Yan Luo'er squeezed the Huoyuan fruit in her hand, hesitated for a moment, and ate it anyway.

After all, she is also a sixth-level fire element, and with the addition of Huo Yuanguo, she can be promoted to eighth level in a short time!

After Yu Yaoluo played against Yan Luoer, she soon realized that something was wrong with Yan Luoer. She should be at the sixth level of the fire element, but why is the fire element so fierce?
"Little enchanting, you have to be careful!" Luo Yan quickly reminded her in the seal pattern, "She ate the fire element fruit, and now the magic power of the fire system has increased greatly, she should want to fight quickly, you just need to hold her back That's fine, if it doesn't work, just use the formula I taught you to absorb her magic power, even if it means exposing you as a fire magician, it doesn't matter, you know?"

Yu Yaoluo knew that this was Luo Yan's last resort, but things haven't reached that point yet, have they?

"Look at the trick! Fire Dance Dragon Snake!" Mixed with fierce flames, a fire dragon soared into the sky, attacking Yu Yaoluo with an overwhelming posture.

She quickly used the water mine magic element to resist: "Water dancing thunderstorm!"

A purple magic ball and a blue magic ring spun to resist the attack of the Fire Dance Dragon Snake. Yu Yaoluo knew that her Water Dance Thunderstorm could not withstand Yan Luoer's magic attack, and she just wanted to win the chance to dodge for herself. It's just time.

Damn, why didn't those powders work? !Yan Luoer panicked for no reason. The effective time of those medicine powders varies from person to person, and the effect also varies from person to person, so it is not easy to find her.

Suddenly, Yu Yaoluo felt itchy in her hands, and she could hardly hold the magic bone stick. She was extremely surprised, opened her sleeves and saw some small red rashes began to spread on her hands, the speed was not fast, but the kind It's getting itchy!

Yu Yaoluo raised her eyes to look at Yan Luo'er, and seeing her expression of success, she couldn't help feeling angry: Damn, now she's going to make a quick decision!
She put her mind to one side, even if she used a fire-type spell to deal with Yan Luo'er, it would be fine!In order to get the quota, everyone sacrificed all kinds of magic weapons, even if she can use the fire spell, it's not surprising!

After making up her mind, Yu Yaoluo intentionally lured Yan Luoer to make a move, and then chanted a spell to absorb her fire element coefficient into the bone stick.

"How is it possible?! You are clearly not a fire magician!" Yan Luoer said in surprise.

"Hmph, you can even use the ghost domain technique, why can't I?" Yu Yaoluo showed a bloodthirsty and terrifying smile, which made Yan Luoer tremble with fear.

Yu Yaoluo recited the magic spell, returning the magic coefficient of the fire system to Yan Luoer, and then added her lightning attack!
Yan Luoer narrowly dodged her own magic attack, but she couldn't dodge the lightning attack. With a scream, she took a few steps back and fell to the ground.

Yu Yaoluo was also exhausted at this time, panting heavily while leaning on the magic bone staff.

As soon as the ten breath time passed, Jia Ye Guoshi announced: "The time is up, Yu Xianer wins!"

She staggered and ran off the ring: the rash on her hands must be resolved quickly!

 Don't vote for recommendation just because the work is on the shelf, so I will think that I wrote it myself...


(End of this chapter)

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